I was raised strict Catholic. The Catholic religion was my family’s life. When I was 24 yrs old, my mom got cancer and when it was obvious that she would not recover from it, my dad called the priest to give her last rites. For some reason, the priest did not come, so my dad called again, by this time my mom was dying fast, and she did not have the strength to speak. The priest said that we should have called him sooner. The priest left without hearing my mom’s last confession. It was the only time I ever saw my dad cry. I asked my dad why he was crying, he said because it was his fault. I said your fault about what, he said his fault that mom might not get to go to heaven to be with Jesus. I yelled out, “But we are Catholics!" You see, if a Catholic has committed a certain sin and does not confess to a priest for it before he or she dies, then there is no forgiveness for that sin.
I went in my room that night, and I told God that I did not want some religion’s truth, that I wanted His Truth, and that I would search for His Truth until I found it.