ECT Why shouldn't I convert from Evangelical Protestant to Catholic?


let's see who's more obsessed with homos:

it's full of homos

So, since you know who is a homo, and where they all are, can we assume you are a homo tracker? Or a homo follower? Or a homo seeker? Or a homo in a closet? Because you are the most homo obsessed man I've met in a while.

boy, mention homos and they pop out of the woodork :chuckle:

Funny that you are obsessed with homos and you speak of things popping out of wood and dorks...

Freud would definitely support my side of the table more on this one.

And, you still haven't answered.



Straw Man Fallacy (Ex. 20:16; Prov. 19:5).

Those verses don't have anything to do with disproving idol worship. Please show me a verse (NOT a link or a Post #) that says that you can bow down to statues. Oh and again. The brass serpent story does not count. Nobody bowed to the statue and prayed to it thinking there was a deity behind it. In fact, later the Scriptures say that this brass serpent was falsely worshiped.


Really? Please provide evidence of this claim.
Secondly, if someone was to take a notebook and pen out and create two columns as you say, one column would say 'What I think about the Catholic Church based on someone else's opinion and not my own research' ....and the other would say...

'What do I do about the inconvienient fact the Catholic Church is where you originally got the canon of scripture from?'

Nobody who actually knows their Bible and is honest with themselves will say that they see the practices of the RCC within the Bible. For you will not find God's people praying to the dead, or in bowing down to statues. You will not find holy men who desire for their rings to be kissed in the New Testament. You will not find holy rich men acting as overseers over crowds of people making themselves appear more important than them. You will not find priests whereby men confess their sins to them in the New Testament. You will not find the practice of the Eucharist in the New Testament. For there is no passage that says that the substance in the cup is supposed to magically change. It's all a pack of lies that you won't find in the Bible.


New member
Those verses don't have anything to do with disproving idol worship.
Which verses? Ex. 20:16 and Prov. 19:5? I posted them in reference to the blatant Straw Man Fallacy you posted. They apply to you, friend.

Please show me a verse (NOT a link or a Post #)...
So, then, Jason not only wants to ask the questions, but he also wants to determine how they must be answered as well (wherein he merely begs the question in favor of the self-refuting notion of sola scriptura). Nice try. In any case, the sources I have provided on this topic cite and discuss scores of biblical texts which underlie the Catholic position. Jason has already been sufficiently answered on this point. He simply does not happen to like the answers because they contradict the opinions that he has derived from his chosen man-made non-Catholic sect.

Gaudium de veritate,



Well-known member
IF you are going to convert, do so. There is nothing anyone can do to stop you unless this be a call to be stopped.

Thanks for your NON deeply researched, persuasive and rigorous debate, not to mention absolute defence of the protestant faith. As a current protestant your indepth justification to 'not stay' a protestant has been noted.

Rich has me on iggy and I've left this thread but...

This is just an /end thread moment so I was surprised it is still going.


(Are you getting bad coaching in thread from somebody or did you just start inept, or insincere, Rich?)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The anti-intellectual preconceived sectarian biased anti-Catholic rhetoric I have encountered in just the first couple of hours of this thread intetests me.
Why? You have an Evangelical background, so it can't be that new to you.

I was just wondering if anyone had a reasonable argument why I shouldn't join the Catholic Church, but I haven't discovered one based on fact yet.
Reasonable often ends up looking a lot like beauty. The only real question is why you have a sufficient reservation to lead you to ask strangers to talk you out of your decision, which is what this amounts to if it's a sincere inquiry.

If it isn't a sincere inquiry then any church couldn't hurt, so long as it isn't the one that led you to believe a less than honest challenge formed as an inquiry was the way to go about actually challenging others.

In any event, good luck on your journey. :e4e:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The only real question is why you have a sufficient reservation to lead you to ask strangers to talk you out of your decision, which is what this amounts to if it's a sincere inquiry.

that is not reasonable
you have no reason to believe he has a sufficient reservation
you have no reason to believe this is not a sincere inquiry
this is just another one of your clever insinuations

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The anti-intellectual preconceived sectarian biased anti-Catholic rhetoric I have encountered in just the first couple of hours of this thread intetests me..........

Welcome to our world brother, welcome to our world.

Just take it as a sign that you are in the right place. When the media is against you, when the culture is against you, when fake Christians who spew out venom are against you.... ....when all are against you, you know you are in the right place. Satan knows his true enemy.


Welcome to our world brother, welcome to our world.

Just take it as a sign that you are in the right place. When the media is against you, when the culture is against you, when fake Christians who spew out venom are against you.... ....when all are against you, you know you are in the right place. Satan knows his true enemy.

Thank you. It does seem to be that if grounds based on FACT instead of preconceived ideas cannot be given for not joining the Catholic Church, then an attack on why I asked the question in the first place is the only place left to debate.

So, the reasons given for not joining the Catholic Church are because Bishops wear purple, they use a golden cup...and I shouldn't ask the question anyway.

Silly me. I thought there would have been some substance and deep theological debate. ..this is called TheologyOnline afterall.

Had a personal tour of the Cathedral yesterday and an indepth chat with the priest. He understood the internal struggle I had been going through to get to this point. He answered the many questions I had with biblical truth and tradition. I personally felt he was extremely spiritual and walking a close path with God.

This Sunday I will be going to a mass for the first time in my life.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
that is not reasonable
you have no reason to believe he has a sufficient reservation
I in fact do. When someone essentially asks why they shouldn't do a thing then they're resisting the change on some level. The only real question for them is why.

you have no reason to believe this is not a sincere inquiry
I didn't say it was an insincere inquiry. I said that was the alternative and IF/THEN.

this is just another one of your clever insinuations
You're confusing my practice with your own. It isn't. And it's a particularly peculiar bid given my record here in not being someone who attacks your church.


Thank you. It does seem to be that if grounds based on FACT instead of preconceived ideas cannot be given for not joining the Catholic Church, then an attack on why I asked the question in the first place is the only place left to debate.

So, the reasons given for not joining the Catholic Church are because Bishops wear purple, they use a golden cup...and I shouldn't ask the question anyway.

Silly me. I thought there would have been some substance and deep theological debate. ..this is called TheologyOnline afterall.

Had a personal tour of the Cathedral yesterday and an indepth chat with the priest. He understood the internal struggle I had been going through to get to this point. He answered the many questions I had with biblical truth and tradition. I personally felt he was extremely spiritual and walking a close path with God.

You do not tend to listen very well. I never said those things in relation to Mystery Babylon were individually sufficient evidence in and of themselves alone. You have to look at all of them (or all of the evidence). For in Bible prophecy, you look at a pattern of evidences. You do not look at just one. Furthermore, do you worship statues? I never got an answer from you on this one before. Would you like to? Well, that is what is available for you if you do join the RCC.

This Sunday I will be going to a mass for the first time in my life.

I have attended Catholic service before. Prepared to be bored out of your mind with it's mystical pagan practices and dry ramblings. Most Catholic churches are not like Protestant churches where they praise God in a joyful spirit and provide insightful readings with the Word of God and where you can receive prayer and brotherly fellowship. The Spirit is obviously different between the two. One is a spirit of confusion, dryness, and boredom. The other is a Spirit of understanding, joy, and love.

Side Note:

Personally, you speak and act as if you are Catholic and convinced in your own mind already. So there really was no reason for you to post this thread to seek out a differing opinion. Again, I would like for you to show me where in the Bible you see the pagan practices done by the apostles in the New Testament. Surely if the RCC is true, then these practices would be clearly seen by Peter, James, and Paul, etc. within the Scriptures. Do you care about what the Bible says?


You do not tend to listen very well. I never said any of those things in relation to Mystery Babylon were in and of themselves alone reason. You have to look at all of them. For in Bible prophecy, you look at a pattern of evidences. You do not look at just one. Furthermore, do you worship statues? Would you like to? Well, that is what is available for you if you do join the RCC.

You strung together some haphazard half truths and came up with a ridiculous theory about the Catholic Church being the whore of Babylon. Researching the facts would show you otherwise. The counter argument has already been provided. Reread the thread.

Worshipping statues? YOUR accusations built on air have already been refuted earlier in the thread. Stop repeating yourself, it's virtual amnesia.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
....Had a personal tour of the Cathedral yesterday and an indepth chat with the priest. He understood the internal struggle I had been going through to get to this point.
Still not sure why it's a struggle for you. I've been to any number of churches and never felt particularly uncomfortable in any of them, disagreement on a point of dogma notwithstanding.

They're Christ's houses aren't they? Where that's the case what's to be uncomfortable with? Is it just a matter of struggling against ingrained traditions of your former means of approach?

He answered the many questions I had with biblical truth and tradition. I personally felt he was extremely spiritual and walking a close path with God.
Have you read Brother Lawrence?

This Sunday I will be going to a mass for the first time in my life.
I hope it enlivens you. :e4e: