Why Isn't Robert Mueller Investigating the Seth Rich Murder?


New member
New development in this case:

A lawsuit has been filed. By Seth Rich's parents. Against Fox "News" for letting Hannity spew baseless conspiracy theories about their son's death.

Imagine having your son murdered. That would be bad enough. And then imagine that one of the most popular "news" networks decides to make up nonsense about the case for a political purpose to smear that son's colleagues.

This is at least the second lawsuit about this case, and it should tell you everything you need to know about what kind of "news" organization Fox is. But some people are so convinced that Hillary Clinton is a murderer that the truth doesn't matter, she's guilty on first sight.



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We know the Russians stole them. That's not just some assumption chosen for convenience. There was evidence left behind on the servers of the DNC. It was investigated by the FBI and SecureWorks,
The FBI never examined the servers;

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/10/james-comey-dnc-denied-fbi-direct-access-servers-d/ said:
James Comey: DNC denied FBI direct access to servers during Russia hacking probe

The Barbarian

We know the Russians stole them. That's not just some assumption chosen for convenience. There was evidence left behind on the servers of the DNC. It was investigated by the FBI and SecureWorks, and that was before anyone was talking about Russia's subversion of our election.

And there you go again, muddying the issue with facts. :madmad:

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Greatest poster ever
We know the Russians stole them. That's not just some assumption chosen for convenience. There was evidence left behind on the servers of the DNC. It was investigated by the FBI and SecureWorks, and that was before anyone was talking about Russia's subversion of our election.

The whole Russian thing is just a diversion for Hillary Clinton's sake, in my opinion. The election was Hillary's race to lose, and she lost it--thanks to her corrupt actions re Bernie Sanders, among other things. She, and she alone, is to blame for losing the election to Trump. "Russian hacking" is Hillary's cover story.

I'm not saying that there was no effort on Putin's part to sway the election. What I am saying is that any efforts made by Russia to affect the outcome of the election are minuscule in comparison to Clinton's own misdeeds and fumbles during the campaign.


New member
The whole Russian thing is just a diversion for Hillary Clinton's sake, in my opinion. The election was Hillary's race to lose, and she lost it--thanks to her corrupt actions re Bernie Sanders, among other things. She, and she alone, is to blame for losing the election to Trump. "Russian hacking" is Hillary's cover story.

I'm not saying that there was no effort on Putin's part to sway the election. What I am saying is that any efforts made by Russia to affect the outcome of the election are minuscule in comparison to Clinton's own misdeeds and fumbles during the campaign.

That's not even what we're talking about here. And it's not true. This thread is about the Seth Rich conspiracy theory spun by Fox News to play upon the carefully inculcated hatred of Hillary Clinton.
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The Barbarian

Why Isn't Robert Mueller Investigating the Seth Rich Murder?

For the same reason he's not investigating the pedophile dungeon below a Washington pizzaria.
For the same reason he's not investigating how bigfoot was colluding with San Marino to throw the election to Roy Moore.
For the same reason he's not investigating the moon landing hoax.



Why Isn't Robert Mueller Investigating the Seth Rich Murder?

As mentioned in post 21, Seth Rich's parents are suing FOXNEWS for linking repeatedly linking the tragic death of their son with some right-wing conspiracy theory.

They feel that in death, their son is being victimized once again, this time by the conservative media to promote their own agenda!

If their child had been part of a political assassination, any parent would want the killer to be apprehended and convicted, but to watch the death of their son being repeatedly twisted into a sinister plot to smear one's political enemies was dishonouring his memory!



New member
FOXNEWS will quietly settle with a nondisclosure agreement.

I kinda think the parents will push for an injunction and damages. As they should. The problem is, an emotional harm case is pretty hard to prove, especially against a supposed news outlet, but Fox's behavior has been absolutely inexcusable.


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Hall of Fame

Guccifer 2.0 was a Russian GRU officer. We know that with a very high degree of certainty, unless Seth Rich decided to connect to the Internet from a Moscow GRU office.

Rex, that article from The Hill you posted cites an article from the Daily Beast as it's source; https://www.thedailybeast.com/exclu...evealed-he-was-a-russian-intelligence-officer And that Daily Beast article cites Crowd Strike as it's source;https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/.
So once again, the FBI still hasn't examined the servers.

The Barbarian

Guccifer 2.0 sprang into existence on June 15, 2016, hours after a report by a computer security firm forensically tied Russia to an intrusion at the Democratic National Committee. In a series of blog posts and tweets over the following seven months—conspicuously ending right as Trump took office and not resuming—the Guccifer persona published a smattering of the DNC documents while gamely projecting an image as an independent Romanian hacktivist who’d breached the DNC on a lark. As Stone’s Breitbart piece demonstrated, Guccifer provided Moscow with a counter-narrative for the election interference.

Guccifer famously pretended to be a “lone hacker” who perpetrated the digital DNC break-in. From the outset, few believed it. Motherboard conducted a devastating interview with Guccifer that exploded the account’s claims of being a native Romanian speaker. Based on forensic clues in some of Guccifer’s leaks, and other evidence, a consensus quickly formed among security experts that Guccifer was completely notional.

“Almost immediately various cyber security companies and individuals were skeptical of Guccifer 2.0 and the backstory that he had generated for himself,” said Kyle Ehmke, an intelligence researcher at the cyber security firm ThreatConnect. “We started seeing these inconsistencies that led back to the idea that he was created hastily… by the individual or individuals that affected the DNC compromise.”

Proving that link definitively was harder. Ehmke led an investigation at ThreatConnect that tried to track down Guccifer from the metadata in his emails. But the trail always ended at the same data center in France. Ehmke eventually uncovered that Guccifer was connecting through an anonymizing service called Elite VPN, a virtual private networking service that had an exit point in France but was headquartered in Russia.

But on one occasion, The Daily Beast has learned, Guccifer failed to activate the VPN client before logging on. As a result, he left a real, Moscow-based Internet Protocol address in the server logs of an American social media company, according to a source familiar with the government’s Guccifer investigation. Twitter and WordPress were Guccifer 2.0’s favored outlets. Neither company would comment for this story, and Guccifer did not respond to a direct message on Twitter.

Working off the IP address, U.S. investigators identified Guccifer 2.0 as a particular GRU officer working out of the agency’s headquarters on Grizodubovoy Street in Moscow. (The Daily Beast’s sources did not disclose which particular officer worked as Guccifer.)



New member
Rex, that article from The Hill you posted cites an article from the Daily Beast as it's source; https://www.thedailybeast.com/exclu...evealed-he-was-a-russian-intelligence-officer And that Daily Beast article cites Crowd Strike as it's source;https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/.
So once again, the FBI still hasn't examined the servers.

You read the source for the Hill's reporting, but you didn't read the salient information in either one.

"But on one occasion, The Daily Beast has learned, Guccifer failed to activate the VPN client before logging on. As a result, he left a real, Moscow-based Internet Protocol address in the server logs of an American social media company, according to a source familiar with the government’s Guccifer investigation."

So, because the persona of Guccifer 2.0 connected to social media (either Twitter or WordPress, probably) without turning on their VPN, we can be confident that the Guccifer 2.0 persona, who Roger Stone admitted to being in contact with, and who claimed to be WikiLeaks' source, was a Russian located at the GRU. And that determination has nothing to do with the DNC servers. That's just based on his interactions with social media and WikiLeaks.

So, unless you can tell me how Seth Rich was once using a computer in Moscow, that theory should be finally, totally debunked.

Incidentally, we already also know that Sean Hannity is in direct contact with Julian Assange. So this whole Seth Rich disinformation campaign is really just down to a couple of well-placed people, to include Guccifer 2.0, Sean Hannity, and Julian Assange.