I really should get my glasses checked
You need more than your eyes checked.
I really should get my glasses checked
Cheap shot but, if that is the best you got....
You are so ready to accept this nonsense liberal narrative that Putin was behind the DNC hacking when neither you, the FBI, or the CIA have any definitive proof to that assertion. aCW, if all you got at the end of the day is a liberal talking point, and the same evidence they have that Russia "is" or "can be" the only possible culprit in this DNC hack job, which is absolutely nothing but supposition, than you run with it. I am sitting back laughing at you & the hypocrite Obama while you both pontificate for the sake of pontificating. If Obama was concerned about foreign agents hacking our government offices & private business' he would have been taking steps to stop it long before now.
The hypocrisy & outright ineptness of the Obama administration is on full display for all to see as we near inauguration day of a new presidency but, that does not stop Obama or his gang of thugs in the media from attempting a full court press to delegitimize our incoming president. I cannot point fingers at Obama or his surrogates for the attempt, after all it was Trump that ran with the Clinton led birther narrative in 2008 to delegitimize Obama but, that is not the discussion, politicians & media will be politicians & media after all. What is more notable is the current narrative on hacking/cyber security and how only now is it a 911 problem.
Numerous government & private business have been dealing with this threat since Obama took office in 2008 but, the attacks on our government have been massive since 2014 with 13 government offices hacked most notably the Office of Personnel management where over 22 million Americans who are currently or former workers in the intelligence community had their personal information compromised and that happened twice in June of 2015, all of these attacks happened on his watch and should have sounded a 911 alarm then, sadly it was not given the proper attention it deserved because it continues to be quite prevalent now. To sum it up Obama shows how absolutely inept he is on the subject of hacking because his administration has been out to lunch in dealing with the problem or the foreign agents that are engaged in it and the hypocrisy shows it's head with the current hysteria over a problem he knows full well exists and only gets motivated on it when the DNC gets trashed by wikileaks...it is laughable.
Clinton didn't lead the Birther movement. And Obama has been trying to reassure the public, and in a way normalize Trump, not undermine him. But Trump is not normal. He's self-delegitimizing.
It's a very hard problem, dealing with IT security in all of the federal government. The different agencies and departments are extremely decentralized, set their own policies, draw on different legal mandates, and are subject to legal processes set by Congress.
And there is no panacea.
The biggest weakness in any of these environments is the human element, and there are tons of humans in government, each with different levels of access. The President can't unilaterally just fix it, although it does need to be improved, especially where one government agency does things that impact wide swathes of the government.
The OPM hack is a good example of that. They had records on essentially all federal employees, that were compromised all at once. But it's worth noting that there have been actions taken to improve the security of all government IT resources lead by OPM, the NSA, the Department of Justice, and the White House.
These efforts don't ever make the news unless they fail. And it is virtually certain that they will fail again. But it isn't hypocritical to expect that other nations won't attack us just because of this inevitable failure to perfect.
You would be quite wrong, the entire birther notion and attempt to paint Obama as "unAmerican" was brought to the forefront during Clinton's'08 bid for president. I know the only place you get your news is from the the liberal hack site politifact but, there are numerous sources that prove otherwise. This link will give you 7 separate sources that prove your assertion is bunk.
What a cop out...This president has been completely out to lunch on the entire issue. Things like cyber security, national security, heck, border security for that matter are all ongoing efforts all of which are secondary issues for this man, and if they were important to him where was even one piece of legislation that he has led the effort to stem the tide of hacking of American government & private industries? The problem with Obama is that he is an ideologue not a leader.
Which goes directly back to the former point of leadership or lack thereof in Obama's case on a systemic problem which has been growing the entire time that he has been in office. If it takes congressional action as you say, why has he not even broached the subject much less led the charge for the legislature to take action to stem the tide? I'll tell you why, Obama is not a leader...
The IRS hack also compromised average americans, what was troubling about the OPM hack is that it compromised those that hold government security clearances. You say actions have been taken, what are they?
Has money been allocated to attack this problem in any meaningful way? Has the full government been put into action a plan, legislation, an executive order, actions against the foreign or domestic agents they believe are doing the hacking...anything? Haven't seen that as of yet... doing what they have done all along really cannot be described as even a concerted effort.
It is hypocritical to cry foul when you knew about the problem all along but, only politicize it when it hits you personally though. It takes more than political pontification to fix a problem than pointing fingers when it finally comes to roost in your own barn. I cannot wait for this man to exit stage left, he has been an epic disaster on too many fronts to name.
bammy could have put it to rest at any time by merely requesting the Hawaii records office release the original birth certificate
as he did, finally
Let me ask this. What are the differences between NSA hacking and Russia hacking?????