Why is Calvinism a Cult? by Angelfire

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Actually, if you'll isolate it's descriptions of cult-like behavior; attitudes; etc., into generic specifics, you'll find that you end up with a rather perfect, generic template-like model that all cult-like individuals, their general, accross the board beliefs, attitudes mode of perception, one-sided, our way or the highway behaviour, and so on, perfectly fit the model of.

And you'll find way more cult-like individuals on here, than merely the Calvinist.

Note how hostile and one sided many are towards anyone who does not meet or agree with them and or their cult-like clique.

It's a fascinating revelation about them.

As with any addict, to attempt to point out their duplicity to them is to set off their cult-like hostility.

The truth against such merely causing them to wax worse and worse, as a result.

Human beings are one endlessly facinating species...

They are so closed minded. They have a mind set that is almost impossible to break through.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
:doh: "Rather than attacking what you don't believe, share scripture!!!!" Again, Robert. Love God!~ Do your devotions. Share scripture. The rest of this drivel is meaningless. Simply use scripture to make a point. Allow others to check your work. Your out-of-balance Crusade against Calvinism reveals a LOT more about you than it does any Calvinist. It reveals a shallow and pithy man, imho. You have no depth of spirituality...just "I hate Calvinism" again for the 100th or 1000th time. You start one every couple of days or week, Robert. it says you are shallow and immature and without Spiritual depth as far as I've ever seen the same. Do something with your life. Seriously. Spend at least 5 threads sharing scripture as you understand it and try to realize there are other groups besides Calvinists that disagree with you, especially on TOL. Ask God what He wants you to do and post about today. When I've taught cult classes, I spend 3 weeks just talking about scriptural essentials. The BEST way to see problems in doctrine is to know truth.

I know and have the truth.

The truth is that all who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior are lost. I am not here to just oppose Calvinism, I am here to oppose any and all religions that pervert the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. Why are you not opposing these Gospel perverters? It is better to stand for something, than to stand for nothing.


New member
The truth is that all who do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior are lost.

Lost? Lost from what? Why don't you give God a little credit for having common sense?

Jesus said he was sent to save the world, not condemn the world. At this point the vast majority of people past and present know little or nothing about Jesus Christ or the Father's salvation. They, like you, are simply not aware of the world to come.

This is not God's first rodeo, he knows what he is doing.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Lost? Lost from what? Why don't you give God a little credit for having common sense?

Jesus said he was sent to save the world, not condemn the world. At this point the vast majority of people past and present know little or nothing about Jesus Christ or the Father's salvation. They, like you, are simply not aware of the world to come.

This is not God's first rodeo, he knows what he is doing.

Unless you embrace Christ and his Gospel as the only means of your salvation, you will never see heaven.