As long as you are talking about non-Judaic NHNE, it is fine to refer to a coming kingdom of bliss on (that) earth.
Yep, LA, IP and GT with that anti-Israel spirit...opposing the certain promises of GOD.
As long as you are talking about non-Judaic NHNE, it is fine to refer to a coming kingdom of bliss on (that) earth.
Towers stood after 70. Preterism loses. Nothing more needs said.
Yep, LA, IP and GT with that anti-Israel spirit...opposing the certain promises of GOD.
Yep, LA, IP and GT with that anti-Israel spirit...opposing the certain promises of GOD.
How does that answer Lk 23's babes, which ties the whole message together from 1 to 13 to 19 to 21 into a timeframe that cannot be broken?
Just work on the segue from Mt23 to Mt24A. They are in shock. They are like children in their Judaism who can't believe what they just heard.
Yes, while those are crucial codiciles, the inverse can certainly be applied to Amos 9C, while still holding to the rumination effect of the gospel as a permeative doctrine. Agreed?
It takes concentration, but do you know what a segue is?
I believe a segue is a modern mode of transportation for the lazy, but I will agree that they do require concentration because the potential for accidents and broken bones, severed ligaments, strained muscular groups, is extremely high. So I would suggest proceeding with caution. Agreed?
The desolation at the end of ch 23 stirs the questions that start ch 24. I would call them questions of denial and shock; they all indicate they are not ready for his answers.
Hi and turn to Gen 15:18 , Israel will occuply the Land from the RIVER of Egypt to the Great River EUPHRATES and this is Prophecy yet to be FULFILLED !!
So the disciples were not out of line in asking when the Kingdom would br RESTORED , Acts 1:6
Show where a future restoration of Israel in its land is the answer that soothes a hostile interaction between Christian and Judaism. It never happens because it is not what the apostles believed.
Acts 1
6 Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, “Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?”