Why I'm not Calvinist


New member
I speak for myself but probably for all open theists that I know of: we do not believe or teach that man achieves or deserves his own salvation. Our salvation comes from Christ alone and is the gift of God.

The many who falsely accuse us are just inventing falsehoods to smear the good name of open theists and should shut up.

Believing salvation comes from Messiah alone and is a gift from Elohim is very different from having received that salvation.

I would suggest, that post Calvary, even Satan and his hoards knew and believed the same thing as does B57 and his puppet.


Well-known member
I speak for myself but probably for all open theists that I know of: we do not believe or teach that man achieves or deserves his own salvation. Our salvation comes from Christ alone and is the gift of God.

The many who falsely accuse us are just inventing falsehoods to smear the good name of open theists and should shut up.

Most religions claim that they believe that Salvation is from Christ and something that they did not earn, but nevertheless they believe they had to do something to receive it ! Don't you believe that ?


Well-known member
You are in unbelief , and most likely condemned !

I ain't dead yet. I could be an elected one who God just hasn't gotten around to regenerating yet. Who are you to judge? You don't even know if you are elect. You could be a reprobate who just hasn't found out yet.


Well-known member
I ain't dead yet. I could be an elected one who God just hasn't gotten around to regenerating yet. Who are you to judge? You don't even know if you are elect. You could be a reprobate who just hasn't found out yet.

You dead spiritually to God, that is why you don't believe the Gospel, which is The Truths of Tulip !


Well-known member
For a person to say, why I am not a Calvinist, may as well say, why I am not a believer in Christ, since Tulip Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace !

That's exactly what it comes down to.

Calvinism, the Truths of Tulip, is the Gospel of God's Grace in Christ, found directly in the scriptures.



Well-known member
That's exactly what it comes down to.

Calvinism, the Truths of Tulip, is the Gospel of God's Grace in Christ, found directly in the scriptures.


Amen, it kills me to see how many ignore that the Truths of Tulip are scriptural !


Well-known member
I ain't dead yet. I could be an elected one who God just hasn't gotten around to regenerating yet. Who are you to judge? You don't even know if you are elect. You could be a reprobate who just hasn't found out yet.

That is why I said you are most likely condemned and of the non elect !


Well-known member
Amen, it kills me to see how many ignore that the Truths of Tulip are scriptural !

They do! Frankly, most here don't believe the bible as a whole anyway, and they hate the scriptures that speak of
Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Preservation of the Saints.
I see it all the time on this forum.



Well-known member
They do! Frankly, most here don't believe the bible as a whole anyway, and they hate the scriptures that speak of
Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Preservation of the Saints.
I see it all the time on this forum.


Yeah you are right ! God has sent them a strong delusion to believe a lie and not to believe the truth !


Brightraven says Calvinism is a system and Brightraven is one of the good guys I've been warned. So now we know that the author of this thread is not a system

Good analysis brighty tighty


Well-known member
Yeah you are right ! God has sent them a strong delusion to believe a lie and not to believe the truth !

Yes, God is the Cause of them believing a lie which leads to their condemnation,
and all according to His Perfect Will 2 Thes. 2:11-12; Prov. 16:4!


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Anyone who has to believe in a theological system lacks the trust that is provided for salvation. They have rested in the arm of the flesh.

Notice how the accursed never quote scripture when they say things like this.


New member
For a person to say, why I am not a Calvinist, may as well say, why I am not a believer in Christ, since Tulip Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace !

No, I am a believer in Christ, but according to Calvinism, all that really matters is that God has "chosen" me. I'm sorry, but there's something wrong with that to me. For instance, Beloved, how do you know God has chosen you? Have you received some vision or dream from God or something? Because I believe in Christ, but it wasn't through a vision or a discernible miracle unless you consider that I heard the gospel message, was convicted, and received. So, Beloved, how do YOU know God has chosen you?