Nope. I win when someone shows how something I believe cannot be true.
They don't care how they do it, they just care that they do.
Nope, if I don't win, life goes on.
It doesn't bother them that Russia helped Trump win the election.
It wouldn't bother me, even if it was true:
1. I've spent a grand total of about six hours in the US. Your airports are bizarre.
2. Democracy is for pansies. Real men take charge of their own lives; they don't join a mob and demand that other people run everyone's lives for them.
3. The most Russia did was disseminate stolen e-mails, affect lobbying or run a few ads. There was no "hacking of the election." No voting machines or ballot counts were affected. This plays into point 2: If the US electorate chose Donaldtrump over whoever his opponent was because of Russia, it deserves what it got, because it obviously has no discernment, standards or backbone.
The real issue is: This is a discussion forum. You get to present your ideas — within the rules — and if you're lucky, someone will engage rationally. There is no possibility of a rational, on-topic discussion arising over OP, because it was perceptions presented as if it were fact.
And do we need to remind you what your first contribution to this thread was?
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