Gay people are NOT a threat to America, or to any country anywhere . Homophobic bigots are a threat to gay people . Therefore, we cannot and must not allow the U.S. government to
support, promote and foster homophobic bigotry .
The overwhelming majority of gays are NOT pedophiles, and the overwhelming majority of pedophiles are HETEROSEXUAL . Gays do not "recruit" young people into homosexuality because homosexuality has been scientifically proven to be inborn and not a "choice ". Homosexuality is not contagious .
To criminalize consensual sex between adults ,whether homo or heterosexual, is barbaric .
The government, the law, the courts and the police have absolutely no business prying into people'
s bedrooms .
Conditions like this exist in middle eastern countries which are currently Islamic theocracies ,and America cannot and must not become like these benighted nations . Gay people are routinely executed with barbaric cruelty there , and the government literally IS in people's bedrooms .
Using the Bible as an excuse to advocate criminalizing homosexuality is not only barbaric but idiotic . The Old Testament supposedly condemns homosexuality and calls for gay people to be executed, but it also calls for people who work on the Sabbath to be executed , and calls eating pork and shellfish an "abomination", among other things .
The Old Testament was written thousands of years ago, when mankind was ruled by total ignorance and blind superstition . This is the 21st century , the digital age, not the bronze age .
If you are opposed to gay rights, well that is too bad . Deal with it and get over it !