Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 7


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
(1) The Church flees perversion, she doesn't just avoid perversion, she runs away from it.

(2) ΠΟΡΝography MUST Be Recriminalized.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
(1) The Church flees perversion, she doesn't just avoid perversion, she runs away from it.
What is more perverse than murdering the unborn child?

And yet the church still gives communion to Joe Biden, supporter of murdering the unborn child.

You must be using a different definition of "flee"


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Okay, so why should homosexuality be recriminalized then?
That's what this thread's all about.
What is more perverse than murdering the unborn child?

And yet the church still gives communion to Joe Biden, supporter of murdering the unborn child.
The bishops are basically libertines. Unless the Apostles specifically taught otherwise, the bishops leave you alone. There's almost no exceptions to this libertine tendency, if the Apostles didn't specifically mention anything about it, then they leave you alone, because the Apostles left us alone, and because Jesus left us alone.

There's only a scant few exceptions to this basic rule. And in those cases it is clearly where the bishops believe that the Apostles basically did teach against something, even though they didn't verbatim do that.

But that is not homosexuality, the Apostles taught specifically against homosexuality.

But the Apostles didn't teach specifically, that a president of a liberal republic (rule of law, separation of powers, constitution, civilian control of military, recognition of human rights), can't hold President Biden's political position on abortion, and also be ritually pure (he can partake of Holy Communion).

The bishops are clearly not all in uniform agreement that what the Apostles did teach is basically your view on this matter. If they all agreed with your take, then they would all teach that, but as I said, they are basically libertines. They hold unbending to things like male clergy and that homosexuality constitutes perversion (Greek ΠΟΡΝ).
You must be using a different definition of "flee"
I'm using a different definition of perversion.
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Right Divider

Body part
Okay, so why should homosexuality be recriminalized then?
Leviticus 18:22-25 KJV
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. [23] Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. [24] Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: [25] And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit h the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Leviticus 18:22-25 KJV
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. [23] Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. [24] Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: [25] And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit h the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.
That didn't answer my question. There's a separation of church and state and one verse from the OT doesn't justify what some propose on here. Some people are gay, it's as simple as that. Nobody else's business if they have relationships.

Right Divider

Body part
That didn't answer my question. There's a separation of church and state and one verse from the OT doesn't justify what some propose on here. Some people are gay, it's as simple as that. Nobody else's business if they have relationships.
Yes, it does answer your question. Gay is a euphemism for homosexual pervert. It's as simple as that.
Again you show your true colors, as someone that opposes God at every opportunity.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes, it does answer your question. Gay is a euphemism for homosexual pervert. It's as simple as that.
Again you show your true colors, as someone that opposes God at every opportunity.
It's not a euphemism for pervert at all. It's a fact that several people are homosexual and if you think that homosexuality should be recriminalized then that squarely places you on the far right, even if you shy away from it. Do you consider it to be a capital crime as well?

I've hardly been opaque on the issue but transparent for years so my 'true colours' were readily available throughout aCW's ten year borefest on the subject. Gay people should have the same rights as everyone else and to heck with religious or personal sensibilities on the score and that's how it is in law and should be. You are by no means a spokesperson for God either but just another pompous, self righteous fundamentalist.

Right Divider

Body part
It's not a euphemism for pervert at all.
"Gay" is a euphemism for homosexual. Homosexuals are sex perverts.
God made the woman for the man and the man for the woman. Anything else is an abomination to Him... He says so.
It's a fact that several people are homosexual
So what? They are sex perverts.
and if you think that homosexuality should be recriminalized then that squarely places you on the far right, even if you shy away from it.
I don't give a crap about right and left. I only care about right and wrong. Sexual perversion is wrong.
Do you consider it to be a capital crime as well?
According to God's Word, which I must agree with, yes.
I've hardly been opaque on the issue but transparent for years so my 'true colours' were readily available throughout aCW's ten year borefest on the subject.
It's so boring that you're still here commenting in the "boring thread".
Gay people should have the same rights as everyone else and to heck with religious or personal sensibilities on the score and that's how it is in law and should be.
Your hatred for God's standards are well noted.
You are by no means a spokesperson for God either but just another pompous, self righteous fundamentalist.
Name calling will get you nowhere. I never claimed to be "a spokesperson for God", but I can certainly tell you what God thinks because He has spoken in His Word and I agree with HIM and not you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
"Gay" is a euphemism for homosexual. Homosexuals are sex perverts.
God made the woman for the man and the man for the woman. Anything else is an abomination to Him... He says so.

So what? They are sex perverts.

I don't give a crap about right and left. I only care about right and wrong. Sexual perversion is wrong.

According to God's Word, which I must agree with, yes.

It's so boring that you're still here commenting in the "boring thread".

Your hatred for God's standards are well noted.

Name calling will get you nowhere. I never claimed to be "a spokesperson for God", but I can certainly tell you what God thinks because He has spoken in His Word and I agree with HIM and not you.
No, it's just a euphemism for homosexuality is all. For many people it's simply the way things are is all with as much choice as you and I have in being heterosexual. Well, sure wasn't a choice for me anyway.

Nah, they're just people like you and me, getting by in life.

Yeah, you do care about 'right and left' as you continually rail against being on the far right and it's baffling as to why. You adopt plenty of positions that are only found on the far right as is the case here and you constantly agree with those here who are self proclaimed far right wingers. Not only that, you equated me with the 'far left' which is kinda funny but completely wrong.

Well appreciate the candour on the next as I was expecting you to dodge the question but once again, it's a position that is solely on the far right. If you believe that the whole of society should be subject to laws that prosecute and execute homosexuals then that's solely far right. It sure ain't a liberal, center left/right or even conservative position but an extremist one. Aside from the predictable Leviticus verse and maybe some of Paul, the Bible doesn't say a great deal about it at all. In Jesus's ministry I believe He doesn't make mention of it once and yet it sure is a topic that the far right fixate on as evidenced by aCW and the years of threads on the subject on here. Do you remember LMOTM? He's a Christian and he was flabbergasted by those who called for the DP for hmosexuals so what was he 'missing'?

Eh, I'd presumed with the departure of aCW, that that would be the last of this saga until Idolater decided to resurrect it...

Nah, an aversion to fundamentalism and far right bunk that advocates the likes of what you do is not the same thing.

Same with your latter.

Right Divider

Body part
No, it's just a euphemism for homosexuality is all.
And homosexuality is sexual perversion. It's just that simple.
For many people it's simply the way things are is all with as much choice as you and I have in being heterosexual. Well, sure wasn't a choice for me anyway.
Those that practice perversion are perverts. It's just that simple.
Nah, they're just people like you and me, getting by in life.
Those that practice perversion are perverts. It's just that simple.
Yeah, you do care about 'right and left' as you continually rail against being on the far right and it's baffling as to why. You adopt plenty of positions that are only found on the far right as is the case here and you constantly agree with those here who are self proclaimed far right wingers. Not only that, you equated me with the 'far left' which is kinda funny but completely wrong.

Well appreciate the candour on the next as I was expecting you to dodge the question but once again, it's a position that is solely on the far right. If you believe that the whole of society should be subject to laws that prosecute and execute homosexuals then that's solely far right. It sure ain't a liberal, center left/right or even conservative position but an extremist one. Aside from the predictable Leviticus verse and maybe some of Paul, the Bible doesn't say a great deal about it at all. In Jesus's ministry I believe He doesn't make mention of it once and yet it sure is a topic that the far right fixate on as evidenced by aCW and the years of threads on the subject on here. Do you remember LMOTM? He's a Christian and he was flabbergasted by those who called for the DP for hmosexuals so what was he 'missing'?
Have you never read and understood God's Word? I thought that you claimed to be some sort of Christian. It that incorrect?
Eh, I'd presumed with the departure of aCW, that that would be the last of this saga until Idolater decided to resurrect it...

Nah, an aversion to fundamentalism and far right bunk that advocates the likes of what you do is not the same thing.

Same with your latter.
Those that practice perversion are perverts. It's just that simple.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And homosexuality is sexual perversion. It's just that simple.

Those that practice perversion are perverts. It's just that simple.

Those that practice perversion are perverts. It's just that simple.

Have you never read and understood God's Word? I thought that you claimed to be some sort of Christian. It that incorrect?

Those that practice perversion are perverts. It's just that simple.
Well, an in depth, thought provoking and detailed response that was(n't).

Nope, they're simply people like you RD. I'm presuming that you consider anyone who practices sexual relations outside of marriage would fall under your pervert paradigm?

Sure, I've read and understood the Bible, that's why I disagree with those who are the equivalent of the pharisees and teachers of the law in Jesus' time who exemplify the same legal, judgemental and condemnatory characteristics of those who were puffed up with their own arrogance and self righteousness than exhibiting anything resembling love for their fellow man. It's why I can oppose pathetic hypotheses that promote execution and else for anyone in a sexual relationship outside of heterosexual marriage. I presume you advocate the DP for adultery also? Stiff penalties for couples cohabiting and having a sexual relationship? That kind of legalism can be summarily dismissed for the far right fundamentalist garbage that it is.

I don't ascribe to any type of 'organised' belief although I have belief.

Right Divider

Body part
Well, an in depth, thought provoking and detailed response that was(n't).
I don't spend too much time on "thought provoking" replies to you, since you don't think much anyway.
Nope, they're simply people like you RD.
Nope, they are not like me. They are sex perverts and I'm not.
I'm presuming that you consider anyone who practices sexual relations outside of marriage would fall under your pervert paradigm?
No, that would be adultery.
Sure, I've read and understood the Bible, that's why I disagree with those who are the equivalent of the pharisees and teachers of the law in Jesus' time who exemplify the same legal, judgemental and condemnatory characteristics of those who were puffed up with their own arrogance and self righteousness than exhibiting anything resembling love for their fellow man.
If you love a sex pervert... tell them the TRUTH. God finds their behavior to be an abomination.
It's why I can oppose pathetic hypotheses that promote execution and else for anyone in a sexual relationship outside of heterosexual marriage. I presume you advocate the DP for adultery also? Stiff penalties for couples cohabiting and having a sexual relationship? That kind of legalism can be summarily dismissed for the far right fundamentalist garbage that it is.
Read the Bible. God's thoughts on these subjects are in there.
I don't ascribe to any type of 'organised' belief although I have belief.
Indeed, your belief's are disorganized.

God designed sex for a marriage relationship between a man and a women. Within that God ordained arrangement sex can be enjoyed and children created.
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