Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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Finishing up with the last two paragraphs of "Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry"

which I'll be sending to dozens of pastors close to the next election and encourage them to study it and pass the information on to their congregation.

"When rulers or magistrates enforce God's law, they become the ministers of God to people for good, ministers of God to bring God's revenge by executing God's prescribed wrath upon those that do evil (Rom. 13:4). It is for this cause that we are to be subject to them for conscience' sake, and to pay tribute to them: "for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing" (Rom. 13: 5, 6). The inspired word of God used for "minister" here reinforces the nature of the ruler's calling and duty. The ruler is a leitourgos, a public servant of God, a public functionary in the Temple or Gospel; in the general sense of the word, he is a worshiper of God or (and) a benefactor of man. His function is, as the derivation of the word makes clear, an active one: he is to toil, as an effort or occupation. For those of us who lack a knowledge of Greek, the word of God makes this point evident: the ruler,'God's minister, is to be "attending continually upon this very thing" (vs. 6).

There can be no "benevolent neglect" of the ministry of government. For to neglect the ministry of the magistrate is to neglect the Christian's duty to be a teacher, missionary and servant of the Lord, to neglect the Lord's command to occupy for Him, to surrender a third of the very Kingdom of God! To occupy. the ministry of the magistrate is to wield a powerful sword in the army of the Kingdom of God."


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Say the word "libertarian" and they will appear.

So Tom, what is it that you like so much about...ahem..."Lon's" posts? Could it be that like you "I'm not a libertarian!" libertarians that he's a political anarchist?
:unsure: That could be it...Or maybe he's just not an confused authoritarian.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
... a political anarchist?
I've told you before. Libertarians are liberals, just like you and all other conservatives are, but with an anarchistic bent, while you conservatives all have a paternalistic bent.

Liberals believe in God-given (or otherwise inborn and pre-political, inalienable) rights, and that to best defend these rights, we should cultivate the political institutions of the separation of powers, constitutionalism and the civilian control of the military, because the absence of these political institutions threaten our liberty /rights.

You're a liberal with a paternalistic bent. Disparaging liberals with an anarchistic bent.


Well-known member
I have one question for you...ahem...."Lon" before I move on. I see that TOL's two biggest "I'm not a libertarian!" libertarians have given you quite a few "likes" for your posts. Why do you think those who embrace ideology that goes directly against Judeo-Christian doctrine like what you have to say so much....ahem..."Lon"?
Why do you? I'd suggest because you've needed a godly rebuke. QUIT posturing, fighting, being mean, divisive, arrogant and childish.

This, your response, is just more on par with being a child in a man's body. Knock. It. Off. Be the man God has called you to be.

I don't care if you think we are brothers or not. I care what God says. You have NO (zero, nadda) say in that, however arrogantly you think otherwise. His call. Not yours!

Grow up and learn from your elders and betters. One day, I'll expect an apology from you, when that happens. I'll simply say "no need, I just wanted you following Jesus and nothing more." The day will mark my desire, not the need for an apology: You walking carefully with your Lord and Savior and treating the family of God, no matter how you disagree with them, like a family and not second-rate second-class aliens.
Those in Christ are His, treat them better, even and especially in doubt. They may need correction but that doesn't put them outside of Christ and you better treat what is His wonderfully. You are accountable for that. You own that, wrongly, hurtfully, sinfully, all on your own. Knock. It. Off. Treat people like they at least have a prayer of being saved by grace. It doesn't mean embracing sin or being associated with it. I love those in my family who are lost. I'm in as much need of grace. It isn't "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like you." It is 'saved a wretch like me.' Learn discernment and appropriate response. This wasn't it.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...The inspired word of God used for "minister" here reinforces the nature of the ruler's calling and duty. The ruler is a leitourgos, a public servant of God, a public functionary in the Temple or Gospel; in the general sense of the word, he is a worshiper of God or (and) a benefactor of man. His function is, as the derivation of the word makes clear, an active one: he is to toil, as an effort or occupation. For those of us who lack a knowledge of Greek, the word of God makes this point evident: the ruler,'God's minister, is to be "attending continually upon this very thing" (vs. 6)....
It's where we get the word 'liturgy', as in for example, the liturgy that was celebrated by the Jews at the temple in Jerusalem, and today the liturgy celebrated by Orthodox and Catholic bishops and their priests.

The liturgy of Protestants would be going to church on Sunday, singing hymns, praying, and all the other rituals of the Sunday worship service.


aCultureWarrior said:
I have one question for you...ahem...."Lon" before I move on. I see that TOL's two biggest "I'm not a libertarian!" libertarians have given you quite a few "likes" for your posts. Why do you think those who embrace ideology that goes directly against Judeo-Christian doctrine like what you have to say so much....ahem..."Lon"?

Why do you? I'd suggest because you've needed a godly rebuke. QUIT posturing, fighting, being mean, divisive, arrogant and childish.

This, your response, is just more on par with being a child in a man's body. Knock. It. Off. Be the man God has called you to be.
I read and reread your post...ahem..."Lon" and I swear I couldn't find an answer as to why TOL's two biggest "I'm not a libertarian!"libertarians admire your posts so much. One would think that if you were espousing Judeo-Christian doctrine, things that go against libertarian doctrine of "It's MY body and I can do with it as I please!" and "Non Aggression Principle"/NAP , no government intervention in supposed 'victimless crimes, (if there weren't victims, it wouldn't be a crime), they'd despise you.

I take pride in knowing that I have all of the right enemies...ahem..."Lon".

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."
John 15:18


Well-known member
aCultureWarrior said:
I have one question for you...ahem...."Lon" before I move on. I see that TOL's two biggest "I'm not a libertarian!" libertarians have given you quite a few "likes" for your posts.
I already told you: because you've been needing a godly rebuke. Are you sure you were a police officer once? Didn't they teach you observation skills? Look! I've not given them pos reps in thread. I'm 'getting' them because I'm saying something they believe you need to hear!
Why do you think those who embrace ideology that goes directly against Judeo-Christian doctrine like what you have to say so much....ahem..."Lon"?
Simply because someone who is not libertarian, is also telling you, that you aren't behaving yourself. It is agreement. Pay attention. Like I said, you could learn a few things from your elders and betters. I have no claim to fame for politics, but I've a fairly decent ability to see whats what.
I read and reread your post...ahem..."Lon" and I swear I couldn't find an answer as to why TOL's two biggest "I'm not a libertarian!"libertarians admire your posts so much. One would think that if you were espousing Judeo-Christian doctrine, things that go against libertarian doctrine of "It's MY body and I can do with it as I please!" and "Non Aggression Principle"/NAP , no government intervention in supposed 'victimless crimes, (if there weren't victims, it wouldn't be a crime), they'd despise you.
Libertarians first of all, don't work that way. Many libertarians I know, want more independence in states where states have ability to govern themselves. I don't know many libertarian Christians. Any more, it is hard to be a Republican or Democrat and be a Christian either. It is why I asked you what you proposed. I was genuinely interested, but you'd rather attack and be snarky than actually teach me something. When It comes to scriptures, you probably should listen more. When it comes to politics, it is my attempt. All you had to do was teach instead of being angry and defensive. If you can get off of a couple of horses, I think you might be able to contribute to a meaningful conversation. Try to aim for that. Even you are off the thread topic at this point. I think it was needed, but it'd be great if you just took the advice and applied it and moved forward with the thread topic. BUT before you do, if you'd care to, I'd actually like to read your thoughts on what a Christian is supposed to do in our current political situation (if you have any). Complaints? I think everyone already gets that. I'd reckon most have nearly the same concerns (perhaps another thread).
I take pride in knowing that I have all of the right enemies...ahem..."Lon".
Haughty even. Sure, I see it. You'll make enemies where you are NOT supposed to! Listen more to Jesus. Spend more time with Him. Learn from your elders and betters.
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."
John 15:18
Why did they hate Him? Because He hated them and offended them first? Nope. Guess again. Read: 1 Peter 219 For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. 20 For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God. 21 For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. 22 He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. 23 When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. 24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 25 For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

If you are reviled (hated) for doing evil, that is another thing entirely. Read it, CW: When HE was reviled, He didn't do it back. Did you get that? Understand? I've told you, and meant it, you lack discernment AND to listen to your elders and betters. Please do so instead of doubling down on arrogance, pride, and being just-plain-mean. James 1:20 The anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

Pay attention. Libertarians or those who say they are not, both will likely 'like' my post. It has little to do with politics. Pay attention to your elders and betters.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I already told you: because you've been needing a godly rebuke. Are you sure you were a police officer once? Didn't they teach you observation skills? Look! I've not given them pos reps in thread. I'm 'getting' them because I'm saying something they believe you need to hear!

Simply because someone who is not libertarian, is also telling you, that you aren't behaving yourself. It is agreement. Pay attention. Like I said, you could learn a few things from your elders and betters. I have no claim to fame for politics, but I've a fairly decent ability to see whats what.

Libertarians first of all, don't work that way. Many libertarians I know, want more independence in states where states have ability to govern themselves. I don't know many libertarian Christians. Any more, it is hard to be a Republican or Democrat and be a Christian either. It is why I asked you what you proposed. I was genuinely interested, but you'd rather attack and be snarky than actually teach me something. When It comes to scriptures, you probably should listen more. When it comes to politics, it is my attempt. All you had to do was teach instead of being angry and defensive. If you can get off of a couple of horses, I think you might be able to contribute to a meaningful conversation. Try to aim for that. Even you are off the thread topic at this point. I think it was needed, but it'd be great if you just took the advice and applied it and moved forward with the thread topic. BUT before you do, if you'd care to, I'd actually like to read your thoughts on what a Christian is supposed to do in our current political situation (if you have any). Complaints? I think everyone already gets that. I'd reckon most have nearly the same concerns (perhaps another thread).

Haughty even. Sure, I see it. You'll make enemies where you are NOT supposed to! Listen more to Jesus. Spend more time with Him. Learn from your elders and betters.

Why did they hate Him? Because He hated them and offended them first? Nope. Guess again. Read: 1 Peter 219 For this is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly. 20 For what credit is it if, when you sin and are beaten for it, you endure? But if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God. 21 For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. 22 He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. 23 When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. 24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. 25 For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

If you are reviled (hated) for doing evil, that is another thing entirely. Read it, CW: When HE was reviled, He didn't do it back. Did you get that? Understand? I've told you, and meant it, you lack discernment AND to listen to your elders and betters. Please do so instead of doubling down on arrogance, pride, and being just-plain-mean. James 1:20 The anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

Pay attention. Libertarians or those who say they are not, both will likely 'like' my post. It has little to do with politics. Pay attention to your elders and betters.
Getting called a libertarian by ACW is like getting called a racist by annabananahead - a meaningless insult not worth responding to, other than with ridicule.
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