Surprise surprise, Donald Trump's LGBT allies in Hollyweird gave Oscars to movies about transgenderism, pederasty and bestiality. A review of the 2018 Academy Awards to follow....
no you just ignored itIf you explained why HIV/AIDS is heterosexual problem in Africa, yet is overwhelmingly a homosexual problem in the rest of the world, I must have missed it.
the Encyclopedia of Creation Science? :rotfl:For those of you not familiar with the "Bangui Definition" of AIDS:
no one was speaking of transgender violence.Speaking of transgender violence
The big problem is that your question is based on a false premise. HIV is overwhelmingly found in heterosexuals and children. You of course know this and you know that it can be referenced through the world health organization or any number of international health groups.
I can't thank you enough for being an integral part of this now 5 part thread. With your award winning letter talking about (amongst other things) the perverse LGBT movement and (as I recall) how you contracted your same sex desires as well as how through spiritual (and psychological therapy?) you're doing everything possible to overcome those desires, I truly do admire you Pete. You do realize that because you are using God's free will, that you are looooooathed by the LGBT movement don't you?
Is there any chance you could link your letter here, as I would love to share it for those who haven't seen it?
I'm still wondering why the incurable/deadly disease known as HIV/AIDS is something that is overwhelmingly contracted by those who engage in homosexuality throughout the world, but somehow in Africa it's a heterosexual problem.
In Part 4 I did a segment on the HIV/AIDS hoax in Africa. No one commented on it, so I moved on. Feel free to find the segment and we can discuss it here if you wish.
What's not to love about a moderator whose signature says "June is Gay Pride Month: Tolerance and Diversity-more like tolerate perversity".
This thread shows the intolerance and perversity of the LGBT movement all 12 years of the month, not just during so-called "pride month".
Integral part of this thread? I’ve spent most of my time here calling you out for your arrogance and dishonesty. I’m surprised you respect me after that. Sadly, those feelings of respect don’t go both ways.
Poor education and low access to contraception surely both play a role in this. You’ll find that many people in African countries are more promiscuous than you think too.
which doesn't address what I posted.I guess the World Health Organization didn't get the message:
New HIV Guidelines Released by WHO
People in the traditional family values movement are familiar with pro life activists being arrested for protesting outside of Planned Parenthood/abortion clinics (which Donald Trump is keeping in business by signing legislation 3 TIMES that continues government funding of PP:
I've posted story after story of Christians being fired from their job,fined, sued and arrested for protesting against the LGBT agenda throughout this 5 part thread, now our friends at MassResistance are sharing yet another story of a brave woman in Georgia who was arrested for having the audacity to speak out against half naked men using women's restrooms, locker rooms and fitting rooms.
Georgia MassResistance activist arrested and jailed for LEGALLY protesting in front of State Capitol -- against LGBT agenda
Men going into women’s restrooms after Georgia Governor vetoed protection bill
Outraged and not backing down!
Part 1 of 3
March 9, 2018
A courageous Georgia MassResistance activist was arrested and jailed and humiliated by the authorities after legally protesting in front of the Georgia State Capitol against the LGBT agenda. She had been demonstrating on the same spot – a public sidewalk – for nearly three months and had previously been assured by police that it was legal to be there.
Marquitta R. Ford has been protesting and lobbying public officials because businesses in Georgia have begun allowing men in women’s restrooms – and the government refuses to take action to protect women. She and her friends have recently experienced several terrifying incidents.
Marquitta’s unrelenting presence was clearly upsetting some state officials. A slender woman 5 feet tall, on Jan. 25 she was suddenly surrounded by state police, handcuffed, jailed in a humiliated manner by the authorities, and charged with a bizarre offense that had nothing to do with anything she had been doing. In addition, her arrest records have been mysteriously “locked” by the courthouse and she was told that even the clerk cannot access them.
Our report on this outrageous incident will be presented in three parts. The first part is the horror stories that Marquitta and others endured. Next, the tireless protests and lobbying. Then the bizarre and unlawful arrest and jailing.
Part I: The horror stories
Marquitta’s activism was ignited by a very distressing series of events.
Read more:
Have I mentioned that good and evil, right and wrong, religious freedom (i.e. Christianity) and secular humanism can't 'coexist'?
and what was she supposedly charged with? (funny how massresistance doesn't say)
Hmmm...teh state of Georgia doesn't seem to know what she was charged with or even arrested for either (Georgia state doesn't seem to know that she was arrested in January)
And if her arrest records were "mysteriously “locked”" then how is it that it took me all of 90 seconds to find out about her arrest in 2003?
More will be revealed in Parts 2 and 3 of the article. Speaking of Part 1 of the MassResistance article:
Marquitta and others get a rude awakening
Just a few months ago, a man was arrested for assaulting a six-year-old girl in a mall restroom. Yep… he walked right in there.
In 2014, a Toronto man who claimed to be transgender assaulted multiple women at women’s shelters.
Speaking of violence amongst transgender people (a stroll down memory lane from Part 4 of WHMBR!)
Robert Lewis Dear, 57, was taken into custody Friday night after allegedly opening fire inside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, killing three and injuring nine others.
When a reporter reminded the Texas senator that the suspect allegedly made a comment about “baby parts” while being arrested, Cruz countered, “It’s also been reported that he was registered as an independent and a woman and transgendered leftist activist, if that’s what he is.”!-Part-4&p=4534279&viewfull=1#post4534279