Gotta love Alabama Chief Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore (the "10 Commandments Judge") for putting the left wing activists at the US Supreme Court in their place.
Alabama Chief Supreme Court Justice orders state judges to refuse issuing marriage licenses for same-sex couples
Jan. 6, 2016
Alabama's Chief State Supreme Court Justice issued an order Wednesday banning all lower judges in the state from providing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
"Until further decision by the Alabama Supreme Court, the existing orders of the Alabama Supreme Court that Alabama probate judges have a ministerial duty not to issue any marriage license contrary to the Alabama Sanctity of Marriage Amendment or the Alabama Marriage Protection Act remain in full force and effect," Roy Moore, Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, wrote in the order.
The order, first reported by The New York Times, directly defies the U.S. Supreme Court ruling last June that effectively legalized gay marriage nationwide.
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This article is more detailed (from the "Foundation for Moral Law") :
On March 3, 2015 the Alabama Supreme Court issued a lengthy opinion upholding the constitutionality of Article I, Section 36.03(b), Ala. Const. 1901 (“the Sanctity of Marriage Amendment”), and Section 30-1-19(b), Ala. Code 1975 (“the Marriage Protection Act”), which both state: “Marriage is inherently a unique relationship between a man and a woman.” Ex parte State ex rel. Alabama Policy Institute, [Ms. 1140460, March 3, 2015] ___ So. 3d ___ (Ala 2015) (hereinafter “API”).
The API opinion relied on earlier opinions of the United States Supreme Court and the Alabama Supreme Court for authority. In 1885 the Supreme Court of the United States described marriage as “the union for life of one man and one woman in the holy estate of matrimony; the sure foundation of all that is stable and noble in our civilization; the best guaranty of that reverent morality which is the source of all beneficent progress in social and political improvement.”
Murphy v. Ramsey, 114 U.S. 15, 45. The Alabama Supreme Court similarly stated that “‘[T]he relation of marriage is founded on the will of God, and the nature of man; and it is the foundation of all moral improvement, and all true happiness.'” Goodrich v. Goodrich, 44 Ala. 670, 675 (1870). In its March 3 order in API, the Alabama Supreme Court stated that “Alabama probate judges have a ministerial duty not to issue any marriage license contrary to [the Sanctity of Marriage Amendment or the Marriage Protection Act]. Nothing in the United States Constitution alters or overrides this duty.”
A week later the Court reaffirmed that its March 3 order bound every Alabama probate judge “to the end of achieving order and uniformity in the application of Alabama’s marriage laws.” API (Order of March 10, 2015). The Court also stated that “all probate judges in this State may issue marriage licenses only in accordance with Alabama law as described in our opinion of March 3, 2015.” API (Order of March 12, 2015).
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God bless you Chief Justice Moore!
I wonder if he's going to reinstating segregation next
the court records of the case in question are now LGBTQueer propaganda?
New Jersey law pertaining to expert witnesses has nothing to do with your little fantasies
You always bring up NAMBLA when you get caught in a lie
Fact : Homosexuality and pedophilia are not linked together . Anyone who claims that all or even most gays are pedophiles is either an idiot or a liar . Most pedophiles are HETEROSEXUAL .
Why would you make such a stupid comment and try to falsely equate homosexuality and race? Just run-of-the-mill race-baiting?
not even close to true.The Ferguson v JONAH case all came down to what the American Psychiatric Association (APA) considered to be a mental disorder based on their DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).
I also see that TOL's most ardent homosexual activist doesn't want to talk about how Judge Peter Bariso didn't allow the testimony of 6 (count em six) expert witnesses who have spent their lives helping people with the disorder known as homosexuality.
Do you really want to talk about the expert witnesses who in deposition admitted that they do not engage in any research? Expert witnesses like James Phelanon who wished to present a biography of studies even though during his deposition, he testified that he made no attempt to assess the validity of the studies compiled?
We can also discuss how Judge Bariso followed the New Jersey law stating that expert opinions have to actually be based on actual science and have evidence to back up their opinions.
LGBTQueer propaganda
not even close to true.
Let's review:
You attacked both me and a sitting Judge
I pointed out that the law indicates that expert witnesses have to actually be experts and not just reading a script. And this reasonin is born out in court documents.
The Ferguson v JONAH case came down to the simple question - did JONAH commit fraud? and yes, yes they did.
Even gay men are repulsed by NAMBLA ,
which actually doesn't even exist any more .
Saying that NAMBLA is typical of gays is as idiotic as saying that the late, unlamented Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church are typical of all Christians .
Culture Warrior, your claim that NAMBLA is now the other gay rights groups and your implication that they support and promote pedophilia is so idiotic and offensive I have to use all my restraint to avoid calling you the kind of names which would get me permanently banned from this forum .
Most people here probably accept that aCW is a habitual purveyor of misinformation aka economical with the truth, perhaps only to continue his gay obsession in the direction he chooses, you are right not take the bait.Culture Warrior, your claim that NAMBLA is now the other gay rights groups and your implication that they support and promote pedophilia is so idiotic and offensive I have to use all my restraint to avoid calling you the kind of names which would get me permanently banned from this forum .
Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4Nations where homosexuality is illegal:
1 Algeria
2 Angola
3 Botswana
4 Burundi
5 Cameroon
6 Comoros
7 Egypt
8 Eritrea
9 Ethiopia
10 Gambia
11 Ghana
12 Guinea
13 Kenya
14 Liberia
15 Libya
16 Malawi
17 Mauritania
18 Mauritius
19 Morocco
20 Namibia
21 Nigeria
22 Senegal
23 Seychelles
24 Sierra Leone
25 Somalia
26 South Sudan
27 Sudan
28 Swaziland
29 Tanzania
30 Togo
31 Tunisia
32 Uganda
33 Zambia
34 Zimbabwe
Asia/Middle East
35 Afghanistan
36 Bangladesh
37 Bhutan
38 Brunei
39 Daesh (or ISIS / ISIL)
40 India
41 Iran
42 Iraq
43 Kuwait
44 Lebanon
45 Malaysia
46 Maldives
47 Myanmar
48 Oman
49 Pakistan
50 Palestine/Gaza Strip
51 Qatar
52 Saudi Arabia
53 Singapore
54 Sri Lanka
55 Syria
56 Turkmenistan
57 United Arab Emirates
58 Uzbekistan
59 Yemen
60 Antigua & Barbuda
61 Barbados
62 Belize
63 Dominica
64 Grenada
65 Guyana
66 Jamaica
67 St Kitts & Nevis
68 St Lucia
69 St Vincent & the Grenadines
70 Trinidad & Tobago
In the United States, anti-sodomy laws were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003, but they are still on the books in 13 states: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia.
71 Cook Islands
72 Indonesia
73 Kirbati
74 Nauru
75 Papua New Guinea
76 Samoa
77 Solomon Islands
78 Tonga
79 Tuvalu
No country in Europe has a law against homosexuality.
Russia, which enacted an anti-gay propaganda law in 2013 prohibiting any positive mention of homosexuality in the presence of minors, including online;
Lithuania, which has a similar law.
Ukraine, which has considered, but so far has not adopted a similar law against “gay propaganda.”
Moldova, which adopted and then repealed such a law in 2013.
Most people here probably accept that aCW is a habitual purveyor of misinformation aka economical with the truth, perhaps only to continue his gay obsession in the direction he chooses, you are right not take the bait.lain:
At least you can take your disappointment on the chin aCW, ...or perhaps you can't even be honest about your own feelings. I'm so gullible. :doh:Gee Al, you really know how to hurt a guy's feelings. I was kinda hoping that someone who isn't into monologues discuss the latest 'gaystapo' court decision in Nu Joyzee (Ferguson v JONAH, the one TracerBullet and I have been talking about).
Care to take "the bait", or have you wised up over the past few years and know your limitations?
Nations where homosexuality is illegal:
I submit that "aCultureWarrior" has found his true "soulmates" in the following countries where homosexuality may be punished by death - unfortunately none of them are Christian.
what questions?Have one come forward and tell us that (be forewarned, there will be questions asked).
he isn't taking offense with the truth he is taking offense over the garbage you postFor the life of me I don't know why a straight guy like you would take such offense with the truth De Horn