Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
We are not talking about murderers. We are not talking about rapists. Those people have a choice whether or not to commit those acts and are held accordingly. Very separate issues.

Pedophiles may not have a choice to "feel" an attraction to children. But the correct answer to that is to repent of the twisted feelings which come from the sin nature, seek God's help, also seek psychological help if possible, and certainly DO NOT act on the inclinations. Those who do choose to act on such pedophilic inclinations and sleep with very young, defenseless children should suffer execution, even if they can't control the "feelings."

Homosexuals, similarly, may not have a choice to "feel" attraction to the same gender. But its a perverted desire and so they should repent of it, as it comes from their sin nature, seek God's help, and also seek psychological help if possible, and certainly DO NOT act on the inclinations. Those who do choose to act on such wicked inclinations and pervert God's design by sleeping with someone of the same gender should suffer execution, even if they can't control the "feelings."

(to be clear, I'm not necessarily endorsing every type of "anti-gay therapy" that exists. I'm not a psychologist so I have no idea how the right way to handle these types of things but I have certainly seen some that are barbaric and wrong.)


New member
Pedophiles may not have a choice to "feel" an attraction to children. But the correct answer to that is to repent of the twisted feelings which come from the sin nature, seek God's help, also seek psychological help if possible, and certainly DO NOT act on the inclinations. Those who do choose to act on such pedophilic inclinations and sleep with very young, defenseless children should suffer execution, even if they can't control the "feelings."

Homosexuals, similarly, may not have a choice to "feel" attraction to the same gender. But its a perverted desire and so they should repent of it, as it comes from their sin nature, seek God's help, and also seek psychological help if possible, and certainly DO NOT act on the inclinations. Those who do choose to act on such wicked inclinations and pervert God's design by sleeping with someone of the same gender should suffer execution, even if they can't control the "feelings."

(to be clear, I'm not necessarily endorsing every type of "anti-gay therapy" that exists. I'm not a psychologist so I have no idea how the right way to handle these types of things but I have certainly seen some that are barbaric and wrong.)
You admit you have no idea how this sexuality/psychology thing works and yet you want to give advice on legal action and prosecution of the acts linked to those disciplines? Further, you seek to support your position based on what you think God wants? Disgusting.


Regarding Post #55: Gay Marriage-Nothing New Under the Son

As a couple of posters pointed out in the comments section beneath this article:

This sort of "gay marriage" was a mockery, a satire, and a farce, on the part of the very wealthy and decadent.

I really couldn't care less about the opinions that a couple of posters wrote at the end of the article. The gist of the article was that sexually immorality: homosexuality/pederasty (because you can't have one without the other), abortion, pornography, etc. ran rampant in Rome as it is today here in the United States.

It was by no means the "global commitment to equality" or the sexual anarchy for the masses movement which exists today, and flies under the banner NOT of "decadence", but of fairness, equality, civil rights, and democracy.

LOL...the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement can call their movement what they want, but it all comes down to a lifestyle and movement that is built on sexual perversion and immorality.

These people of antiquity were flaunting decadence and immorality: they were not dressing it up as progress in civil rights. ***eta: This makes our own time the more dangerous and almost impossible to fight against or denounce (without being called regressive or bigoted).

Do you mean if people of faith and those who simply stand for decency fight sexually immorality they'll be labeled a "bigot"? (GASP! Say it aint so!).

The bottom line is that Christianity brought civilizations out of the pagan dark ages, it'll do it again.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

It might get a bit expensive by having this (video equipment) in every American bedroom (public toilets, parks and bathhouses where homosexuals frequently engage in sex), but by golly this'll clean up the homosexuality problem that our country has, right Jr.?

Well, aCW is a statist

Let's see, it's Wednesday so Jr. is a Libertarian today, hence his use of one of the favorite terms used by the Libertarian movement:


but no, you cannot put cameras in everyone's homes to make sure nobody engages in homosexuality (I find it odd that aCW is sarcastically suggesting this since, while we agree on very very little, recriminalizing sodomy is one thing we do agree on).

I was mocking you Jr., and no, we don't agree on why sexual immorality must be recriminalized for numerous reasons (you don't believe in repentance, etc.)

You can't preemptively presume guilt. If people do it in private, they'll likely get away with it and there's nothing we can do about it. But if they are seen by two witnesses, or their act is provable by equivalent evidence, than they should be punished by the State because that's what the Bible says.

I know that you don't deal in reality, but one of the major reasons that homosexuality MUST be recriminalized is because it will stop the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement dead in their evil tracks.


New member
Regarding Post #55: Gay Marriage-Nothing New Under the Son

I really couldn't care less about the opinions that a couple of posters wrote at the end of the article. The gist of the article was that sexually immorality: homosexuality/pederasty (because you can't have one without the other), abortion, pornography, etc. ran rampant in Rome as it is today here in the United States.

LOL...the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement can call their movement what they want, but it all comes down to a lifestyle and movement that is built on sexual perversion and immorality.

Do you mean if people of faith and those who simply stand for decency fight sexually immorality they'll be labeled a "bigot"? (GASP! Say it aint so!).

The bottom line is that Christianity brought civilizations out of the pagan dark ages, it'll do it again.
Did you get the eta point or not? that I added? :think:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

The bottom line is that Christianity brought civilizations out of the pagan dark ages, it'll do it again.

Did you get the eta point or not? that I added? :think:

Feel free to explain your thoughts further if there was something that I missed.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

The bottom line is that Christianity brought civilizations out of the pagan dark ages, it'll do it again.

Feel free to explain your thoughts further if there was something that I missed.
What I was trying to say is that because our own era has embraced sexual anarchy in the name of "equality" and "civil rights", it is more Orwellian and harder to root out. However, because humans are passionate and contain within them the "Ancient of days", I believe there will be a reversal by and by.


New member
What I was trying to say is that because our own era has embraced sexual anarchy in the name of "equality" and "civil rights", it is more Orwellian and harder to root out. However, because humans are passionate and contain within them the "Ancient of days", I believe there will be a reversal by and by.
As the coming generations become more liberal and progressive, I find this highly unlikely.


Quote: Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior

Feel free to explain your thoughts further if there was something that I missed.

What I was trying to say is that because our own era has embraced sexual anarchy in the name of "equality" and "civil rights", it is more Orwellian and harder to root out. However, because humans are passionate and contain within them the "Ancient of days", I believe there will be a reversal by and by.

LOL...(this guy kills me). So the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement down deep inside is "passionate" and let me guess, like disco, their movement too will fade away?


(to be clear, I'm not necessarily endorsing every type of "anti-gay therapy" that exists. I'm not a psychologist so I have no idea how the right way to handle these types of things but I have certainly seen some that are barbaric and wrong.)

I'm curious where you learned about EX homosexual therapy. I'm assuming that you viewed some pro homosexual propaganda that showed "aversion therapy"?

Cure Me I'm Gay - The Truth About The Latest Anti-ex-gay Pseudo-documentary


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
..... The bottom line is that Christianity brought civilizations out of the pagan dark ages, it'll do it again.

The Enlightenment, the Renaissance and the Age of Reason was led by people who questioned the supremecy of the Church.



I made reference to "the right to privacy" in my opening post. Here is a Lifesite News article that explains it in further detail.

How the Supreme Court’s gay ‘marriage’ ruling is tied to abortion and contraception

July 9, 2015

After the Supreme Court's ruling that same-sex “marriage” is a constitutionally guaranteed right, many Americans have asked, “How did we get here?” Last month's opinion tells us the road stretches back more than 50 years.

Justice Anthony Kennedy's ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges gave additional proof that the legal basis for same-sex “marriage” is inextricably tied up with abortion-on-demand and other aspects of the sexual revolution.

In his 5-4 decision, Justice Kennedy says the newly discovered constitutional right to enter into a homosexual “marriage” is granted, in part, by the “right to privacy.”

That right, first propounded by the court in 1965's Griswold v. Connecticut ruling, also conferred a woman's right to abortion-on-demand, according to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

“Same-sex couples have the same right as opposite-sex couples to enjoy intimate association,” Justice Kennedy wrote last month, in an opinion that quoted Griswold. “Like choices concerning contraception, family relationships, procreation, and child-rearing, all of which are protected by the Constitution, decisions concerning marriage are among the most intimate that an individual can make.”...

Over the last 50 years, the “right to privacy” has been used to cover every form of sexual practice, displacing the public's right to object on moral grounds – something contained in Kennedy's 2003 Lawrence v. Texas ruling.

Read more:

How much longer before incest laws are overturned (note that I highlighted "family relationships") due to a brother and sister's/mother and son's/daughter and father's'/son and father's/daughter and mother's "right to privacy"?



New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior

Feel free to explain your thoughts further if there was something that I missed.

LOL...(this guy kills me). So the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement down deep inside is "passionate" and let me guess, like disco, their movement too will fade away?
Talking about the sleepy, neutral, lukewarm, complacent religious people, like yourself - those who allowed us to get to this point ------ you first class idiot. :madmad:
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