Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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patrick jane

Is the truth about homosexuality and the jackbooted LGBTQueer movement bothering you pj, cuz if it is, I will cease and desist with this thread immediately.


I don't foresee homosexuality being recriminalized anytime soon, so yes, it will continue as long as it's legal to speak the truth about it.

BTW, you mentioned in another thread that I'm a "closeted gay", to which I replied "Based on your pro homosexual posts, I don't think that there is a closet in your life".

What happened in your life that made you defend such a filthy disease ridden behavior whose political movement promotes sex with children?

no, i'm all for it ! i was just wondering how many parts. i admire your fervor to stamp out gay America and what's coming along with it. as you know, i don't defend the things you just claimed.

is this what you do ? you can't take my jokes so you make up things about me ? you are the one constantl gazing at, downloading and posting gay men and trannys, you are fixated on gay guys ! admit it ! you ARE in the closet, and you on the other you are right i have nothing in the closet, whereas you probably have dozens of closets in your little house of horrors. there's the response - :patrol:


Originally Posted by patrick jane
acw, do you have a plan for how many parts are in your series ?
this is part 4? do you even have things planned out or will it never end ?

Since all he's doing is re-posting stuff he's already put up I'm he can keep this going for years

Oh but TracerBullet, the jack booted thugs of the LGBTQueer movement claim a trophy every day, here's their latest:

Ohio factory worker fired for recommending Christian movie to lesbian co-worker

Sept. 18, 2015

Gay marriage won’t affect you at all. Gay rights won’t take away your rights at all. Remember those? Seems like a long time ago that the secular left was making those claims, when in fact its was only a few months ago. Before Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Before Memories Pizza. Before Kim Davis. And let’s talk about Kim Davis for a second, because the secular left claims the issue with her is not her faith, but that she didn’t do her job - an argument that implies that as long as she did her job, she could have exercised her faith all she wanted.

Well that brings us to Chris Rouston. Rouston had spent the past 13 years as a material handler for Middletown, Ohio-based Precision Strip, and he was well known for sharing his Christian faith with everyone at the company. So it was not unusual that he did so in the form of a message to a new employee, who happened to be lesbian. Rouston and this particular colleague got into a discussion - outside work hours over Facebook - about whether Christians hate homosexuals, and in an attempt to demonstrate that Christians do not hate homosexuals, Rouston - who lives in nearby Monroe, Ohio - recommended that she see the film Audacity, which was actually produced for the purpose of addressing that very issue.

And that’s where Rouston’s trouble started, leading all the way up to his termination for making her “uncomfortable”:

Read more: http://canadafreepress.com/article/75392

Speaking of the movie "Audacity", I plan on adding it to my Christian video library.



New member
Oh but TracerBullet, the jack booted thugs of the LGBTQueer movement claim a trophy every day, here's their latest:

Ohio factory worker fired for recommending Christian movie to lesbian co-worker

Sept. 18, 2015

Except this isn't exactly true. (Gee a Christian news source blatantly lying...what are the odds?)

Chris Rouston did not just recommend a movie to a co-worker. It was twelve different co-workers over several weeks and it wasn't a movie recommendation it was numerous even daily demands that his co-workers tell him about their sex lives. Rouston had been reprimanded by his employer for sexual harassment several items in the previous weeks. Rouston didn't just recommend this dog of a movie but detailed to the women just how lesbians in the movie were killed in and just how many other horrible ways homosexuals could die. He insisted she tell him where she lived so he could come over to ensure she watched the movie and changed her orientation.

So in typical right wing fashion this death obsessed sex pervert is somehow not just the victim of those horrible gays but is now a hero to their cause.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Oh but TracerBullet, the jack booted thugs of the LGBTQueer movement claim a trophy every day, here's their latest:

Ohio factory worker fired for recommending Christian movie to lesbian co-worker

Except this isn't exactly true. (Gee a Christian news source blatantly lying...what are the odds?)

Chris Rouston did not just recommend a movie to a co-worker. It was twelve different co-workers over several weeks and it wasn't a movie recommendation it was numerous even daily demands that his co-workers tell him about their sex lives. Rouston had been reprimanded by his employer for sexual harassment several items in the previous weeks. Rouston didn't just recommend this dog of a movie but detailed to the women just how lesbians in the movie were killed in and just how many other horrible ways homosexuals could die. He insisted she tell him where she lived so he could come over to ensure she watched the movie and changed her orientation.

So in typical right wing fashion this death obsessed sex pervert is somehow not just the victim of those horrible gays but is now a hero to their cause.

How come you never give credit to the LGBTQueer source that you copy and paste from?

It just so happens that the full version of "Audacity" is free on the internet and I just finished watching the movie, which shows nothing but love towards sexually confused people who engage in homosexuality.

1 hour, share it with your friends.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Is the truth about homosexuality and the jackbooted LGBTQueer movement bothering you pj, cuz if it is, I will cease and desist with this thread immediately.

I don't foresee homosexuality being recriminalized anytime soon, so yes, it will continue as long as it's legal to speak the truth about it.

BTW, you mentioned in another thread that I'm a "closeted gay", to which I replied "Based on your pro homosexual posts, I don't think that there is a closet in your life".

What happened in your life that made you defend such a filthy disease ridden behavior whose political movement promotes sex with children?

no, i'm all for it ! i was just wondering how many parts. i admire your fervor to stamp out gay America and what's coming along with it. as you know, i don't defend the things you just claimed.

is this what you do ? you can't take my jokes so you make up things about me ? you are the one constantl gazing at, downloading and posting gay men and trannys, you are fixated on gay guys ! admit it ! you ARE in the closet, and you on the other you are right i have nothing in the closet, whereas you probably have dozens of closets in your little house of horrors. there's the response - :patrol:

One more request:

Tell me how you can be a follower of Christ and write these words:

Originally Posted by patrick jane
P.S. i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds. Jesus Christ's Commandments are from the Father and His teachings are as well. Meshak is right -


Remember that old TV series "Hart to Hart" aCW?
Married couple (heterosexual) who go crime fighting together.
There's going to be a modern remake apparently. :)

There is a bit of a change this time around however that I suspect will not meet with your wholeharted (sic) approval:

Let's just hope that the new pc series is realistic and it shows the two proud and unrepentant homosexuals taking their HAART meds every day.


Hey, maybe they should add a second "a" to the name of the television show so that all of the boyz watching the series will remember to take HIV/AIDS meds each and every day.


While I can't stomach Rap so-called music, every once in awhile a rapper will come out with some intelligent things to say.

Waka Flocka On Bruce Jenner: "You Rebuking God"

Sept. 18, 2015

Waka Flocka Flame appeared on The Breakfast Club today (September 18) and criticized society for breaking down the traditional family structure.

"You know what the world is today? Women afraid to be a wife and young males is afraid to be men," Waka Flocka Flame says. "It's not cool. They're not marketing that. They don't market husbands and wives no more. They're marketing young girls, transgenders. They're marketing evil. It's really evil."

He says that the glorification of the transgender lifestyle, specifically through Caitlyn Jenner's television show, I Am Cait, is harming the youth...

I ain't saying nothing against Bruce Jenner," he continues. "You are who you are when God made you, not who you became after he did. That's how I just feel. You rebuking God, man. God ain't put them feelings in you, man. That's the Devil playing tricks on your mind. That's a test from God. If you can't outbeat that one task and you believe that, then you can believe everything else and you going down that way."

Read more: http://hiphopdx.com/news/id.35548/title.waka-flocka-on-bruce-jenner-you-rebuking-god



Since the LGBTQueer movement has hijacked the psychological profession (see the index on page one regarding both APA's), it was just a matter of time before people of faith and anyone who dares speak out against homosexuality would be considered "mentally ill".

Are Homophobes Mentally Ill? Science Says ‘Maybe’

Sept. 18, 2015

Could Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis be considered a psychopath? A new study says yes.

Just 42 years ago, homosexuality was considered a diagnosable mental illness. In an ironic twist, it is now those who wantonly fear gay people that are being labeled as mentally ill.

According to findings recently published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine,

if you harbor homophobic views it’s likely you may also endorse some of the following dysfunctions: misogynism, psychoticism, uber-religiosity, immature coping mechanisms, [discomfort] with close relationships, and above-average levels of anger, aggression, hostility, and hyper-masculinity.

Dr. Emmanuele Jannini, senior author of the study, said, “the study is opening a new research avenue, where the real disease to study is homophobia.” The results conclude that homophobia is a “culture-induced disease” and that it must be “condemned.”

Read more: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/09/18/are-homophobes-mentally-ill-science-says-maybe.html

Of course once that diagnosis is made by a qualified LGBTQueer professional, mandatory "therapy" sessions will be required of these homophobes, their constitutional right to keep and bear arms will be stolen from them and without a doubt the "source" behind of all of that hate and bigotry will have to be destroyed.



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Oh but TracerBullet, the jack booted thugs of the LGBTQueer movement claim a trophy every day, here's their latest:

Ohio factory worker fired for recommending Christian movie to lesbian co-worker

How come you never give credit to the LGBTQueer source that you copy and paste from?

It just so happens that the full version of "Audacity" is free on the internet and I just finished watching the movie, which shows nothing but love towards sexually confused people who engage in homosexuality.

1 hour, share it with your friends.

share it? You mean like Chris Rouston your death obsessed sex pervert hero did?


Let's see what the psychopath who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is up to as of lately:

BlackLivesMatter Goes to the White House

Obama rolls out the red carpet for a racist, pro-cop-killing movement.

Sept. 18, 2015

The Obama White House rolled out the red carpet this week for leaders of the racist revolutionary Black Lives Matter movement, providing yet more confirmation that the Obama administration supports its members' increasingly violent activism.

News of the meeting comes after a Southern police chief was given the boot for posting a note critical of Black Lives Matter and of President Obama's incessant race-baiting.

Black Lives Matter is animated not only by anti-white racism but by a hatred of normal American values, including law and order. Its members denounce the U.S. for imagined institutional racism and discrimination against African-Americans. Members idolize convicted, unrepentant cop-killers Assata Shakur and Mumia Abu Jamal, both of whom are black, and have declared "war" on law enforcement. Its members openly call for police officers to be assassinated.

Black Lives Matter activist Joseph Thomas Johnson-Shanks, a 25-year-old black man, murdered 31-year-old white Kentucky State Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder last Sunday night. Johnson-Shanks apparently committed suicide-by-cop when troopers caught up with him the next morning. The convicted felon pointed a gun at police and they shot him in self-defense.

The White House love fest Wednesday came after several high-profile attacks on law enforcement across America...

Read more: http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/260161/blacklivesmatter-goes-white-house-matthew-vadum


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The nation's most powerful sodomite (no, I'm not talking about HRC founder and confirmed pederast Terry Bean) has appointed yet another sodomite to a very powerful position.

Obama names open homosexual to be Secretary of U.S. Army

Sept. 18, 2015

Greg Jaffe reports for The Washington Post, Sept. 18, 2015, that in a historic first for the Pentagon, Obama has chosen to nominate Eric Fanning, 47, to lead the Army. “Eric brings many years of proven experience and exceptional leadership to this new role,” Obama said in a statement.

Fanning has been a trusted ally of Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter who tapped Fanning last year to oversee his transition team as he moved into the Pentagon’s top job. He also served briefly as acting Air Force secretary, a deputy undersecretary of the Navy and has been acting undersecretary of the Army since June 2015. Defense officials said that he might be the only person in the Pentagon’s history to serve at senior levels in all three of the services. “He understands how the Pentagon works and how to get things done in the Pentagon,” said Rudy de Leon, who was deputy defense secretary in the Clinton administration. “He knows what works and what doesn’t work.”

Fanning has been a specialist on national security issues for more than two decades and has played a key role overseeing some of the Pentagon’s biggest shipbuilding and fighter jet weapons programs. Now he will oversee an Army that has been battered by the longest stretch of continuous combat in American history and is facing potentially severe budget cuts.

As Army secretary, Fanning will be teamed with Gen. Mark Milley, who took over as the Army’s top general in August. Together the two men will assume responsibility for the Pentagon’s largest and most troubled service...

Read more: https://cofda.wordpress.com/2015/09/18/obama-names-open-homosexual-to-be-secretary-of-u-s-army/

Let's see if I can find a picture of Eric Fanning on the internet:


And yes, as shown in the early part of the thread with the links from "The Center for Military Readiness", all branches of the military have become morally corrupt. Does it make sense to put a proud and unrepentant homosexual in the Army's top spot to deal with moral corruption?

It's insane.
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New member
The nation's most powerful sodomite (no, I'm not talking about HRC founder and confirmed pederast Terry Bean) has appointed yet another sodomite to a very powerful position.

Obama names open homosexual to be Secretary of U.S. Army

Sept. 18, 2015

Greg Jaffe reports for The Washington Post, Sept. 18, 2015, that in a historic first for the Pentagon, Obama has chosen to nominate Eric Fanning, 47, to lead the Army. “Eric brings many years of proven experience and exceptional leadership to this new role,” Obama said in a statement.

Fanning has been a trusted ally of Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter who tapped Fanning last year to oversee his transition team as he moved into the Pentagon’s top job. He also served briefly as acting Air Force secretary, a deputy undersecretary of the Navy and has been acting undersecretary of the Army since June 2015. Defense officials said that he might be the only person in the Pentagon’s history to serve at senior levels in all three of the services. “He understands how the Pentagon works and how to get things done in the Pentagon,” said Rudy de Leon, who was deputy defense secretary in the Clinton administration. “He knows what works and what doesn’t work.”

Fanning has been a specialist on national security issues for more than two decades and has played a key role overseeing some of the Pentagon’s biggest shipbuilding and fighter jet weapons programs. Now he will oversee an Army that has been battered by the longest stretch of continuous combat in American history and is facing potentially severe budget cuts.

As Army secretary, Fanning will be teamed with Gen. Mark Milley, who took over as the Army’s top general in August. Together the two men will assume responsibility for the Pentagon’s largest and most troubled service...

Read more: https://cofda.wordpress.com/2015/09/18/obama-names-open-homosexual-to-be-secretary-of-u-s-army/

Let's see if I can find a picture of Eric Fanning on the internet:


And yes, as shown in the early part of the thread with the links from "The Center for Military Readiness", all branches of the military have become morally corrupt. Does it make sense to put a proud and unrepentant homosexual in the Army's top spot to deal with moral corruption?

It's insane.

You didn't try to lie and claim that Carter is a pedophile... :jawdrop: You say that about EVERYBODY


You didn't try to lie and claim that Carter is a pedophile... :jawdrop: You say that about EVERYBODY

While Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter does seem to be very comfortable around the gay boyz, he is married (to a woman even!), just ask Vice President Joe Biden who as seen here, is pawing at his wife.


Don't go calling me biased TB, I show dirty old men like Home Depot Joe every chance that I get.
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Before I update the Table of Contents and get started on the extensive segment on Education, I'd like to honor another TOL'er by adding him to the "TOL Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch List" (which I've based off the website "Gay Christian Movement Watch").

In Part 2, on page 204, post #3047 I talked about how the homosexual movement is reinterpreting/redefining Scripture to meet it's selfish perverted desires, and attached the link to the website "Gay Christian Movement Watch"

Well, TOL has it's fair share of people who pervert God's Word to meet their selfish and unnatural desires as well, hence me starting an ongoing segment entitled:

TOL's Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch

While there are many on TOL that have made statements saying that the Bible allows sexual acts outside of the confines of marriage between a man and a woman, I've only documented [edit] 8 that have either posted in this thread, or "debated" me in another thread about this subject, all the while claiming that they're "Christian".

Without further adieu, here are [edit] 8 quotes from "TOL Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch List" :

#8 He's posted in Part 3 and again in Part 4 (using a different screen name) and has admitted that he's a fan of Libertarian Ron Paul. While he did delete this post in the thread that I'm taking it from, I have to ask myself why would a follower of Christ write such a thing in the first place? He's yet to explain why.

Originally Posted by patrick jane
P.S. i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds. Jesus Christ's Commandments are from the Father and His teachings are as well. Meshak is right -

#7 An unapologetic defender of both Islam and homosexuality, aikido7 bastardizes Holy Scripture by putting a plug in for "loving homosexual relationships" :

Originally Posted by aikido7
What we call "homosexuality" in the Bible had nothing to do with gay sex. Man-on-man intercourse or rape had to do with phallic aggression, not a loving union.

Now it IS possible that there were gay relationships with love and respect (David and Jonathan in the Hebrew Bible?) but the textual evidence within and without the Bible does not support it.


#6 Fraud and ardent defender of homosexuality Kdall openly states in Part 3

Originally Posted by Kdall
Because some, as Jesus also said, are born gay. You can't repent of natural sexuality


#5: A constant defender of homosexual 'marriage', homosexualist Town Heretic shows off his 50 cent vocabulary with this rant while promoting homosexual 'marriage':

Originally Posted by Town Heretic
Our predominantly Christian forefathers attempted to make sure that we wouldn't repeat the mistakes of Europe, where religious conviction alone could fashion a law and from that a bloody 30 Years War could decimate the population, resulting in the victor, Catholic or Protestant, enforcing their will and practice upon men in violation of their right to hold their own peace with God and exercise their faith as they saw fit.

#4: Eeset, when asked if there is such a thing as a "Homosexual (Gay) Christian" replied:

Originally Posted by Eeset
As to your question on who can be a Christian I confess that I leave such difficult things in God's hands. I am not qualified to pass judgement on others.


#3: Doormat stating that consensual homosexuality between adults does not violate Matthew 7:12.

Originally Posted by Doormat
...Because people with unclean hearts cannot understand that consensual homosexuality between adults does not violate the principle of Matthew 7:12 but coveting does;...


#2: Heterodoxical states that those who oppose homosexuals 'marrying' are "anti-Christ".

Originally Posted by Heterodoxical
I'll defend the position, that to campaign against gay marriage is ANti Christ.


#1: The Jr. Libertarian saying that any kind of behavior, as long as it's consensual, is Biblical:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Accepting any type of behavior between people as long as it's consensual is Biblical?

Originally Posted by Christian Liberty
Define the word "acceptance." If by "acceptance" you mean "Not using violence to prevent" and by "consensual" you are talking about adults, and not children who live with their parents, than yes, I would say "accepting any type of behavior between people as long as its consensual is Biblical."


If you too are a "Christian" who believes that the Bible accepts homosexuality or "any type of behavior between people as long as its consensual", submit your post here in the "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4" thread and our panel of judges (me) will decide if you're worthy of being on

"TOL's Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch List".

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