Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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New member
Also, homos being pedophiles is far more common than you might think.

From the link above, if you care to learn:

And that's not even half of the rest of the evidence that it's not just a "fringe group" that supports pedophilia.

And i posted a list of published research, not quote mines, showing the opposite. I guess you weren't all that interested in learning.


New member
Quote mines? Explain how what I posted was a quote mine.

As an example:

The Age Taboo: Responding to Besen denial, Enyart quoted from page 144 of another Alyson publication, The Age Taboo: "Boy-lovers and the lesbians who have young lovers... are not child molesters. The child abusers are... [the] parents."
it is only partially true that this quote is from page 144 of The Age of Taboo. The "quote" begins on page 138 and ends on page 144. The ellipses in these two sentences represent multiple paragraphs that were omitted.
And that is quote mining.


As an example:

it is only partially true that this quote is from page 144 of The Age of Taboo. The "quote" begins on page 138 and ends on page 144. The ellipses in these two sentences represent multiple paragraphs that were omitted.
And that is quote mining.

I had this very same conversation in an earlier WHMBR! thread with a guy that went by the name of TracerBullet. Care to pull up the text from those pages so that it can be seen by one and all that man-boy love (i.e. pedophilia and pederasty) is a huge part of the LGBTQ movement?


More from the culture of death:

Gay man who unsuccessfully sued SanDiego cops for arresting him for wearing a butt-exposing gladiator costume 'commits suicide' after racking up $1m in legal bills

Police were called to the apartment of 35-year-old Will X Walters Wednesday
It's unclear how long he had been dead; the medical examiner is investigating
Walters was arrested in 2011 during a gay pride event for wearing a leather gladiator outfit that didn't fully cover his buttocks
Sued the police for anti-gay discrimination but a federal jury ruled against him
His attorney said he hadn't heard from his client since the December 13 verdict

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...rest-suit-apparent-suicide.html#ixzz4UiQnidqq

Yet another human life lost due to the legalization of homosexuality.


Evidently you can't even say that homosexuality is sinful in Church anymore without LGBTQueer repercussions...

Kim Burrell’s ‘Ellen DeGeneres’ Appearance Cancelled Following Anti-Gay Sermon


Kim Burrell’s scheduled appearance on Thursday’s “Ellen DeGeneres Show” has been cancelled in the wake of an anti-gay sermon she delivered emerging online last week. The gospel singer was slated to perform alongside Pharrell on the daytime talk show, but he’ll now appear solo.
As Gossip Cop reported, Burrell called gays “perverted” during a homophobic sermon she gave at the Love & Liberty Fellowship Church in Houston, which she founded in 2010. Also during her speech, the singer said that “the perverted homosexual spirit, and the spirit of delusion and confusion, it has deceived many men and women.” She then went on to describe specific homosexual acts as sinful...

Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/ki...-sermon/ar-BBxQWG3?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp

I'm questioning why Ms Burrell would want to go on Ellen the Degenerate's show to begin with, perhaps she'd be using it as a platform to share God's love with the sexually and morally confused. In any event, yet another case of LGBTQ intolerance.



New member
I had this very same conversation in an earlier WHMBR! thread with a guy that went by the name of TracerBullet. Care to pull up the text from those pages so that it can be seen by one and all that man-boy love (i.e. pedophilia and pederasty) is a huge part of the LGBTQ movement?

you want me to post a half dozen pages of a book just so you can ignore them.


Get your own copy and read it. You can purchaser one through Amazon.com even though Enyart indicates that you can't because of the mass Christian protest forced Amazon to remove the book from sale.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I had this very same conversation in an earlier WHMBR! thread with a guy that went by the name of TracerBullet. Care to pull up the text from those pages so that it can be seen by one and all that man-boy love (i.e. pedophilia and pederasty) is a huge part of the LGBTQ movement?

you want me to post a half dozen pages of a book just so you can ignore them.


Get your own copy and read it. You can purchaser one through Amazon.com even though Enyart indicates that you can't because of the mass Christian protest forced Amazon to remove the book from sale.

Why on earth would I want to buy or borrow a book entitled Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent written by Daniel Tsang, who just happens to be a founding member of the North American Man Boy Love Association?


Who is Daniel Tsang and why is he relevant to the discussion of sex offenders and sex offender laws?

Daniel Tsang is a data librarian at the University of California, Irvine and heavily involved in gay politics.

According to an article in The Advocate, a gay magazine, Tsang was described as a founding member of the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and is a proponent of intergenerational sex, or sex between men and boys...

In his opening essay

introducing the book to his readers, Mr. Tsang writes:

"​Before, hidden in the closet, man/boy love was never openly discussed, a situation hardly conducive to any improvement. Today as the veil of secrecy is being torn from the subject, the potential for radical improvement in these relationships can only be enhanced. The formation of such organizations as NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association)...is a major step away from the repression and guilt of yesteryear.
The primary issue, it should be made clear, is not the right of men to have sex with boys. Rather the real issue is the liberation of young people, so that they are empowered to make their own decisions regarding all aspects of their lives, including their sexuality.

What was it that UK homosexual activist/pedophile/pederast Peter Tatchell said in his letter to the editor?

"Several of my friends gay and straight, male and female had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was their conscious choice and gave them great joy."

I wonder how much millstones are going for these days?


New member
Why on earth would I want to buy or borrow a book
Certainly not to read it.

entitled Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent written by Daniel Tsang,
Edited by, not written

who just happens to be a founding member of the North American Man Boy Love Association?
You know just everyone who was a founding member of NAMBLA. Are you a member?

Who is Daniel Tsang and why is he relevant to the discussion of sex offenders and sex offender laws?
Blah blah blah
Nothing to do with the quote mining


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why on earth would I want to buy or borrow a book entitled Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent written by Daniel Tsang, who just happens to be a founding member of the North American Man Boy Love Association?

Certainly not to read it.

I imagine those kind of books are standard bedtime reading for those in the LGBTQueer movement (Nothing says sweet dreams like a 9 year old telling a 50 year old homosexual pedophile that he "enjoyed" the experience of being raped).

Note how the LGBTQueer movement (even the mediocre activists) won't denounce child rape.

And some people think that Christians (and those who aren't followers of Christ but simply believe in decency) and the LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement can 'coexist'?


New member
I imagine those kind of books are standard bedtime reading for those in the LGBTQueer movement (Nothing says sweet dreams like a 9 year old telling a 50 year old homosexual pedophile that he "enjoyed" the experience of being raped).

Again - please keep your perverted fantasies to yourself


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I imagine those kind of books are standard bedtime reading for those in the LGBTQueer movement (Nothing says sweet dreams like a 9 year old telling a 50 year old homosexual pedophile that he "enjoyed" the experience of being raped).

Note how the LGBTQueer movement (even the mediocre activists) won't denounce child rape.

And some people think that Christians (and those who aren't followers of Christ but simply believe in decency) and the LGBTQ/sexual anarchist movement can 'coexist'?

Again - please keep your perverted fantasies to yourself

You being a heterosexual family man and all (yeah, uh huh): can we both agree that filthy little child raping faggots like homosexual activists Daniel Tsang and Peter Tatchell deserve the death penalty for the barbaric things that they propose be done to innocent children?


Does ACW like movies about gladiators?

I do like hearing stories from people with same sex desires:

Sometime back I confessed here to having been very briefly tempted in college, before I was a Christian, to allow a homosexual to perform oral sex on me as he'd offered. I declined and it never happened, and since being saved I am viscerally repulsed at the idea.

That's a fascinating story that could be very helpful to those who harbor same sex desires.

Since homosexual desires are not something that people are born with, what environmental factor(s) created those unnatural desires in your life?

Provided you were able to overcome those unnatural desires, were you able to do it through prayer alone or did you need some professional psychological counseling as well?

Again, your confession can be helpful to others who are struggling with perverse sexual desires. I hope that you will help them with your testimony.
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why on earth would I want to buy or borrow a book entitled Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent written by Daniel Tsang, who just happens to be a founding member of the North American Man Boy Love Association?
Why would you want to show a mock-up picture of the book?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Why on earth would I want to buy or borrow a book entitled Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent written by Daniel Tsang, who just happens to be a founding member of the North American Man Boy Love Association?

Why would you want to show a mock-up picture of the book?

Yet another rainbower who won't denounce child rape.

I used this analogy with alwight the atheist on several occasions:

The shoplifter will never judge the burglar and the burglar will never judge the armed robber because they are all thieves.

A homosexual will never judge a pedophile or a pederast because they are all perverts.
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There's a rational way to argue against homosexuality.
And then, well, there's this way:



Don't go that way.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet another rainbower who won't denounce child rape.

I used this analogy with alwight the atheist on several occasions:

The shoplifter will never judge the burglar and the burglar will never judge the armed robber because they are all thieves.

A homosexual will never judge a pedophile or a pederast because they are all perverts.

As if you aren't an elite Religious Right fagot who is in the closet. ACW, you realize that you shouldn't spread homosexual masturbation. It's not healthy.

Just what are you a cultural warrior of? You don't seem very brave.

Still no denunciation of child rape. A homosexual will never judge a pedophile or a pederast because they are all perverts.


There's a rational way to argue against homosexuality.
And then, well, there's this way:


Don't go that way.

I believe we left off with this post and this last question:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
There must be more to the story, being that he was a "cultural gay" who later in life took you to 'gay' bars.


I highly doubt that a 30-40 year old? homosexual male took a teenage runaway into his home out of the goodness of his heart without some...ahem...expectations attached. Pederasts like Harvey Milk and HRC founder Terry Bean "groomed" their teenage victims...
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