Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Death by Grindr: Is It the New Killer App?

The murder of 25-year-old Dino Dizdarević is only the latest in a recent wave of violent crimes facilitated through the country's most popular gay hookup app




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The top six U.S. male serial killers were all homosexuals:

• Donald Harvey claimed 37 victims in Kentucky;

• John Wayne Gacy raped and killed 33 boys in Chicago, burying them under his house and in his yard;

• Patrick Kearney accounted for 32, cutting his victims into small pieces after sex and leaving them in trash bags along the Los Angeles freeways;

• Bruce Davis molested and killed 27 young men and boys in Illinois;

• A gay sex-murder-torture ring (Corll-Henley-Brooks) sent 27 Texas men and boys to their grave; and

• Juan Corona was convicted of murdering 25 migrant workers (he “made love” with their corpses).

Lesbian Aileen Wuornos laid claim in 1992 to “worst female killer” with at least 7 middle-aged male victims. She singlehandedly topped the lesbian nurse team of Catherine Wood and Gwen Graham, who had killed 6 convalescent patients in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The association between serial murder and homosexuality isn’t recent. Two homosexuals compete for the spot of “world’s worst murderer.” During the Nazi reign of terror, Auschwitz executioner Ludwig Tiene strangled, crushed, and gnawed boys and young men to death while he raped them. Though his grand total is uncertain, he often murdered as many as 100 a day. Gilles de Rais (Bluebeard) brutally destroyed the lives of 800 boys. Each lad was lured to his home, bathed and fed. Just as the poor boy thought “this is my lucky day,” he was raped, then killed by being ripped or cut apart and either burned or eaten... [/I]

To be continued.

Homosexual-necrophiliac and serial killer Juan Corona.

to bad the facts don't support your claims...as usual

the most prolific serial killer in the United Sates was The Green River killer, Gary Ridgeway. A noted heterosexual. He confessed to killing 71 women.

The second most prolific serial killer in the United States was Ted Bundy. He would kidnap, rape and then murder random women. he confessed to 30 such killings but it is believed that he had over 100 victims


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No, but I will say that your comrades at HRC, GLSEN, GLAAD and NAMBLA will be upset that you're posting articles showing...

Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!

They will learn to live with it. :AMR1:

Hopefully homosexualists Art Brain, alwight, shagster01 and a long list of others here on TOL will too.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post

The top six U.S. male serial killers were all homosexuals:

to bad the facts don't support your claims...as usual

Are homosexuals not disproportionately represented when it comes to serial killers Traci?

the most prolific serial killer in the United Sates was The Green River killer, Gary Ridgeway. A noted heterosexual. He confessed to killing 71 women.

If you want to call someone that was married 3 times (his 3rd wife had been married to a bisexual and thought that Ridgway was a "blessing") and had an obsession with prostitutes (who he murdered) a "heterosexual", then so be it Traci.

The second most prolific serial killer in the United States was Ted Bundy. He would kidnap, rape and then murder random women. he confessed to 30 such killings but it is believed that he had over 100 victims

If you want to call someone that hung out in Seattle's homosexual bathhouses a "heterosexual", so be it Traci.

Later in the 1970's, who should check in for two weeks at Seattle's Gay South End Steam Baths? Ted Bundy! Any good looking guy who came into the Baths was certainly noticed by the attendants on duty and by customers. Obviously, they would be cruised and hit upon. However, Bundy kept to himself. He was polite and soft-spoken and no one saw him trick with anyone. Of course, no one knew who he was; he was just sexy. Years later, attendants remembered Bundy and were shocked like so many others, including author Ann Rule, who knew him better that anyone.


Continuing with Dr. Paul Cameron's article:

Violent Sexual Practices

A substantial minority of homosexuals (between 22% (5) to 37% (6,7) ) indulge in painful or violent sex (e.g., bondage and discipline [B/D], where the partner is physically restrained and mildly tortured, or sadomasochism [S/M], where partners are tortured or hurt during sex). Even in the 1940s, psychiatrist David Abrahamsen (8) noted, “It is well known that homosexual inclinations may be accompanied by sadistic or masochistic tendencies…. These perversions play a great part in many sexual offenses and in many cases of murder.” In a national survey of random samples of homosexuals and heterosexuals, (7) 32% of those males who called themselves homosexual or bisexual versus 5% of heterosexual males reported having engaged in sadomasochism; 17% of lesbians versus 4% of heterosexual women also admitted to S/M. Likewise, gays and lesbians were about four times more apt to engage in bondage than were heterosexuals.

• Homosexual books and magazines celebrate the “fun” of violent sex. For instance, a Denver gay columnist (the “leathersex fairy”), told his readers how to strangle and flog one’s partner during sex. He also extolled the practice of “hanging from a tree by meat hooks through the pectoral muscles” and described “guys who like to have burning cigars, cigarettes, or matches held near or pressed into their skin.” (9) Likewise, national and international gay tour books matter-of-factly list places where sadomasochistic sex can be obtained. (10)

• In 1993, London gays raised £100,000 to appeal a conviction in which the judge ruled that “sex is no excuse for violence…. Pleasure derived from the infliction of pain is an evil thing.” The crime? “Nailing a foreskin and scrotum to a board” and “pouring hot wax in a urethra.” (11)

• The 1980 CBS-TV documentary, Gay Power, Gay Politics reported that about 10% of the accidental deaths among young men in San Francisco resulted from sadomasochistic sex gone awry.

To be continued...





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1. Do recent statistics (2012-14) still reveal these same practices and numbers?

2. What is the protocol for recriminalization?


1. Do recent statistics (2012-14) still reveal these same practices and numbers?

Regarding what?

Disease: Those who partake in homosexual behavior (as shown throughout this 3 part thread) are disproportionately affected with all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases as well as overrepresented when it comes to cigarette smoking and substance abuse.

Violence: Since the decriminalization of homosexuality, those who partake in homosexual behavior have the freedom to openly move about and meet other sexual deviants in bars, bathhouses and as you pointed out a few posts ago, 'hookup" internet websites where murders often times do take place after meetings.

Early death: As homosexualist Dark Radiance pointed out, those who engage in homosexual behavior are living longer. I agreed that due to government subsidized medications those who engage in homosex are living longer, but that doesn't change the fact that they are still 'sick' with various diseases that disproportionately affect homosexuals.

'Gaystapo' tactics: Intolerance towards those that speak out against homosexuality, be it for religious reasons or that people find homosexual behavior to be disgusting, is getting worse. Hate crime laws are not being overturned, anti reparative therapy laws are being legislated in several states.

Children: The physical, mental and spiritual molestation of youth: Be it indoctrination through the media, education, youth mentor groups, same sex marriage/adoption and gay pride parades, children are HUGE part of the homosexual agenda.

2. What is the protocol for recriminalization?

Expose frauds like you and educate the public about the above. When that happens, cultural mores and immoral laws will change.

This goes for ANY application where you meet up with random strangers, i.e., any online dating site, craigslist, etc. Of course sites like this one catering to the gay community have the danger of the existence of a large number of people who actively wish to inflict severe harm on them. It's unfortunately all too easy for a violent homophobe to go online, create an account on one of these sites pretending to be a gay man looking to hook up, chat with some guy online and lure him out somewhere under the guise of looking to hook up.

Obviously one needs to be careful with things like online dating, regardless of their orientation.


New member
Regarding what?

Disease: Those who partake in homosexual behavior (as shown throughout this 3 part thread) are disproportionately affected with all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases as well as overrepresented when it comes to cigarette smoking and substance abuse.

Violence: Since the decriminalization of homosexuality, those who partake in homosexual behavior have the freedom to openly move about and meet other sexual deviants in bars, bathhouses and as you pointed out a few posts ago, 'hookup" internet websites where murders often times do take place after meetings.

Early death: As homosexualist Dark Radiance pointed out, those who engage in homosexual behavior are living longer. I agreed that due to government subsidized medications those who engage in homosex are living longer, but that doesn't change the fact that they are still 'sick' with various diseases that disproportionately affect homosexuals.

'Gaystapo' tactics: Intolerance towards those that speak out against homosexuality, be it for religious reasons or that people find homosexual behavior to be disgusting, is getting worse. Hate crime laws are not being overturned, anti reparative therapy laws are being legislated in several states.

Children: The physical, mental and spiritual molestation of youth: Be it indoctrination through the media, education, youth mentor groups, same sex marriage/adoption and gay pride parades, children are HUGE part of the homosexual agenda.

Expose frauds like you and educate the public about the above. When that happens, cultural mores and immoral laws will change.
Thank you for the info above.
Just because I wanted some details and clarification, does NOT expose me as a FRAUD :madmad: :madmad:

Wasting time exposing frauds who are not frauds is a hell of a way to educate the public, btw.
Nor do I respond to Aaron.

But this is an extremely libelous statement; if real names were used, there would be legal trouble.

Would you accept it if someone were to say, "As a Culture Warrior refuses to stop sleeping with young boys, he can only be helped through forced therapy or incarceration." ? :think:

And he totally left me off his list of "moral degenerates!" Not even "Kitty".

Being called a moral degenerate by the likes of aCultureWarrior ought to be considered a badge of honor.


And he totally left me off his list of "moral degenerates!" Not even "Kitty".

Being called a moral degenerate by the likes of aCultureWarrior ought to be considered a badge of honor.

That must hurt your limp wristed ego that you're not included in my list of TOL's moral degenerates.

When it comes to defending buggery, your posts are so insignificant that I often forget about you (step it up a notch Kitty).

On that note: tis time for some music.

Glenn Campbell singing Jimmy Webb's 'Wichita Lineman" without a doubt has to be one of the most beautiful songs ever.



Words of wisdom from the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer:


August 28, 2014

Christians: "softer, kinder, gentler" approach ain't working

One of the perpetual myths well-intentioned Christians indulge in is that if we are just nice enough, winsome enough and persuasive enough everybody will love us and eventually will agree with us.

This is a pernicious and fatuous lie. It is a deception forged by the father of lies to induce Christians to be passive, meek and timid instead of bold clarions of truth and true justice.

By believing this lie, we have neutered ourselves in the public arena. Rather than winning others to our side, we have earned only their dismissive contempt. Rather than respecting us, they now feel free to punish us by shutting us up and shutting us down, and sending us off to re-education camps if we won't cooperate.

It's been tragic to watch as one pro-family leader and organization after another has lost its nerve and gone to ground rather than going to the mat. Organizations that once stood as beacons of light for the entire nation are now largely forgotten and ignored. They no longer have a message that the world fears. They have been domesticated.

But we do not serve a domesticated king. We serve the Lion of Judah, who is not, any more than Aslan was, a tame lion.

It's time to be done with the "nicer than Jesus" mentality. It never has worked and it never will work. It only fools us into thinking we are being Christ-like when in reality we are only being wimps.

The odd thing is that Christians who have lost their spine and have become silent and soft are often harshly critical of those Christians who do stand publicly and without apology for the time-honored truths of Scripture. This is especially the case when it comes to things like declaring that homosexuality is not a benign alternative to heterosexuality but a form of sexually deviant behavior.

Jesus wasn't crucified for being nice. He was crucified for being bold and confrontational. Don't misunderstand – he was the kindest man who ever lived. But he wasn't a sap. He knew when kindness was called for and he knew when it was time to get up in somebody's grill and challenge them with the truth...

Bottom line: God has not called us to be nice. He has called us to be good. Nice people never confront evil and error, but good people do. It is the truth that sets men free, and genuine love will drive us to declare the truth no matter the cost. It's time to put on the full armor of God, unsheathe the sword of the Spirit, and go to war.

Read the entire article:


New member
Words of wisdom from the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer:


August 28, 2014

Christians: "softer, kinder, gentler" approach ain't working

One of the perpetual myths well-intentioned Christians indulge in is that if we are just nice enough, winsome enough and persuasive enough everybody will love us and eventually will agree with us.

This is a pernicious and fatuous lie. It is a deception forged by the father of lies to induce Christians to be passive, meek and timid instead of bold clarions of truth and true justice.

By believing this lie, we have neutered ourselves in the public arena. Rather than winning others to our side, we have earned only their dismissive contempt. Rather than respecting us, they now feel free to punish us by shutting us up and shutting us down, and sending us off to re-education camps if we won't cooperate.

It's been tragic to watch as one pro-family leader and organization after another has lost its nerve and gone to ground rather than going to the mat. Organizations that once stood as beacons of light for the entire nation are now largely forgotten and ignored. They no longer have a message that the world fears. They have been domesticated.

But we do not serve a domesticated king. We serve the Lion of Judah, who is not, any more than Aslan was, a tame lion.

It's time to be done with the "nicer than Jesus" mentality. It never has worked and it never will work. It only fools us into thinking we are being Christ-like when in reality we are only being wimps.

The odd thing is that Christians who have lost their spine and have become silent and soft are often harshly critical of those Christians who do stand publicly and without apology for the time-honored truths of Scripture. This is especially the case when it comes to things like declaring that homosexuality is not a benign alternative to heterosexuality but a form of sexually deviant behavior.

Jesus wasn't crucified for being nice. He was crucified for being bold and confrontational. Don't misunderstand – he was the kindest man who ever lived. But he wasn't a sap. He knew when kindness was called for and he knew when it was time to get up in somebody's grill and challenge them with the truth...

Bottom line: God has not called us to be nice. He has called us to be good. Nice people never confront evil and error, but good people do. It is the truth that sets men free, and genuine love will drive us to declare the truth no matter the cost. It's time to put on the full armor of God, unsheathe the sword of the Spirit, and go to war.

Read the entire article:
Well-written piece, from a good site. :thumb:
Problem is, will any of them go to the mat as he challenges? Or keep caving? :think:

(warning: do NOT say I am patronizing; I've been reading him and Renew America for years )


Well-known member
Words of wisdom from the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer:


August 28, 2014

Christians: "softer, kinder, gentler" approach ain't working

One of the perpetual myths well-intentioned Christians indulge in is that if we are just nice enough, winsome enough and persuasive enough everybody will love us and eventually will agree with us.

This is a pernicious and fatuous lie. It is a deception forged by the father of lies to induce Christians to be passive, meek and timid instead of bold clarions of truth and true justice.

By believing this lie, we have neutered ourselves in the public arena. Rather than winning others to our side, we have earned only their dismissive contempt. Rather than respecting us, they now feel free to punish us by shutting us up and shutting us down, and sending us off to re-education camps if we won't cooperate.

It's been tragic to watch as one pro-family leader and organization after another has lost its nerve and gone to ground rather than going to the mat. Organizations that once stood as beacons of light for the entire nation are now largely forgotten and ignored. They no longer have a message that the world fears. They have been domesticated.

But we do not serve a domesticated king. We serve the Lion of Judah, who is not, any more than Aslan was, a tame lion.

It's time to be done with the "nicer than Jesus" mentality. It never has worked and it never will work. It only fools us into thinking we are being Christ-like when in reality we are only being wimps.

The odd thing is that Christians who have lost their spine and have become silent and soft are often harshly critical of those Christians who do stand publicly and without apology for the time-honored truths of Scripture. This is especially the case when it comes to things like declaring that homosexuality is not a benign alternative to heterosexuality but a form of sexually deviant behavior.

Jesus wasn't crucified for being nice. He was crucified for being bold and confrontational. Don't misunderstand – he was the kindest man who ever lived. But he wasn't a sap. He knew when kindness was called for and he knew when it was time to get up in somebody's grill and challenge them with the truth...

Bottom line: God has not called us to be nice. He has called us to be good. Nice people never confront evil and error, but good people do. It is the truth that sets men free, and genuine love will drive us to declare the truth no matter the cost. It's time to put on the full armor of God, unsheathe the sword of the Spirit, and go to war.

Read the entire article:
I love this stuff.

The more you people parade your extremism, the more you marginalize yourselves to the rest of society, and the more irrelevant you become in their minds.

Keep up the good work, fellas.


New member
I love this stuff.

The more you people parade your extremism, the more you marginalize yourselves to the rest of society, and the more irrelevant you become in their minds.

Keep up the good work, fellas.
Does a minority opinion have no meaning ?

Is this extremism, or just a classical stance?


Well-written piece, from a good site. :thumb:
Problem is, will any of them go to the mat as he challenges? Or keep caving? :think:

(warning: do NOT say I am patronizing; I've been reading him and Renew America for years )

Then you obviously agree with Fischer on what he proposes here.

And you obviously agree with Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality that homosexuality should be recriminalized here in the US.

Later Colmes asked LaBarbera about his trip to Jamaica to campaign for the retention of that country’s colonial era anti-sodomy law and how LaBarbera would go about recriminalizing homosexuality in the United States. However LaBarbera had difficulty answering. ‘I don’t know what the punishment should be,’ LaBarbera told Colmes after repeatedly refusing to answer him. ‘So you want these laws on the books but you don’t know what to do about them?’ Colmes challenged. ‘You keep talking about criminalizing sodomy and using the country of Jamaica as a model for that but you’re not telling me how you would enforce it and then what the punishment should be. So you don’t have a well-rounded idea of how to approach the idea of criminalizing it...
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