Welcome back Naz.
I pointed out in this thread that homosexual organizations are supporting the strong armed robber/attempted cop killer (Saint) Michael Brown.
If you would be so kind as to confine your cop hating rant to this subject and only this subject, then I'd be very interested in what you have to say.
I'll be happy to speak on this subject.
(1) The video is interesting, but far more important is the fact that
the robber and the corpse had exactly the same clothing, including hat.
And it seems the 'friend/witness' is in the video too with the same clothes.
(2) This doesn't mean the cop had even started looking for the robbers,
or knew about the robbery.
There is probably some truth to claim that the cop leaned out the car
window and told simply them to "get off the ***** street!"
Where the 'friend's story breaks down badly is this:
(a) Its implausible that any cop, no matter how lazy,
would attempt to arrest anyone by pulling them into the cop car
from the driver's seat. This is completely absurd.
(b) It is far more plausible that someone already hopped up
and in an arrogant and over-confident mood (read teenager),
and who is used to intimidating other people (read 6' 4" negro),
and who doesn't think ahead very much about consequences (read teenager),
would refuse to get off the road, and instead,
upon seeing the cop stop his car,
and begin to get out, hold the door shut, reach in and start punching.
(c) Its equally plausible that the officer, however arrogant,
would quickly realise his predicament and attempt to pull his gun,
before even being able to get out of the car.
(d) Its plausible that the officer was reasonably successful in
shooting the complete fool a few times, forcing him to change tactics
and start running away (read teenage total idiot),
(e) And finally its plausible that the officer, feeling justified in
stopping a 6' 4" gorilla from attempting any further bodily harm,
would empty his Glock of all rounds, however unwise that might be.
(f) Its naturally also plausible that the teen's mom is going through
total anguish that her 'little boy' who wouldn't hurt a flea,
was shot in what has the appearance of excessive force.
(g) Its also plausible that very few geniuses are putting themselves
in the place of the cop, facing a violent and arrogant 6' 4" fool,
and so finding any sympathy for the cop.
Was the cop justified in shooting the delinquent? Probably.
Does anyone who mouths off to a cop deserve to be shot? Probably not.
But guess what: A fool who climbs into a polar-bear cage
doesn't deserve to die either, but he probably will.
Whether the cop knew about the robbery is irrelevant.
Don't lip off to people with guns.
Whether the idiot was the 'robber' in the video is irrelevant.
Maybe that shopkeeper just told the two negro teens to get out of the store,
and maybe buddy just out of anger or for spite grabbed a box of cigars
first before leaving, and maybe it wasn't exactly even a robbery,
so much as a gathering of idiots, in the first place.
But we can be sure that every shopkeeper in that situation is
going to phone it in as a robbery anyway, and deny any part in
causing the fracas.
But who cares? If someone asks you to leave their store, leave.
Don't patronize a place that you're not welcome in.
Buy your underage cigarettes somewhere else, where the shopkeeper
is less racist and more greedy.
So who's their own worst enemy? The idiot who got shot.
(6) Do the neighbourhood ethnic groups have a right to riot and
loot and burn stores everytime some racist cop shoots an ethnic minority? NO.
(7) Should the rioters and looters who took opportunity and advantage
be punished for looting and destruction of property? YES.
And not jail. Work-farms and work crews.
(8) Should the cowards throwing firebombs and rocks and bottles and
shooting guns at the state troopers and hiding in the crowd of angry
citizens be arrested?
(9) Would I be surprised if a bunch of guys in the army, having caught
someone firing at them, hauled him into an armoured truck and stomped
him to death, then charged the corpse with 'resisting arrest'?
Again a simple rule applies.
Being criminally stupid has consequences.
Don't be tragically stupid.
Case closed.
(10) Do I support the police? No.