Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Many people through spiritual and/or psychological counseling have left their same sex desires behind them.

As a child you were fooled into believing that you had unnatural sexual desires. Unfortunately for you that lasted your entire life.

God knows what's in your heart. I can only judge you by your words. Based on your words, I don't see someone that has repented his previous sinful behavior.

Homosexuals think that I am (misery loves company don't cha know).

From your earlier posts in Part 2 you admitted that you had an absent/distant/unloving father, and that is likely why you sought (pretend) love from other males.

God didn't create you in the womb with homosexual desires. Search deeply into your childhood and you will find the answer as to why you as a young child developed unnatural sexual desires (based on your previous testimony in Part 2, I still believe it was an absent/distant/unloving father).

Dear aCW,

You'll never understand, no matter what you're told. You've got it in your brain that you know all about it when you say you've never been gay. If you haven't been gay, how would you know much of ANYTHING about it. You've never walked in my shoes and until you've walked a mile in them, I will put you on the top of the bookshelf where I can't reach. That's where I throw biased ridiculous literature. I'm done here on this lousy thread!!



New member
aCultureWarrior said:
Yet none of those things have to do with an unnatural disease ridden yet changeable behavior.

Arthur Brain said:
Without an attraction there is no behaviour associated. Do you really need to be spoon fed on this or are you just utterly dumb?
I think he really is just dumb. He confuses primary and secondary causes, and shows no sign of grasping that he does this.

Case in point: He triumphantly points out that people like Ellen Degeneres (and in the past) Chastity Bono, were molested as children (ages 15 and 11, respectively, by family friends).

But with both girls, strong identification as male began far prior to these incidents (age 5 with Bono, and Degeneres pointed out that at age 8 she wore a necktie in a dressup photo because she identified as male).

Thus the gender confusion was already a point of vulnerability in both cases (gay male stories mirror this) and likely made them both targets.

What is tiresome about aCW - besides the fact that he is rude and mean - is that it is excessively boring to debate a sloppy, sloppy researcher. :plain:


New member
Yes, HRC founder and accused pederast/rapist Terry Bean did a lot of that "work" at home from what I hear.

your friend Josh's work is based on more than hearsay


On that note: Darn TracerBullet, the last part of my post must have magically disappeared.

Here it is again:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

What action should parents that find their underage teenager engaging in incest or homosexuality take?

Obviously they should not do what the Duggar's did


New member
I've linked numerous websites the last time we had our little chat about how intimidated homosexual activists are when it comes to little boys and girls getting rid of same sex desires through therapy. Review past posts and you'll find that information.
No, gays and lesbians along with good and moral people of all walks of life work to prevent degenerate child abusers like those practicing so called 'reparatvie therapy' from having access to innocent children

Gosh Art, you act like therapy for sexually confused people just made a recent landing from the Planet Mars. Therapy has been around for a very long time and has been very successful in helping people overcome unnatural/perverse sexual desires.
How does a success rate of zero count as "very successful"?

On the other hand, I've shown numerous people that were molested as a child or grew up in a dysfunctional family that received spiritual and/or psychological counseling and were able to overcome their perverse sexual desires.
And nothing shows the truth of a topic like some random testimonies


New member
What is tiresome about aCW - besides the fact that he is rude and mean - is that it is excessively boring to debate a sloppy, sloppy researcher. :plain:
I'm rather convinced that it isn't sloppiness, aCW has his agenda to peddle, and doesn't seem to care for the niceties of an honest debate, such as getting the facts right or in recognising his own shortcomings.
He isn't interested in honest informed debate any more than in tolerating gay people. :plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But in answering my question you said that you had investigated therapy clinics for sexually confused people. I'd like to know which ones you looked into.

Why? You didn't even care about the sources that I and TB had linked to already here so care to inform people about the "legitimate therapy" centres that actually don't involve abusive "techniques" as you've been made aware?

So besides viewing the propaganda put out by homosexual activist, child indoctrinator and fear monger Dr. (quack quack) Christian Jessen, you have no real knowledge of what really goes on in therapy clinics that help people overcome homosexual and other perverse (incestuous, bestial, etc.) desires. (Note that I didn't end that statement with a question mark).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet none of those things have to do with an unnatural disease ridden yet changeable behavior.

Without an attraction there is no behaviour associated. Do you really need to be spoon fed on this or are you just utterly dumb?

When I asked you how society is doing since we started following the morals of secular humanist man, I should have mentioned abortion, pornography, out of wedlock homes, drug and alcohol abuse, etc. etc. etc.

So how is society doing since we removed God from the big picture Art?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Here's one.

Let me know how your visit goes.

I have no need to visit such a place...

That's right, you just "window shop" :

As you should be more than aware by now, gay people can simply have a latent attraction to their own gender without any sort of other factors coming into play.

(The things one learns about Art Brain).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What should parents do Art?

(My bad, I'm talking to the guy who told young children that anything goes "as long as people love each other".

Please quote me on that because I've done no such thing, as you well know.

Been there, done that (refer to the table of contents where babysitter Art Brain talks to young children about homosexuals on a children's television show).

Also still waiting on whether it's possible for heterosexuals to "choose" to change their attractions but no rush...

Refer to the somewhat recent posts where Dr. Ben Carson talked about prison sex and I followed up with studies showing that some continue to be homosexual even after being released.

While you're at it, refer to the numerous posts where I showed that it's chic for young females (and some males) to experiment with homosexuality.

BTW Art: What should parents do when they find out that their child is engaging in things like incest or homosexuality?



I wonder if Dr. Phil will have mommy back on the show when her gender confused child commits suicide?

Transgender Americans face high suicide risk


A staggering 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a new survey....

Other risks
In addition to their higher risk of suicide, transgender people face steeper odds for other health issues.

For example, the recent survey found that 2.64 percent of trans people are infected with HIV — that's more than four times the national average rate of 0.6 percent in the general population. And 25 percent of the survey respondents reported misusing drugs or alcohol...

A 2003 study by Ilan H. Meyer of Columbia University found that lesbian, gay and bisexual people have a higher prevalence of mental disorders than heterosexuals...


Of course (as the pro LGBTQueer article says), it's because of people like me who read this book of hate


that are the real problem.

Once that book is burned and people like me are either executed or imprisoned, all will be hunky-dory in Sodom and Gomorrah...

right Al?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

God didn't create you in the womb with homosexual desires. Search deeply into your childhood and you will find the answer as to why you as a young child developed unnatural sexual desires (based on your previous testimony in Part 2, I still believe it was an absent/distant/unloving father).

Dear aCW,

You'll never understand, no matter what you're told. You've got it in your brain that you know all about it when you say you've never been gay. If you haven't been gay, how would you know much of ANYTHING about it. You've never walked in my shoes and until you've walked a mile in them, I will put you on the top of the bookshelf where I can't reach. That's where I throw biased ridiculous literature. I'm done here on this lousy thread!!


As a Christian is it not your duty to share your life's experiences with others so that they don't make the same mistakes while showing them through Christ there is a better way?


I think he really is just dumb. He confuses primary and secondary causes, and shows no sign of grasping that he does this.

Welcome back GFR7, I thought that you were finished with this thread?

My good man, even though what you're saying is true, please be aware that this idiot (aCW) is playing head games with me, and is aiming all this derogatory talk at me. He is too dumb to grasp my literary references, and he is being so obnoxious that I really and truly am finished with him now. Please don't feed his pathetic, twisted ego at my expense.

I'm glad you're back and flying your rainbow colors once again.

Please continue:

Case in point: He triumphantly points out that people like Ellen Degeneres (and in the past) Chastity Bono, were molested as children (ages 15 and 11, respectively, by family friends).

But with both girls, strong identification as male began far prior to these incidents (age 5 with Bono, and Degeneres pointed out that at age 8 she wore a necktie in a dressup photo because she identified as male).

I know nothing about Bono's background other than the divorce of her parents Sonny and Cher and the likelihood of Chastity being raised around the pedophiles that run rampant in Hollyweird. (I did mention that pederast Harvey Milk admitted to being molested at age 11).

I read where Ellen the Degenerate stated that she had same sex desires prior to the rape, but surely being raped added all that much more confusion to an already sexually confused youth, wouldn't you say so GFR7?


New member
Welcome back GFR7, I thought that you were finished with this thread?
Meh, I come, I go, I come back, I go again.....I hate you, I love you, I despise you......:nono: .................:dizzy: ............... :think:

I know nothing about Bono's background other than the divorce of her parents Sonny and Cher and the likelihood of Chastity being raised around the pedophiles that run rampant in Hollyweird. (I did mention that pederast Harvey Milk admitted to being molested at age 11).

I read where Ellen the Degenerate stated that she had same sex desires prior to the rape, but surely being raped added all that much more confusion to an already sexually confused youth, wouldn't you say so GFR7?
Right, of course , but that's not the point: Was it a causative factor is the question. :rolleyes::sleep: I must admit I've watched so many Transgender children youtubes in the past 72 hours, that I can't tell any longer which end is up, and had a dreadful, dreadful nightmare last night about Bruce/Caitlin Jenner. :(


New member
Tell us what else would outweigh the horror of being sexually molested as a child that would lead to sexual confusion.
I don't know. Why was Ellen gender-confused years prior, so that she had to wear a boy's necktie? Why did Bono always believe the kindergarten teacher should know she's a boy? Empirical data and questions without answers. Leave it for others to sort out. Can't really grasp any of this anymore......


I don't know. Why was Ellen gender-confused years prior, so that she had to wear a boy's necktie?

Obviously longing to have a dad in her life (as I recall her parents were divorced).

Why did Bono always believe the kindergarten teacher should know she's a boy?

Who knows what kind of horror Chastity went through as a child being raised around musicians and the Hollyweird crowd.

Empirical data and questions without answers. Leave it for others to sort out. Can't really grasp any of this anymore......

Then leave it to people who can.

Buh bye.


Hall of Fame
What is tiresome about aCW - besides the fact that he is rude and mean - is that it is excessively boring to debate a sloppy, sloppy researcher. :plain:

Not that I enjoy defending ACW, however, people know exactly who he is and he makes no pretense of being a sensitive, caring nice guy. When called on a comment, he doesn't pretend that the person he meant to offend misunderstood his comments. Also, he is not misogynistic.

Frankly speaking, you need work on your own superficial demeanor rather than focusing on someone who doesn't try to pretend to be someone he is not.


New member
Obviously longing to have a dad in her life (as I recall her parents were divorced).
No, that didn't happen until later. Why don't all girls without fathers cross-dress?

Who knows what kind of horror Chastity went through as a child being raised around musicians and the Hollyweird crowd.
True of many, many Hollywood kids. Why aren't they all gay?

Then leave it to people who can.

Buh bye.
I was being rhetorical and academic: You cannot sort it out, except by ignoring the questions. Will you stop with the "buh bye"??? It is SO gay and fem. :(


New member
But why am I allowing you to back me into this corner? In general, I believe many, many gay people were NOT born that way, and have always said so. Guess I argue with you because I am bored beyond belief.....just beyond belief... :plain:
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