Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
aCw is not even himself anymore, just a big Ted Cruz now :AMR1: So why should his judgments matter? :think:

In any case, this man who runs the The Patriarchy site on Facebook makes a great deal of sense in his distinctions:

This guy claims he doesn't care if anyone is gay but spends an a awful lot of time lying about gays and promoting hate and discrimination.


New member
Hey, aCW: I had an idea:

Could you take your old avatar, and put it next to the Cruz one, and make it one picture?

Could you do that? Please?

Work with me here .......... :think:


I would like to say aCultureWarrior wants to be a modern Joseph McCarthy judging by his new avatar. It befits him well.

Thank you! You are aware that McCarthy was right and that there were (and still are) communists not only in the US government but in Hollyweird, academia and numerous other institutions of influence aren't you?

Regarding Ted Cruz and his run for the Presidency:

People only need to look at who is belittling Cruz in order to know that he is the right man for the job of POTUS, and Omni is only one of many TOL liberals/Loonatarians that have spoken out against Ted Cruz.


Hey, aCW: I had an idea:

Could you take your old avatar, and put it next to the Cruz one, and make it one picture?

Could you do that? Please?

Work with me here .......... :think:


no can do. Ted Cruz is probably the only social conservative that will make a bid for the Republican Party Presidential nomination and his name and face need to be heard and seen.


New member

no can do. Ted Cruz is probably the only social conservative that will make a bid for the Republican Party Presidential nomination and his name and face need to be heard and seen.
Well, what was the name of the painting of your original? :think:

I cannot seem to find it....thnx


In any case, this man who runs the The Patriarchy site on Facebook makes a great deal of sense in his distinctions:

It's important to remember that precision in language matters. When I say I'm against homosexual "marriage" I'm not against homosexuals as a default.

I'm against organised deviancy. If you're just someone who can't get into the opposite sex, for whatever ultimate reason, I don't care. It's your issue, not mine.

But if you are advocating for the following, it is my issue:

Gay "marriage".
Gay adoption.
Gay identity/tribalism
Gay lifestyle advocacy aimed at children.

Again, if you're (for instance) a White male American whose sexual orientation is gay, then I don't care. Homosexuals have always been around.

What has NOT always been the case is the cultivation of a uniquely homosexual tribal identity which supercedes national, racial, religious and cultural boundaries.

So if you're a "gay man" as your primary identity, you want to marry another gay man in a church where the priest MUST comply or go to jail, and then you'll go on to adopt children and encourage them to explore homosexuality, you and I have massive issues.

Marriage is the traditional, sacred union of a man and a woman for the purpose of having and raising children.

If homosexuals want, they can have government-recognised civil unions with all the same benefits under the law (in most western nations).

Children who are raised by homosexual parents have increased instances of mental instability and enjoy lower qualities of life. They require a mother and a father. Their needs come before the selfish desires of homosexual parents.

This is a traditionalist page. While hating on gays just for being gay is not traditional, marriage and families ARE. They were designed by our Creator and are not subject to the whims of modernist society.



Nope, his association with patriarchy pretty much determines his lack of character.

And here I thought the fact that he defends and more than likely engages in a sexually deviant behavior was enough to determine that.

Silly me.

Ummmm, you don't suppose that page was created by a certain TOL'er do you Sandy?


Hall of Fame
Ummmm, you don't suppose that page was created by a certain TOL'er do you Sandy?

THAT is entirely possible ...

I do, however, think it shows a specific agenda and particular mindset that doesn't really jive with the intention of this thread.


New member
Only in the area of marriage, and I don't think he is hating nor lying.

not that I believe that you will honestly look at this...

What has NOT always been the case is the cultivation of a uniquely homosexual tribal identity which supercedes national, racial, religious and cultural boundaries.

Two false statements:
1. a gay identity is no more cultivated than a black identity.
2. no one is claiming a gay identity supersedes anything.

you want to marry another gay man in a church where the priest MUST comply or go to jail,
A blatant lie. No priest/minister is required to marry anybody. Recently a minister in Alabama (Mississippi?)refused to marry an interracial couple which is entirely his right to do so

Marriage is the traditional, sacred union of a man and a woman for the purpose of having and raising children.
Except here the ability or the intent to have and raise children is not and has never been a criteria for marriage.

If homosexuals want, they can have government-recognised civil unions with all the same benefits under the law (in most western nations).
They can sit at the back of the bus.

it is a lie to claim that civil unions provide the same benefits as marriage. There are more than a thousand legal rights and protections conferred on couples when they marry that are not part of civil unions. These include the right to have your union recognized everywhere in the country. Tax benefits. Social security benefits. Adoption rights. Next of kin rights. Immigration rights. rights to life insurance coverage. Rights to medical insurance coverage. just to name a few.

Children who are raised by homosexual parents have increased instances of mental instability and enjoy lower qualities of life.
Not supported by any legitimate research. In fact the research shows the opposite.

They require a mother and a father.
False. Children require loving attentive parents.

If you truly believed this to be the case you would be advocating that any children of military personal killed in action or even deployed oversees be removed from the custody of the remaining parent.

When a widow of a killed serviceman wants to raise their children she is just displaying incredible selfishness.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Ummmm, you don't suppose that page was created by a certain TOL'er do you Sandy?

THAT is entirely possible ...

I'll take it a step further and say "highly likely".

I do, however, think it shows a specific agenda and particular mindset that doesn't really jive with the intention of this thread.

You have to keep in mind Sandy that GFR7 is a professional con artist who takes great pride in deceiving people into believing that he's not a threat to traditional values, all the while making it well known that he's not a threat to those who want to do their own "thing" when it comes to engaging in an inherently immoral and disease ridden behavior.

GFR7, like the mainstream LGBTQueer movement that this thread focuses on, wants to give those who engage in a sexually deviant behavior legislative rights, such as civil unions and protection against housing and employment discrimination (thus taking away the rights of the owner of the rental property or business to deny housing or employment to those who engage in a sexually deviant behavior); so you can see, there isn't a huge difference between the LGBTQueer movement and GFR7.

GFR7 uses children and the institution of marriage to push his con game, knowing that it'll touch the hearts of people who don't know how con artists like GFR7 work.

Oh and Sandy, if you're in the market for a Rolex watch, don't buy it from GFR7, buy retail.



Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Ummmm, you don't suppose that page was created by a certain TOL'er do you Sandy?

I'll take it a step further and say "highly likely".

You have to keep in mind Sandy that GFR7 is a professional con artist who takes great pride in deceiving people into believing that he's not a threat to traditional values, all the while making it well known that he's not a threat to those who want to do their own "thing" when it comes to engaging in an inherently immoral and disease ridden behavior.

GFR7, like the mainstream LGBTQueer movement that this thread focuses on, wants to give those who engage in a sexually deviant behavior legislative rights, such as civil unions and protection against housing and employment discrimination (thus taking away the rights of the owner of the rental property or business to deny housing or employment to those who engage in a sexually deviant behavior); so you can see, there isn't a huge difference between the LGBTQueer movement and GFR7.

GFR7 uses children and the institution of marriage to push his con game, knowing that it'll touch the hearts of people who don't know how con artists like GFR7 work.

Oh and Sandy, if you're in the market for a Rolex watch, don't buy it from GFR7, buy retail.


:chuckle: As stated, IMO, there is something else (another agenda) at work in his case.

And no worries, I would not waste money on such a costly watch.


It's official: Evangelical Christians have a choice when it comes to the upcoming Presidential elections, and that choice would be Senator Ted Cruz from Texas (now Christians have to become active at their local level and get him nominated).

Ted Cruz looks to revive the evangelical fervor of the 80s


LYNCHBURG, VA – Ted Cruz came here Monday to launch his presidential campaign, but also to revive a strain of American evangelicalism that was birthed here in the 1980s.

Cruz, the Republican senator from Texas, traveled to the home of Liberty University, an institution born in 1971 that now boasts a student body of 13,800 and touts itself as “the largest Christian university in the world.” Liberty is a monument to the determination of its founder, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, to create an explicitly Christian institution to rival America’s secular universities.

Falwell led an evangelical charge into politics in the 80’s, helping to start the Moral Majority, which mobilized Christians and made them power brokers, but which also became known for a combative style that often alienated opponents. This approach turned off many younger evangelicals, who felt the Republican party had come to be linked too closely with Christianity and who yearned for a less caustic way of expressing their faith in the public square. In the last decade or two, many of these younger evangelicals have moved away from automatic affiliation with the Republican party, though the GOP remains the natural home for a large number of them.

Liberty University now is a vibrant and flourishing destination for many evangelical students across the country, but its past also serves – to some – as a reminder of the dangers of equating political positions with gospel truths...

Read more:

Say what??? "....as a reminder of the dangers of equating political positions with the gospel truths"?

A person only need look at our train wreck of a country to see what happens when you don't equate politics with the gospel truths: abortion, homosexuality, pornography, drug abuse, unemployment, poverty, etc. etc. etc.

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