Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Explain how that is possible. There are still victims even if porn is out in the open or not.

I know there are, but there are far less, so that is at any rate better. I am going for what is feasible; there was prostitution even in the days of righteous laws.

The point of this thread is to show that without righteous laws, sinful behaviors have no boundaries, be it homosexuality, abortion, pornography or prostitution.

Are you saying that someone that had natural sexual desires prior to being incarcerated never has come out of prison after being exposed to homosex and engaged in homosexual behavior on the outside?

Oh - hmmm. I simply assumed they'd be happy to get "back to normal".

After their normal sexual desires were severely damaged in prison, that's easier said than done.

Old enough to marry. Regarding children: Yes, I'm what the LGBTQueer movement refers to as a "breeder" (I didn't know that the term originated in your beloved Provincetown. The thing one learns in the WHMBR! thread).


Yes, I remember Wally White and Randy Becker the breeders in 'Lie Down with Dogs'. .............................

More "homosexual culture".

Notwithstanding, do you not have room in your heart for one more son? (Me.)

No, but Jesus Christ has all kinds of room in His heart for lost souls like you.



New member
Oh, bah - I have Jesus and God, I meant an earthly father; and you certainly DO have room in your heart for one more son, or you'd better MAKE room, or you damn yourself. :madmad: You need only realize that I was led to you for a purpose, and you already have acted in the father role for some time, you first class idiot! :chuckle:

Addendum: Wally White's 'Lie Down with Dogs' is an excellent movie to gain insight into Provincetown: It was filmed there ( think of what he's saying in the title!!!)----he and Randy Becker are together on screen and were complaining about the breeders in Ptown then in 1994-5.

Below is a horrible, horrible trailer of the film, but it's the only one available on YouTube; Wally White and Becker are seen after the first minutes and toward the end--- and all of it is filmed in Provincetown ...(I only knew him through New York University).




patrick jane

1. When I said "a return to privacy and dignity" I did NOT mean porn in private is dignified; I meant the culture gains dignity by having it remain unseen.

2. I don't think Carson is correct that "people come out of prison gay"; they come out of prison having engaged in same sex activity while in there for obvious reasons. Prison sex was not the best way to speak about choice. And you yourself believe it is compulsive behavior stemming from molestation and in need of therapy - that is not choice, but illness.

3. How old are you, and how many children do you have?

View attachment 19289


Oh, bah - I have Jesus and God, I meant an earthly father; and you certainly DO have room in your heart for one more son, or you'd better MAKE room, or you damn yourself. :madmad: You need only realize that I was led to you for a purpose, and you already have acted in the father role for some time, you first class idiot! :chuckle:

(Someone's hitting the booze hard again).

Addendum: Wally White's 'Lie Down with Dogs' is an excellent movie to gain insight into Provincetown: It was filmed there ( think of what he's saying in the title!!!)----he and Randy Becker are together on screen and were complaining about the breeders in Ptown then in 1994-5.

Below is a horrible, horrible trailer of the film, but it's the only one available on YouTube; Wally White and Becker are seen after the first minutes and toward the end--- and all of it is filmed in Provincetown ...(I only knew him through New York University).

I'll pass.


More Than 300 Republicans Call on Supreme Court to Recognize Gay Marriage Nationally


Shoot. You mean to say that we will all have to respect each other's fundamental human rights and dignity?

Thank you Abdul for pointing out that there are those inside of the once God fearing Republican Party who wish very much to make the Party like that of the 'Demoncrats'.

As I've said many times before: If social conservatives don't get active at the grass roots level to decide what the Republican Party Platform will look like and whether or not social conservative candidates will represent the Republican Party in the upcoming election, it will be our own fault that we allowed the pseudo cons to take over the once conservative Republican Party.

Political Parties: How to Get Involved

Precincts are the most basic units of any political party, and they are organized geographically around the place where you normally go vote. And because precincts are also the most basic unit in American politics – on which pretty much EVERYTHING else is built – they are the most important. More importantly, because they’re the smallest units, they’re the ones that YOU and an organized group of fellow conservatives can have the most influence over.

How the grassroots works



New member
aikido7 said:
More Than 300 Republicans Call on Supreme Court to Recognize Gay Marriage Nationally


Shoot. You mean to say that we will all have to respect each other's fundamental human rights and dignity?
They obviously want to get rid of this wedge issue.

The surprise is that there are not 900 conservative and liberals sending an amicus brief in favor of traditional marriage; it was not so long ago (in fact very recently) that both sides could argue for this protection of tradition.

It goes to show just how massively powerful the gay lobby has become; aCW, your suggestions needed to be done a decade ago.


Connie's substitution of government for God has rarely been so overtly demonstrated:

Surely you're not saying that the 100 million+ people who vote in political elections every 4 years are all godless heathens are you barbarian?

If you had paid attention in class barbarian you would have known that God ordained civil government as one of three institutions for the governance of man.

Thanks for stopping by though, as it's refreshing when you don't talk about wanting to legalize incest.
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It goes to show just how massively powerful the gay lobby has become; aCW, your suggestions needed to be done a decade ago.

Cancer isn't always visible to the naked eye.

Enjoy our morally depraved society while you can, as God won't be mocked.


New member
Cancer isn't always visible to the naked eye.

Enjoy our morally depraved society while you can, as God won't be mocked.
Except you know full well I am not enjoying it,
you contrary and cantankerous first class idjut! :chuckle:

Stop being a bad, evil, Daddy. :baby:

IMO, it will be on Justice Kennedy and Roberts' heads, if they choose to turn a blind eye to the sleight of hand going on.....

They ought to respond to the amicus brief in this manner:



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Cancer isn't always visible to the naked eye.

Enjoy our morally depraved society while you can, as God won't be mocked.

Except you know full well I am not enjoying it,
you contrary and cantankerous first class idjut! :chuckle:

But where would you vacation if police departments starting doing their job and conducted vice raids in places like the queer bars of Provincetown?


IMO, it will be on Justice Kennedy and Roberts' heads, if they choose to turn a blind eye to the sleight of hand going on.....

They ought to respond to the amicus brief in this manner:

The cultural and spiritual death of a nation can't be placed on two people.


New member
If you had paid attention in class barbarian you would have known that God ordained civil government as one of three institutions for the governance of man.
Good job that you know so well what God wants aCW, it must help you with being His spokesperson on Earth and all.
Otoh perhaps you think that what you want and what God wants is always the same thing? :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you had paid attention in class barbarian you would have known that God ordained civil government as one of three institutions for the governance of man.

Good job that you know so well what God wants aCW, it must help you with being His spokesperson on Earth and all.
Otoh perhaps you think that what you want and what God wants is always the same thing? :think:

I've shown the readers of this thread what "God wants" based on what is written in Holy Scripture.

But then since atheists are really the true expert on Holy Scripture Al, tell us what "God wants" when it comes to government and electing legislators.


New member
I've shown the readers of this thread what "God wants" based on what is written in Holy Scripture.

But then since atheists are really the true expert on Holy Scripture Al, tell us what "God wants" when it comes to government and electing legislators.
Atheists will probably be rather more critical of your ancient Holy Scripture aCW.
A lot more actually.
Apparently however you then don't actually know what God currently wants at all, after all He did change His mind on eating lobster. You perhaps only think you "know" whatever you think your scripture said some 2000+ years ago, you probably need a bit of updating and a reboot imo. :sherlock:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've shown the readers of this thread what "God wants" based on what is written in Holy Scripture.

But then since atheists are really the true expert on Holy Scripture Al, tell us what "God wants" when it comes to government and electing legislators.

Atheists will probably be rather more critical of your ancient Holy Scripture aCW.
A lot more actually.
Apparently however you then don't actually know what God currently wants at all, after all He did change His mind on eating lobster. You perhaps only think you "know" whatever you think your scripture said some 2000+ years ago, you probably need a bit of updating and a reboot imo. :sherlock:

Since that absolutely brilliant theologian and Libertarian in denial WizardofOz (aka Aaron, aka Captain Obvious) hasn't graced the thread with his presence in sometime, I guess I'll have to have you tell us what "God wants" when it comes to electing government officials and legislating laws Al.

Show us that "God changed His mind" and really wants the drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and child molesters/indoctrinators that make up the LGBTQueer movement as government legislators.

Let me make it easy for you Al:

Show us that God really approves of this evil man and worthless excuse for a President:



New member
But then since atheists are really the true expert on Holy Scripture Al, tell us what "God wants" when it comes to government and electing legislators.
I've just had a quick chat to God about this, since we have a General Election here in the UK in a couple of months, but sadly His light is being kept under a bushel it seems, and is probably remaining neutral.

Since that absolutely brilliant theologian and Libertarian in denial WizardofOz (aka Aaron, aka Captain Obvious) hasn't graced the thread with his presence in sometime, I guess I'll have to have you tell us what "God wants" when it comes to electing government officials and legislating laws Al.
As I say He is keeping quiet.

Show us that "God changed His mind" and really wants the drag queens, fairies, bull dykes and child molesters/indoctrinators that make up the LGBTQueer movement as government legislators.
They are all His children apparently aCW and perhaps doesn't currently want them all stoned to death or criminalised just for being what He made them to be. :nono:

Let me make it easy for you Al:

Show us that God really approves of this evil man and worthless excuse for a President:


There are many far worse and evil people around than your current POTUS (whom I rather like btw) or drag quees imo. Jihadi John comes to mind, do what you like to him. :plain:

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