Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You really haven't followed the thread at all have you Morphie?
The homosexualization of both the American Psychiatric Association and American Psychological Association is so...
yesterday (well, not really yesterday, more like a week ago, but time does fly when you're having fun exposing perverts in the WHMBR! threads).
What you don't seem to get is that I'm not defending homosexuality. There is a huge difference between defending homosexuality and being honest about it.
This 3 part thread tells the truth about homosexual behavior and the agenda that came with it since it was decriminalized. If all of those CDC reports showing how those who engage in homosexual behavior contract HIV/AIDS at disproportionate rates higher than any other group is false, or anything else that I've posted for that matter, please be "honest" and correct any misinformation.
When people manufacture junk science research to add credence to their agenda it is commonly referred to as lying. Such lying is counterproductive since ultimately your own sins will be found out and once the lies discredit the information those who continue disseminating those lies will be considered bigoted hacks.
Yawwwwwwn, you came to the LIAR! LIAR! pants on fire! party a bit late Morphie. It's been well established (by defenders of bull dykes, fairies and drag queens) that
anyone who has published a study which tells the truth about homosexuality, or
anyone that speaks against homosexual behavior and/or it's agenda, is a LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!
Since Paul Cameron was raped at three, and later developed a sexual attraction to males, he presumed, as was the common belief of the day, that child molestation was connected to homosexuality. As a young adult he was determined, likely due to his inner rage from the molestation, to prove the connection.
God bless Paul Cameron for taking something so horrific and turning into something that can help others that have experienced the same.
Being untrained in the research and documentation process, he did sloppy, deeply flawed reseach, then falsified the statistics and results. Much of his "research" material is kept unavailable from review. The only places any of his work was ever published were of questionable repute.
i.e. Cameron is not "LGBTQueer approved."
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Using the words of American Family Association's Bryan Fischer:
"Homosexuality is not a conservative value. Period."
Nor is defending it.
When church organizations adopted political motives the politics stained the mission. Since when did Christ's values become conservative values? I know when. When in the early 70s the Republican party developed the strategy of infiltrating churches and changing the rhetoric for political gain. It's also when the Family Research Institute, originally named Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality (ISIS), came into being.
I'm not an expert on Holy Scripture Morphie, but I understand enough about it to know that anything outside of traditional marriage is immoral and that sex between people of the same gender is something that God abhors, so much that He destroyed two cities because of it and instructed the Jews to punish by death those caught and convicted in the act.
International Business Times: Anti-Gay Activist Paul Cameron Admits Early Attraction To Men, Claims Obama Might Be Gay
Yawwwwwwn (again), the claims that Obama was/is still a practicing sodomite has been covered on numerous occasions in this 3 part thread. Without hunting down the posts stating so, I'll link the liberal sources who cliam that he is.
Claim: Obama hid 'gay life' to become president
Chicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it secret
Joan Rivers calls President Obama gay, says Michelle Obama is a 'tranny'
(Sigh, Morphie almost acts like proudly engaging in same sex sodomy is a bad thing).
God's work begins with truth. The Spirit will not lie, so "missions" based on lies are not from the Spirit. Even if it seems like the argument loses power, the truth in the hands of the Spirit is far more powerful than lies in the mouths of men. when it comes to homosexuals, the truth will set them free. so please stop hanging onto lies and false information. They only further entrench your target audience, and destroy your credibility.
Sooooo...when do you start working on the Hilary Clinton Presidential run Morphie, or have you already started?
(Because "God's work" begins with murdering unborn babies in the womb).