Oh my, we have a very special guest who has made an appearance in the WHMBR! thread once again.
TOL's Homosexualist Christian Movement Watch
#2: Heterodoxical states that those who oppose homosexuals 'marrying' are "anti-Christ".
Not only stated it, but proved it biblically. And to this day it stands unrefuted. Until you can refute those arguments, you are just blathering with diarrhea of the mouth.
Originally Posted by Heterodoxical
I'll defend the position, that to campaign against gay marriage is ANti Christ.
The Short and Skinny on the LGBT Marriage vs the Church issues.
1) Jesus saw the Church of His day threatening an adulteress woman. His action was concise, simple and immediate. He defended her from their ravenous onslaught and set her free. Albeit he did coach her to not sin any more.
Tell me, the fruits of that endeavor, did she walk away feeling Jesus love, or that he was Judgmental?
Jesus protected her from their condemning crowd mentality and set them all right in their thinking.
2) Jesus, in Matthew 5, talked a LOT about how to love appropriately. At the end he gives the example that GOD even loves a providential love (not just words but actions) for His enemies. Jesus says any fool can love their friends, but that we should "be perfect as God is perfect". The word perfect meaning complete, of finished..>> We should LOVE (the topic) as completely as God did in the example He just gave.
The lesson here was on God's enemies. I dare say you rabid NO GAY MARRIAGE factions out there, would conclude that the LGBT "agenda" makes them enemies of God. After all they are sinners and abominations right?
So Jesus says to love them with a providential love.
To what does the Church suggest as providence here?
The offer judgement and condemnation instead.
Rather than let them FEEL God's love, they are TOLD ONLY about His wrath.
3) Jesus taught that If a man asks for your shirt, give them your coat as well. (I bet I just got that backwards...) The lesson was, deliver more than asked for out of love and their need, not based on what you are willing to give up.
The LGBT community has come to the table asking for protection from over zealous CHRISTIAN FAMILY MEMBERS who do not approve of their lives and give them legal protection under the law. They tried for legal rights (legal union rights) to start with, but were shot down. So they chose the angle that if they get MARRIAGE won in the legal battle, they can only have to win it in one state, not all, but they would be on the way for ALL their people to get protection.
They wan't protection.
You want to deprive protection.
They want protection from you.
You want them to remain harassable by law.
The lgbt community has asked, nicely at first, and then with legal backing for protection. Rather than give them more than they ask for as Jesus coached, you wish to deprive. That's literally Anti Christ.
4) Jesus taught that you give unto the law what belongs to the law. The law has given pastors the rights to legally marry people for over a hundred years. "By the rights vested in me by the state of California"... They did that as a courtesy to the church.
Marriage is a legal term. Before the "LAW" was written, before a Jew was born, there were marriages. The "ebul" people before Noah, were married. Cultures that never heard of the word before practiced the act. It's not an exclusive to GOD's abusive Church issue.
Let the government legislate what it's supposed to legislate.
Acknowledge it's supposed to protect ALL of it's people, not just Christians. And shut the hell up!
5) Paul taught that the government is God appointed and we are to follow their rules and HIS appointments.
VOTE your conscience. And if your conscience loses, know it's God's plan. Now you are challenging HIS PLAN, not the government. Who the heck are you to do that?
6) Paul taught that the Church was to judge those inside the Church, not outside. And a verse the church misuses a LOT is not to associate with those who are sinners....
Read it in context. From NASB 1 Cor 5:
9 I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people;
10 I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world.
11 But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one.
12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? 13 But those who are outside, God judges. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES.
In short, Judge those in your church, that you know, not those outside the Church, that is GOD'S job.
Jesus would have pulled the Church back and let the the Government do it's job and direct the Church into their own selves, their own lives and got them out of the business of others.
His example with the adulteress, shows Him and Paul both saw it the same way.
How should the Church act?
As Christ said, love providential love like God does. What does that look like? Christ gave an example in the last parable of Matt 25. The sheep, went with the King, because they did the WORKS that proved their love was real and from the heart.
The proof of faith is in the works of the believer, James 2.
Paul taught, that the most important theological argument of his day was not as important as faith working through love.
AGAPAO, is not preaching, it's living. And it bears fruit that the MINDS OF THE RECIPIENT of said love realizes, not that the giver of the "love" judges.
The Church is directly 180 degrees opposite of CHRIST on these issues. In all practicality, the Church today is ANTI-CHRIST. (Not saying it's the Anti Christ.) ((Note the difference))
Show the scripture quoted to say anything other than what I claim.
I'm making exegetical and hermeneutical arguments. You are making obnoxious emotionally driven whiny comments.
So, have at it Einstein.