Since we're once again on the subject of genital mutilation/transgenderism (I'll do a detailed segment on the subject later in this thread), I thought I'd share excerpts of this article from our Christian friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.
Several pages back in this thread I talked about former Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner and how it appears he's extremely confused and is going through a sex change.
Peter LaBarbera tells more about it in his article:
AFTAH Transgender Photo-Story – Bruce Jenner: Don’t Try to Become a Woman!
[There is a total of 13 graphics in this piece: WARNING: offensive images]
I was 14 in 1976 when Bruce Jenner became first American to win Olympic gold in the Decathlon–and the title of world’s best (amateur) athlete–so here is the triumphant picture I will always have of Jenner in my mind:
For those middle aged like me, remember Jenner’s conquering images on the cover of Wheaties boxes?
And so you can imagine my shock–and that of millions like me who grew up watching the masculine Jenner’s physical feats–that he is reportedly on his way to becoming a transgender “woman.” For the record, no matter what the LGBT-brainwashed media lemmings say, Jenner will ALWAYS be a “he.” He can never become a “woman.” The bottom line is: Biological males make really bad “women,” and vice versa. Anyway, the tabloid magazine In Touch Weekly got tired of waiting for Jenner’s “transgender coming out” and jumped the gun by putting this femmy, photoshopped version of Jenner on its cover:
This was over the top, but who can blame the tabloids for going nuts on the Jenner “transgender” story? Who can blame them for seizing on the Nature-defying insanity of transgenderism– a prime example of mankind’s antics being “stranger than fiction,” as the saying goes. And as for the Left, just know that if you publicly dismiss all this gender-bending as so much decadence and nonsense, be careful as you might be labeled a “transphobe.” (The LGBTQueer movement fought to depathologize homosexuality and gender confusion; now they work to pathologize normalcy and its defenders.)
Finally, some good news
I’ve given you a lot of bad news. Now here’s some good news: men and women have overcome the deviant pull of transgenderism in their lives. Walt Heyer is a Christian and former male-to-female transgender who is now living his life as God intended–as a man. AFTAH did a four-part radio interview with Heyer, who has dedicated his life to helping others avoid his mistakes (Heyer went through the body-disfiguring “sex reassignment” surgery).
Heyer’s most recent book is titled, “
Gender, Lies and Suicide: A Whistleblower Speaks Out,” is available on Amazon. Here is a description of the book–also available on Heyer’s website,
GENDER, LIES AND SUICIDE, Walt Heyer analyzes the issues which fuel the tragedy of transgender suicide and shares selected stories from the many people who write him seeking to undo the tragic consequences from their decision to change genders.
Transgenders undergo hormone injections and irreversible surgeries in a desperate effort to feel better. The media and transgender activists claim the radical treatment is successful and regret is rare, yet at the same time, they report that transgenders, even after treatment, are attempting and committing suicide at an alarming rate.
Back in 1979, Dr. Charles Ihlenfeld, a close colleague of Dr. Harry Benjamin, the father of the transgender movement in the U.S., reported that 80% of those seeking a sex change should not have one; frequently too many of them committed suicide.
GENDER, LIES AND SUICIDE reveals how today, many decades later, the suicides continue.
Please support Walt by buying his easy-to-read book and educating yourself on the destructive “transgender” agenda in its many manifestations.
Restored manhood: Walt Heyer as the man God intended him to be.
See his website,