Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Death is a huge part of your cult isn't it Jr.?

Be it recreational drug legalization:


or abortion:

The only thing that you barbarians know is death.

First of all, I don't think abortion should be legal. Second of all, I was saying THE STATE should die as an institution, not people.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The only thing that you barbarians [Libertarians] know is death.

First of all, I don't think abortion should be legal. Second of all, I was saying THE STATE should die as an institution, not people.

Remember that you're in a thread that deals with reality Jr., and the reality is that the Libertarian doctrine of "It's MY body and I can damn well do with it as I please!" is responsible for all of the above, including the murder of 58 million innocents in a 41+ year period.

It's funny how you don't believe in government (i.e. THE STATE) but want to use the force of it to make something legal or illegal.


As followers of this 3 part thread have seen time and time again, since the decriminalization of homosexuality, the indoctrination of youth (and grooming them for future sex) is a HUGE part of the LGBTQueer movement.

Our good friend Linda Harvey at Mission America wrote yet another informative article showing what the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has planned for America's children.

Do Kids Thrive Through Sex With Adults?

Jan. 9, 2015

Sex-crime-tolerator, the Human Rights Campaign, the largest homosexual lobbying group in the country, is moving into first place in disseminating “LGBT” propaganda to children. HRC will sponsor “Time to Thrive” over the weekend of Feb. 13-15 in Portland, Oregon. It’s a conference for educators who want kids to believe they were born homosexual or born in the wrong sex body. The Time to Thrive objective is for kids to maintain that confusion and somehow “thrive” while embracing these behaviors as identities that pose no threat to their future well-being.

I would wish them good luck with all that, but instead, I hope they fail. Because in failing, these kids may actually have a chance to thrive in real life, not in the disturbed imaginations of “LGBTQ” adults exploiting and yes, corrupting kids.

HRC’s brazenness is almost beyond belief: a conference about and with minors, in Portland on Valentine’s Day weekend, following a sex crime scandal in that city involving one of its leaders, Terrence Bean. Yet this is the movement that parades its sin like Sodom, even when youth are involved, so we should not be surprised.

Will HRC pull out its “All Love is Equal” slogan once again? And does HRC include sexual “love” between adults and children in its definition of equality?

The conference features “gay” and “transgendered” speakers, some as token representatives from prominent organizations. It’s co-sponsored by the increasingly radical National Education Association and the American Counseling Association. Do most members of these groups realize what their dues support?

In the city of Portland, the most prominent local Human Rights Campaign representative, Terrence Bean, was arrested in November along with another adult male for third-degree sodomy with a 15-year-old boy whom they apparently met through the iPhone app Grindr, a “gay” hook-up site featuring obscene homosexual posts...

There are 100 free registrations for youth to this conference for students as young as 13, while the adults pay up to $249 each. In the face of HRC’s silence about Bean, the conference should be monitored closely by local law enforcement.

Helping children change genders is one of the topics to be covered. “Beyond Bathrooms: What You Can Do For Your Transgender Students” will be presented by TransYouth Family Allies. Another discussion will focus on youth prostitution, called “survival sex.” The homosexual lobby is generally okay with “sex work” as they call it, as long as it’s not forced.

During the youth program on the final day of the conference, kids will get advice from the Portland homosexual “Q Center,” where kids from 12 to 24 are welcome, because, you know, 12 -year- olds have so much in common with 24- year -olds. Like most of these “gay” community centers, it’s not part of a school and accountability is always a problem. Who’s watching to ensure these kids are not hooking-up with adults?...

And HRC itself will make a conference presentation entitled, “HRC Research: What’s It Like Growing Up in America if your Gender Isn’t Male or Female?” Since there are no such individuals, this will either be a silent time for the audience, or another nightmarish fairy tale spun by the sexual anarchists...

But there’s more. Also among the speakers at this conference, defying sound science, will be a representative from the Centers for Disease Control, and the topic will be, “Act Against AIDS: Harnessing the Power of Partnerships and Social Marketing Campaigns to Address HIV/AIDS Among LGBT Communities.”

So it’s now “LGBT communities,” according to the scientists at CDC? This capitulation to pink politics seems to imply there are in-born identities of homosexuality and gender confusion, yet the CDC’s own HIV/AIDS surveillance transmission category designation of “male-to male sexual behavior” (MSM), not identity, reflects the truth.

So, let’s get this straight, so to speak. One hand of the federal epidemic-tracking agency is amassing statistics based on reality, while another is a sponsoring partner of a conference from a group helping to fuel the epidemic? The CDC seems now unfortunately to be enabling, not controlling, the spread of HIV and AIDS. Some functions of the CDC have become de facto arms of homosexual advocacy and taxpayers are funding it.

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2015/01/09/0640-kids-thrive-sex-adults/



New member
Alwight is over 90?
I've apparently lived 20 years longer than the expected life span of homosexuals (42) according to aCW.
That either suggests that:
1, I'm not gay.
2, This is a typical example from aCW's cavalcade of crap.
3, Both of the above.



New member
Then Paul is just their fig leaf for what is, after all, the evil perversion and abomination of shellfish eating as defined clearly in Leviticus and is therefore, apparently, the literal word of God for both Jew and Gentile.
Perhaps Paul rather indulged in lobster eating himself?
Paul was a lobster-eater! :shocked:
I am not even going to open the discussion on Paul (remember Meshak? :jawdrop: )


New member
I get suspicious when I read phrases like this:

"Moreover, it is the presence of this self-governing reason in each person that Kant thought offered decisive grounds for viewing each as possessed of equal worth and deserving of equal respect."

(I didn't see any mention of God in that article GFR7).

But then we've seen who you get your moral guidelines from...
Platonism and Kantian ethics are the alpha and omega of Christianity.


New member
aCW: I would agree that HRC slogans like "All Love is Equal" and "Love is Love" are very adaptable to age as well as gender; ergo, to child-adult love.


New member
I've apparently lived 20 years longer than the expected life span of homosexuals (42) according to aCW.
That either suggests that:
1, I'm not gay.
2, This is a typical example from aCW's cavalcade of crap.
3, Both of the above.


"Cavalcade of crap" is probably the nicest thing anyone can call the life expectancy claims. Or any of the other claims aCW puts up here.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I get suspicious when I read phrases like this:

"Moreover, it is the presence of this self-governing reason in each person that Kant thought offered decisive grounds for viewing each as possessed of equal worth and deserving of equal respect."

(I didn't see any mention of God in that article GFR7).

But then we've seen who you get your moral guidelines from...

Platonism and Kantian ethics are the alpha and omega of Christianity.

Because murdering children born out-of-wedlock is what Christianity is all about.




Originally Posted by lovemeorhateme
Yet only one of those is a sin. The ceremonial law was given to the Jews, it doesn't apply to us today. The moral part of the law still very much applies. This includes the ten commandments along with sexual prohibitions against homosexuality, incest and beastiality.

So I'll continue to enjoy my shellfish and pork chops, thanks.

Ceremonial law and moral law? I must have missed where the bible said that the law has sub-categories. Can you give me the chapter and verse where God says there is a division in the law?

Those sort of things aren't likely talked about in your monthly HRC newsletter, so I can understand why the above is foreign to you.

The topic has been covered numerous times throughout this 3 part thread, but I wouldn't expect the morally and mentally challenged to remember.

Ceremonial Law and Moral Law


New member
Originally Posted by lovemeorhateme
Yet only one of those is a sin. The ceremonial law was given to the Jews, it doesn't apply to us today. The moral part of the law still very much applies. This includes the ten commandments along with sexual prohibitions against homosexuality, incest and beastiality.

So I'll continue to enjoy my shellfish and pork chops, thanks.

Those sort of things aren't likely talked about in your monthly HRC newsletter, so I can understand why the above is foreign to you.

The topic has been covered numerous times throughout this 3 part thread but I wouldn't expect the morally and mentally challenged to remember.

Ceremonial Law and Moral Law

So God never says there are sub-categories in the law. You could have just admired but we can't expect the morally and mentally challenged admit the truth



With all fairness to those who proudly engage the disease ridden behavior known as homosexuality, with the invention of HAART medication (and us taxpayers subsidizing it) the life expectancy of those who engage in homosexual behavior has increased.

HOWEVER, as shown in the Bay Area Reporter homosexual obituary website that I've linked numerous times, (and will do again)

those who are infected with the deadly incurable disease known as HIV/AIDS (which homosexuals are disproportionately afflicted with) do succumb to other diseases due to their immune system being totally shot.

Keep in mind that those who engage in homosexual behavior are more apt to be murdered by another homosexual, so that also effects the average age of death.

See Part 3's table of contents for more information on the topic.


In pedophile news:

It's just been announced that the biggest gay rights organization in the world has just joined forces with NAMBLA:



Well-known member
With all fairness to those who proudly engage the disease ridden behavior known as homosexuality, with the invention of HAART medication (and us taxpayers subsidizing it) the life expectancy of those who engage in homosexual behavior has increased.
To what now? 50?
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