Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
You deliberately dismiss His word. Why do you deny it?

aCW dismiss deliberately too. You guys are no unique dismissing Jesus' word though. that's why I have been speaking against the churches.
What word do I dismiss? Please tell me, because of course I deny it.


New member
Obviously you're more concerned about my mockery of someone that defends a child molesting agenda then you are of the agenda itself.

Why is that drbrumley? Is the Ron Paul in you finally showing?
Why would you speak to an Administrator in such a disrespectful way?


I have right to defend Jesus' word.

You cannot stop me.

I try not to report people that post in this thread because I want open dialogue (even if that dialogue means having to converse with proud and unrepentant perverts, which I do on a regular basis).

You've made your point: I'm evil and going to Hell because of it.

Thanks for pointing that out.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Obviously you're more concerned about my mockery of someone that defends a child molesting agenda then you are of the agenda itself.

Why is that drbrumley? Is the Ron Paul in you finally showing?

Why would you speak to an Administrator in such a disrespectful way?

You seem more concerned with my mockery of someone (annadennebettti) that openly defends an evil child molesting agenda than the agenda itself.

Why is that GFR7?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Obviously you're more concerned about my mockery of someone that defends a child molesting agenda then you are of the agenda itself.

Why is that drbrumley? Is the Ron Paul in you finally showing?

You seem more concerned with my mockery of someone (annadennebettti) that openly defends an evil child molesting agenda than the agenda itself.

Why is that GFR7?
I don't care if you mock Anna; it's drbrumley I object to your mocking.


Rats. Animals. Vermin. Disease. Un-human. Evil.

That's how the propaganda machine of the National Socialists was built after Hitler was released from Landenberg Prison.

After that media onslaught, it was just a matter of time and a small number of steps before the Nazis had the railroad cars and the camps.

And there goes Meshak bringing Jesus of Nazareth into the mix.

How dare her!

If you cannot deal with Jesus, then make fun of her hat and move on.


I won't . :AMR1:

You attempt to make allies with anyone that might have a disagreement with the way I deliver this very important message hoping that they'll turn against the message just like you have.

Most of these people here on TOL are pretty intelligent and can see through your deceit GFR7.


Rats. Animals. Vermin. Disease. Un-human. Evil.

That's how the propaganda machine of the National Socialists was built after Hitler was released from Landenberg Prison.

After that media onslaught, it was just a matter of time and a small number of steps before the Nazis had the railroad cars and the camps.

You're a bit late for the Hitler was a fag segment of the thread.

And there goes Meshak bringing Jesus of Nazareth into the mix.

How dare her!

If you cannot deal with Jesus, then make fun of her hat and move on.

If you too believe that Jesus Christ i.e. the Son of God, God in the flesh was an anarchist, make your case.
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You're a bit late for the Hitler was a fag segment of the thread.
I hope I am not late for the historical figure of Adolf Hitler. My post has nothing to do with Hitler's sexuality--something a massive consensus of historians has nothing to say about.

It was supposed to be about the all-too-human tendency of Hitler to dehumanize his perceived enemies. I am sorry that my communication skills fell flat on you.

If you too believe that Jesus Christ i.e. the Son of God, God in the flesh was an anarachist, make your case.
Jesus's words and deeds overturned the conventional wisdom of his day.

He saw God in the unclean, he made savage attacks on family values, he dismissed the powers and principalities of the world, he did not see himself as a judge, he was open-hearted and had profound understanding of the human condition and he restored people to their essential humanity.

In that sense he could be referred to as an anarchist, but an anarchist who was more a Kingdom of God anarchist than a political one.

And the New Testament makes this case, as long as you look for the historical, unique voiceprint of Jesus. I try to separate this fundamental voice from the theology and philosophy that was placed into Jesus's mouth after his death.


You're a bit late for the Hitler was a fag segment of the thread.

If you too believe that Jesus Christ i.e. the Son of God, God in the flesh was an anarchist, make your case.



Awareness of evil begins with an uncritical look at our own childhoods.
If we can get beyond trying to protect our parents, we can reach a compassionate understanding of ourselves and others.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You're a bit late for the Hitler was a fag segment of the thread.

I hope I am not late for the historical figure of Adolf Hitler. My post has nothing to do with Hitler's sexuality--something a massive consensus of historians has nothing to say about.

Of course it didn't have anything to do with Hitler and his SS being mass murdering homosexuals, your post was yet another attempt at tying the recriminalization of homosexuality with the Nazi movement.

If you too believe that Jesus Christ i.e. the Son of God, God in the flesh was an anarachist, make your case.

Jesus's words and deeds overturned the conventional wisdom of his day.

He saw God in the unclean, he made savage attacks on family values, he dismissed the powers and principalities of the world, he did not see himself as a judge, he was open-hearted and had profound understanding of the human condition and he restored people to their essential humanity.

In that sense he could be referred to as an anarchist, but an anarchist who was more a Kingdom of God anarchist than a political one.

And the New Testament makes this case, as long as you look for the historical, unique voiceprint of Jesus. I try to separate this fundamental voice from the theology and philosophy that was placed into Jesus's mouth after his death.

Yet another rabid liberal rant without any evidence to back up your allegation (that Jesus didn't believe in civil government and hence was an anarchist).

I designated the attached two posts as the most important posts in part 1 showing not only what happens when righteous laws aren't legislated, but to show people the Biblical foundation behind them.



From post #4195, here's what God expects of man when it comes to government:

Exodus 18:21 But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.

Deuteronomy 1:13 Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you.

1 Peter 2:13–14 13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.

1 Kings 3:28 When all Israel heard the verdict the king had given, they held the king in awe, because they saw that he had wisdom from God to administer justice.

Proverbs 11:14 For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers

Etc etc etc


(Very Important Posts)
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