Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Next up: The love letter writing between GFR7 and Luka has undoubtedly started. Hopefully he'll share some of the kind and tender words that he wrote to Luka in prison with us.

Oh, you posted Luka's letter to me! :BRAVO:

And I said incest should stay on the criminal statutes.

What gave you the idea I wanted it decriminalized? :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Part of the homosexual "culture" is having sex in places where normal people dispose of bodily waste

Can you identify any man who doesn't use a part of his body that he uses for expelling wastes also for sex?

Welcome back to the thread gc. I didn't expect to see you again until I got to the segment on homosexual pedophilia and pederasty (gc has all kinds of statistics showing that kiddy sex really isn't a big part of the homosexual culture).

Part of the homosexual culture is to have sex in public restroom toilet stalls, places where normal people go to get rid of human waste.

Yes, God made the male genitalia for two purposes, one is to get rid of human waste, the other is to mate with a female. (note the "fe" before male).

When a male substitutes another male in place of a female, terrible things happen (disease, misery and early death).

I hope that this little birds and the bees talk has been helpful.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that homosexuality in and of itself is nothing but absolute filth, I suppose it's difficult for those who partake in it not to spew filth from their mouth as well.

I wonder what exactly makes homosexuality "absolute filth" while similar heterosexual activities, also involving the nether regions, are presumably deemed rather more wholesome by you for some reason?

The word "filth" is without a doubt a subjective term. For instance: I think (based on Judeo-Christian doctrine) that two males sodomizing each other, which results in things like HIV/AIDS, syphillis and gonorrhea is a filthy behavior, you obviously have no problem with that Al (although you won't admit to engaging in that behavior, so you must acknowledge in your own mind that it is filthy). You probably think that a husband and wife having a sexual relationship which doesn't produce disease but does produce life, is a filthy behavior.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


And I said incest should stay on the criminal statutes.

What gave you the idea I wanted it decriminalized? :think:

I must have missed your post where you said that. Would you link it please?

That being said: I really need your help here, as there are 3 homosexualists (the barbarian, alwight and Art Brain*) who have no problem with any kind of adult consensual relationships.

Kindly tell these defenders of perversion what happens when "consensual relationships" are legalized.

They're not listening to me ole moral crusader, maybe they'll listen to you.

*As long as a mongrel baby isn't the result of that consensual relationship.


You're asking that, of a blatherskite?

In Connie's case, it makes an obscure etymological pun.

I'm going to be starting a new segment that deals with the perversion that is taught in our education system here shortly. I'm under the impression that you're either a school teacher or an adminstator in a school district (correct me if I'm wrong).

If so (and I asked his question of the drag queen Persephone66 who was a substitute teacher, when he wasn't doing his drag queen thing), do you believe that the parents of the children that you are teaching/overseeing have a right to know that moral degenerates such as yourself are teaching their children or over seeing their education?


B. Hussein Obama's former safe school czar Kevin Jennings, photographed where he feels most at home: at a playground where little boys frequent.

The Barbarian

I'm going to be starting a new segment that deals with the perversion that is taught in our education system here shortly. I'm under the impression that you're either a school teacher or an adminstator in a school district (correct me if I'm wrong).

Yep. After I retired, I became a science teacher.

If so (and I asked his question of the drag queen Persephone66 who was a substitute teacher, when he wasn't doing his drag queen thing), do you believe that the parents of the children that you are teaching/overseeing have a right to know that moral degenerates such as yourself are teaching their children or over seeing their education?

That's like being called a "pervert" by Pee Wee Herman. Since I teach science, and incidentally the pillars of social ethics, such as honesty, fairness, responsibility, and tolerance, I really don't touch on your issues at all (and I shouldn't) You're not exactly the norm, Connie.

I do have to teach sex education for the district, but it's limited to developmental biology, ethics, and ways of avoiding sexual behavior. We don't talk at all about the stuff that interests you. I imagine there are some gay students, but we don't talk about it.

Again, the district curriculum. I work for the district so I follow their curriculum.

Parents are generally happy with the way they provide moral guidance for students, so they are far more interested in the way I teach them to look at physical phenomena, figure out what they do. And I'm really good at that.
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New member
I must have missed your post where you said that. Would you link it please?

That being said: I really need your help here, as there are 3 homosexualists (the barbarian, alwight and Art Brain*) who have no problem with any kind of adult consensual relationships.

Kindly tell these defenders of perversion what happens when "consensual relationships" are legalized.

They're not listening to me ole moral crusader, maybe they'll listen to you.

*As long as a mongrel baby isn't the result of that consensual relationship.
I'm afraid you'll have to find it on your own. I'm not good at searching your thread. :AMR1:

First of all, I don't recall those 3 saying they were "homosexualists" (a very off-putting term).


Just because I believe incest and same sex marriage ought not to be legal, doesn't mean they give a flying fig for my opinion.

I care about larger cultural harms which I have discussed at length on TOL - here, and on numerous threads.

I understand you on Jennings (he's out now) and on what is taught in the public schools.
Full agreement on that, as all my threads reveal.

My name is Luca and I live on the second floor



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm going to be starting a new segment that deals with the perversion that is taught in our education system here shortly. I'm under the impression that you're either a school teacher or an adminstator in a school district (correct me if I'm wrong).

Yep. After I retired, I became a science teacher.

So parents do entrust their impressionable children with someone who unapologetically defends the perversions of homosexuality, incest and without a doubt pornography.

Out of curiousity, what did you "retire" from?

If so (and I asked his question of the drag queen Persephone66 who was a substitute teacher, when he wasn't doing his drag queen thing), do you believe that the parents of the children that you are teaching/overseeing have a right to know that moral degenerates such as yourself are teaching their children or over seeing their education?

That's like being called a "pervert" by Pee Wee Herman. Since I teach science, and incidentally the pillars of social ethics, such as honesty, fairness, responsibility, and tolerance, I really don't touch on your issues at all (and I shouldn't) You're not exactly the norm, Connie.

So this same person that is entrusted with other people's children and who unapologetically defends sexual perversions, teaches about virtues such as honesty, fairness, responsibility and tolerance.


I do have to teach sex education for the district, but it's limited to developmental biology, ethics, and ways of avoiding sexual behavior. We don't talk at all about the stuff that interests you. I imagine there are some gay students, but we don't talk about it.

As a Christian who is a parent, I would be very interested in knowing what kind of "stuff" a sexual deviant such as yourself is teaching impressionable children. Are nosey parents ever allowed in your classroom or is Mr. barbarian's class strictly off limits?

Again, the district curriculum. I work for the district so I follow their curriculum.

And being that the school district that you work for is without a doubt LGBTQueer friendly, I can imagine that you absolutely love their cirriculum.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I must have missed your post where you said that. Would you link it please?

That being said: I really need your help here, as there are 3 homosexualists (the barbarian, alwight and Art Brain*) who have no problem with any kind of adult consensual relationships.

Kindly tell these defenders of perversion what happens when "consensual relationships" are legalized.

They're not listening to me ole moral crusader, maybe they'll listen to you.

*As long as a mongrel baby isn't the result of that consensual relationship.

I'm afraid you'll have to find it on your own. I'm not good at searching your thread. :AMR1:

But but but the topic of incest only came up about a dozen or less pages ago. Do it for Luka.

First of all, I don't recall those 3 saying they were "homosexualists" (a very off-putting term).

It's a term that was defined in the OP of Part 1 that means that the person being described as a homosexualist either engages in faggotry or promotes the LGBTQueer agenda or both. Being that none of them (like you) will admit to the former, I'm sure if you were to ask them that they would gladly admit that they promote the latter.


Just because I believe incest and same sex marriage ought not to be legal, doesn't mean they give a flying fig for my opinion.

As a self described "social conservative" and "Christian" (gag) it's your duty to speak up against immoral behavior even if those like the indoctrinator of impressionable children/the barbarian, Auntie Art Brain or Uncle Al don't listen.

I care about larger cultural harms which I have discussed at length on TOL - here, and on numerous threads.

(I'm all golf clapped out).

I understand you on Jennings (he's out now) and on what is taught in the public schools.
Full agreement on that, as all my threads reveal.

Uh huh.


New member
The word "filth" is without a doubt a subjective term.
Sorry aCW, in that case you don't get to impose your subjective opinion on those with a different one, nor have it made into civil law.

For instance: I think (based on Judeo-Christian doctrine) that two males sodomizing each other, which results in things like HIV/AIDS, syphillis and gonorrhea is a filthy behavior, you obviously have no problem with that Al (although you won't admit to engaging in that behavior, so you must acknowledge in your own mind that it is filthy). You probably think that a husband and wife having a sexual relationship which doesn't produce disease but does produce life, is a filthy behavior.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Perhaps you think that married couples should only have sex if there is a prospect of a new life?
Should older couples not have sex together?

However in the real world I think you'll find that most couples have sex because they want to have sex, and that missionary sex is not always on the agenda.
Many gay guys claim to have no anal intercourse, while clearly many straight couples do. What you might think of as subjectively "filthy" is imo probably rather more to do with homophobic bigotry than any concerns about unsafe sex.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Yep. After I retired, I became a science teacher.

So parents do entrust their impressionable children with someone who unapologetically defends the perversions of homosexuality, incest and without a doubt pornography.

Nope. You'd have a hard time getting a job as a teacher, Connie.

Out of curiousity, what did you "retire" from?


If so (and I asked his question of the drag queen Persephone66 who was a substitute teacher, when he wasn't doing his drag queen thing), do you believe that the parents of the children that you are teaching/overseeing have a right to know that moral degenerates such as yourself are teaching their children or over seeing their education?

Barbarian chuckles:
That's like being called a "pervert" by Pee Wee Herman. Since I teach science, and incidentally the pillars of social ethics, such as honesty, fairness, responsibility, and tolerance, I really don't touch on your issues at all (and I shouldn't) You're not exactly the norm, Connie.

So this same person that is entrusted with other people's children and who unapologetically defends sexual perversions,

I really don't care what you do behind closed doors, Connie. I just don't want to hear about it, and of course, I don't discuss your sort of behavior with students.

teaches about virtues such as honesty, fairness, responsibility and tolerance.

Yep. Part of the curriculum.

Barbarian observes:
I do have to teach sex education for the district, but it's limited to developmental biology, ethics, and ways of avoiding sexual behavior. We don't talk at all about the stuff that interests you. I imagine there are some gay students, but we don't talk about it.

As a Christian who is a parent

You've given us no reason to suppose you are either.

I would be very interested in knowing what kind of "stuff" a sexual deviant such as yourself is teaching impressionable children.

I suppose, to you, heterosexuality is "deviant." Statistically, you're wrong, of course.

Are nosey parents ever allowed in your classroom

Yep. A lot of my parents work in technical fields like energy, and some of them come in and present what they do. I'm looking at some fiber optic stuff on my desk now, and hopefully, we'll have that dad come in and explain communications. Another parent teaches geology at a nearby college, and will be talking about plate tectonics this spring.

Since we got a new superintendant, communication with the community is a big deal. I'm planning on doing a survey of animal and plant communities in a park this spring.

Barbarian observes:
Again, the district curriculum. I work for the district so I follow their curriculum.

And being that the school district that you work for is without a doubt LGBTQueer friendly,

One of the most conservative congressional districts in the country. I don't think so.

I can imagine that you absolutely love their cirriculum.

"Curriculum." It's spelled "curriculum." I'd rather not teach it, actually. I'm not surprised to know you're excited about it. Not much to see, unless you want to giggle at diagrams of human reproductive systems.


Hey aCW,

I must say that I am impressed with your tenacity with all your opposers.

You sure are a patient man.

BTW, I am not endorsing any of your comments. I don't get involve with the politics.

just saying.


Hey aCW,

I must say that I am impressed with your tenacity with all your opposers.

You sure are a patient man.

From Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem turned Christmas carol entitled:

'I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day'...

"God is not dead; nor doth he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,"


BTW, I am not endorsing any of your comments. I don't get involve with the politics.

just saying.

By not getting involved in one of God's 3 institutions (ministries) that He ordained for the governance of men (the Church, the Family and Civil Government), you are "involved with the politics", you're allowing evil to prevail.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The word "filth" is without a doubt a subjective term.

Sorry aCW, in that case you don't get to impose your subjective opinion on those with a different one, nor have it made into civil law.

Civil laws and cultural mores' changed due to the subjective opinions (and brutal tactics) of those who engage in a behavior that you're too ashamed to admit that you partake in (undoubtedly due to the filth factor).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
For instance: I think (based on Judeo-Christian doctrine) that two males sodomizing each other, which results in things like HIV/AIDS, syphillis and gonorrhea is a filthy behavior, you obviously have no problem with that Al (although you won't admit to engaging in that behavior, so you must acknowledge in your own mind that it is filthy). You probably think that a husband and wife having a sexual relationship which doesn't produce disease but does produce life, is a filthy behavior.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Perhaps you think that married couples should only have sex if there is a prospect of a new life?
Should older couples not have sex together?

Procreation is a huge part of marriage, but so is enjoying each other sexually. That being said: If all sexual behaviors are equal, why are STD's amongst married couples practically non existant and STD's run rampant amongst those that partake in homosexual behavior Al?

However in the real world I think you'll find that most couples have sex because they want to have sex, and that missionary sex is not always on the agenda.

This thread is definitely about the real world Al and how consensual relationships outside of traditional marriage bring about things such as abortion, disease, misery and early death.

Many gay guys claim to have no anal intercourse,...

Unless you're speaking as one of those "gay guys", you'll have to have one or more "gay guys" come forward and tell us that in their own words (besides, if they're not into anal sex, can they be "real homosexuals" Al?).

On that note: It's been shown in earlier posts and will be shown in detail in the homosexual disease segment, that oral sex can extremely disease ridden as well.


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
But but but the topic of incest only came up about a dozen or less pages ago. Do it for Luka.
No need. I KNOW I would not have spoken in favor of consensual incest.

It's a term that was defined in the OP of Part 1 that means that the person being described as a homosexualist either engages in faggotry or promotes the LGBTQueer agenda or both. Being that none of them (like you) will admit to the former, I'm sure if you were to ask them that they would gladly admit that they promote the latter.
You're damned right I am not going to admit to what is false.

As a self described "social conservative" and "Christian" (gag) it's your duty to speak up against immoral behavior even if those like the indoctrinator of impressionable children/the barbarian, Auntie Art Brain or Uncle Al don't listen.
Leave off with your gagging. I am more of a Christian than you are.

(I'm all golf clapped out).
Oh, so you ARE gay! Well lied, lion. :BRAVO:

Yes. You blabbering fool.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So parents do entrust their impressionable children with someone who unapologetically defends the perversions of homosexuality, incest and without a doubt pornography.

Nope. You'd have a hard time getting a job as a teacher, Connie.

Yes, people who stand for decency often times would have a problem getting a job as a teacher in today's sick society.

The purpose of the next segment on education will be to show that there wasn't always perverts in mentorship/teaching positions and that with hard work moral degenerates like Kevin Jennings and yourself will once again be sent to a place where perverts who molest the minds (and often times bodies) of innocent children should be sent:


Out of curiousity, what did you "retire" from?


I'm sure that the LGBTQueer movement was quite impressed with your work.




(And people wonder why those who engage in homosex are prone to diseases).
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