Barbarian observes:
Yep. After I retired, I became a science teacher.
So parents do entrust their impressionable children with someone who unapologetically defends the perversions of homosexuality, incest and without a doubt pornography.
Nope. You'd have a hard time getting a job as a teacher, Connie.
Out of curiousity, what did you "retire" from?
If so (and I asked his question of the drag queen Persephone66 who was a substitute teacher, when he wasn't doing his drag queen thing), do you believe that the parents of the children that you are teaching/overseeing have a right to know that moral degenerates such as yourself are teaching their children or over seeing their education?
Barbarian chuckles:
That's like being called a "pervert" by Pee Wee Herman. Since I teach science, and incidentally the pillars of social ethics, such as honesty, fairness, responsibility, and tolerance, I really don't touch on your issues at all (and I shouldn't) You're not exactly the norm, Connie.
So this same person that is entrusted with other people's children and who unapologetically defends sexual perversions,
I really don't care what you do behind closed doors, Connie. I just don't want to hear about it, and of course, I don't discuss your sort of behavior with students.
teaches about virtues such as honesty, fairness, responsibility and tolerance.
Yep. Part of the curriculum.
Barbarian observes:
I do have to teach sex education for the district, but it's limited to developmental biology, ethics, and ways of avoiding sexual behavior. We don't talk at all about the stuff that interests you. I imagine there are some gay students, but we don't talk about it.
As a Christian who is a parent
You've given us no reason to suppose you are either.
I would be very interested in knowing what kind of "stuff" a sexual deviant such as yourself is teaching impressionable children.
I suppose, to you, heterosexuality is "deviant." Statistically, you're wrong, of course.
Are nosey parents ever allowed in your classroom
Yep. A lot of my parents work in technical fields like energy, and some of them come in and present what they do. I'm looking at some fiber optic stuff on my desk now, and hopefully, we'll have that dad come in and explain communications. Another parent teaches geology at a nearby college, and will be talking about plate tectonics this spring.
Since we got a new superintendant, communication with the community is a big deal. I'm planning on doing a survey of animal and plant communities in a park this spring.
Barbarian observes:
Again, the district curriculum. I work for the district so I follow their curriculum.
And being that the school district that you work for is without a doubt LGBTQueer friendly,
One of the most conservative congressional districts in the country. I don't think so.
I can imagine that you absolutely love their cirriculum.
"Curriculum." It's spelled "curriculum." I'd rather not teach it, actually. I'm not surprised to know you're excited about it. Not much to see, unless you want to giggle at diagrams of human reproductive systems.