Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Which homosexual periodical/website do you write for GFR7?
I worked for a publishing company which had newspapers, and they would get you Presidential Press Passes if you agreed to go out and cover the rallies.
This was not a gay place, although I did have a stint with a gay publication later. You do know, don't you, that non-gays can write/edit for gay publications?
I suppose it's possible that a heterosexual male could work for a publication that has nothing but drag queens, fairies and bull dykes on it's staff. The question is: Why would he want to?
The next question is: Did they know that you were a "social conservative"? (cough cough cough).
I probably posted this long list of homosexual publications in the culture section in Part 1, but here it is again.
From wikipedia
United States[edit]
News and information[edit]
The Advocate (LPI Media). ISSN 0001-8996.
Pink Magazine (David Cohen).
biMagazine (American Institute of Bisexuality)., covering the Arts, Culture & Society
Compete Magazine (Media Out Loud LLC)., Coverage of sports events and stories about athletes within the Gay Community
Edge (Edge Media Network)., national network covering LGBT news and entertainment.
The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide (Gay & Lesbian Review, Inc). ISSN 1532-1118.
GALA Magazine (Christine F. Gerity)., Print and online magazine; a voice for unseen, unheard, and undiscovered artists within the LGBT community.
G.L.A.M. (Gay & Lesbian Alternative Magazine) (GLAM Magazine, LLC)., The magazine for GLBT artist & musicians
GaySOFLA Magazine Online., South Florida
Lambda book report (Lambda Rising, Inc). ISSN 1048-9487. OCLC 21076801.
Lesbian News (Jinx Beers). ISSN 0739-1803.
LGBT-Today.com (Gay Nichols Publishing, LLC)., covering LGBT activism from the intelligent view.
LivingOUT, was a biweekly newspaper published by LivingOUT Media Group in Minnesota from June, 2004 through June, 2005.[8]
National Gay News (Norm E. Kent).
OMG! Magazine (OMG Multimedia Companies, LLC).
Out Front (Q Publishing Group).
Jess Lemin. Queer'd Magazine (Queerd Entertainment).
The TransGen Times (TheTransGenTimes.com)., News about the TransGender Experience[9]
ACCESSline Newspaper (ACCESS). OCLC 26340233., launch 1986
Ambush Magazine (Baton Rouge, La.). OCLC 10903339., Southeast
Bay Area Reporter (Benro Enterprises). OCLC 26378505., San Francisco
Bay Times Media (Sullivan Communications, Inc)., San Francisco launch 1978, new owner, 8/1/2011
Bay Windows (Alyson Publications). ISSN 0883-4334., New England, launched 1983
Between the Lines (Pride Source Media Group). ISSN 1080-7551., Detroit, launched 1993
Boston Spirit Magazine., Greater Boston and New England
Bulletin, The (Triangle Media). ISSN 0889-6593., California
CampKC (CampOut). OCLC 86069284., Kansas City Metropolitan Area
Chicago Phoenix (Merewell LLC)., Illinois
City News Los Angeles. OCLC 12056628., Los Angeles
cityXtra Magazine (Central and North Florida), published since 2010
Diversity Rules Magazine. OCLC 319832008., Oneonta, New York
Dallas Voice, The (Voice Publishing). ISSN 0888-2517., Dallas, Texas
David Atlanta (David Atlanta Inc.). OCLC 72899775., Atlanta, Georgia
Palm Springs Desert Daily Guide Weekly (DDG MEDIA GROUP Will Paige). OCLC 54477925., Palm Springs, California launched 1994
Empty Closet (Gay Alliance of Genesee Valley)., Rochester, New York
Erie Gay News. ISSN 2159-1792. OCLC 694108900., Erie PA, launch 1992
EscapeOKC Magazine. - Oklahoma City
Family & Friends Magazine (A & P Publications)., Memphis, Tennessee[10]
Fenuxe Magazine (TW Media Group, LLC). ISSN 2157-006X. OCLC 72899775., Atlanta, Georgia
Frontiers (Frontiers Media). ISSN 1526-1972., launch 1981
GAY CHIC Magazine (Viral PR Agency, LLC)., Chicago, Illinois, Launch 2013
Gay City News (Community Media). OCLC 50274748., New York, launch 1994 originally as Lesbian Gay New York.
Gay Life (GLCCB). OCLC 47694046., Baltimore, Maryland
Gay People's Chronicle (KWIR Publications). ISSN 1070-177X., Ohio, launch 1985
Element Q magazine., Albany, New York
Gayzette (Society for Senior Gay and Lesbian Citizens). OCLC 52935673., California
Gayzette (Gay and Lesbian Democrats). OCLC 28596908., Denver, Colorado
Gayzette (Coast to Coast). OCLC 54477955., Florida
Gayzette (District 202). OCLC 50756390., Minnesota
GO NYC (Go NYC Media). OCLC 54069461., New York, Lesbian oriented
Gossip Boy., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
GRAB (Grabbys, LLC)., Chicago, Illinois
HotSpots Magazine. launched 1986, Central and South Florida
Houston Voice (2011-Present) (J. Galloway & S. Tilota). ISSN 2164-9243., Texas, Revived version of Houston Voice
Houston Voice (1973-2009) (T. Nelson (H. McClurg 1973-1993)). OCLC 31485329., Texas, originally known as the Montrose Star
IN2IT Magazine., Texas
InsideOut Weekly. (Nashville, Tennessee)
ION Arizona (JMT Designs, Inc.)., free, Arizona, launched originally as IONAZ in 2001
L Style G Style Magazine, launched 2006, Austin, TX
Lambda Magazine., launched 1976, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Liberty Press, The (The Liberty Press). OCLC 34715465., launch 1994, Kansas
Metro Weekly (Isosceles). OCLC 55969798., free, launch 1994, Washington D.C.
Mom...Guess What! Newsmagazine (Guess What Media). OCLC 73351731., launch 1978, Sacramento,California
Next Magazine (New York City)
ON Magazine (Media Mojo). (San Francisco Bay Area/Silicon Valley)
Our Lives. (Madison, Wisconsin)
Out & About Newspaper (Nashville, Tennessee)
Out Front Colorado (Denver)
Out on the Town (Florida Panhandle, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana)
Out Las Vegas (Stonewall Publishing). (Las Vegas metropolitan area, Nevada)
Outlook Arizona (Outlook Arizona, LLC). (Phoenix, Arizona)
Outlook Columbus (Columbus, Ohio) (Outlook Media)
Outwrite Newsmagazine (University of California, Los Angeles)
Panzee Press (Panzee Press, LLC). (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)

op Scene Magazine = Pop Life Press (New York , NY)
Q Magazine, Key West, Florida
Q-Notes (Pride Publishing & Typesetting). Charlotte, North Carolina, North Carolina, South Carolina
Queer Sacramento. (Sacramento, California)
Queer Life. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Queertopia (QueerInk, LLC). (Minneapolis, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota)
Quest (Green Bay, Wisconsin)
QSaltLake (Salt Lake City, Utah) (Salt Lick Publishing)
QVegas. (Las Vegas, Nevada) (QLV Holdings, Inc.) 1978-present
SHOUT Texas Magazine.
South Florida Gay News (SFGN), Fort Lauderdale, Florida (SouthFloridaGayNews.com, Inc.)
SPLASH. (Naples/Fort Myers/Sarasota, Florida)
The Rainbow Times (Boston, MA) (The Rainbow Times, LLC; ISSN 2169-6128)
The Vital Voice. (St. Louis)
Trade : queer things (Trade). ISSN 1492-0018., Ontario
Triangle journal news (Printers Ink). OCLC 28824568., Memphis, Tennessee
United We Stand – Kentucky's LGBTI News, Richmond, Kentucky (United We Stand Media, LLC.)
Vital Voice- Life and Style magazine celebrating the St. Louis and Midwest LGBT communitySt. Louis, Missouri (Vital VOICE Omni Media)
Washington Blade (Washington, D.C.) (Window Media; ISSN 0278-9892)
Watermark & Watermark Online - Celebrating 20yrs as Central Florida's only LGBT news source (Florida)
What's Happening Magazine (Florida)
Windy City Times (Windy City Media Group; ISSN 1049-698X)
Wire Magazine (Florida)
Wisconsin Gazette (Wisconsin)
A Bear's Life Magazine (Bear Brothers)
Connextions Magazine
Curve (Outspoken Enterprises; ISSN 1087-867X)
The Rainbow Times (The Rainbow Times, LLC)
Echo Magazine (ACE Publishing)
Envy Man (Envy Media Group)
Gay Parent Magazine (Gay Parent; ISSN 1545-6714)
GayWebMoney Magazine
Icarus, the Magazine of Gay Speculative Fiction
Instinct (Instinct Magazine; ISSN 1096-0058)
JustUsBoys Magazine
Lavender Magazine (Lavender Lifestyles Marketing; ISSN 1542-3611)
LGBT Living & Weddings Magazine
MetroSource (Metrosource Publishing, Inc.; ISSN 1529-935X )
My Comrade
Next Door Magazine
''noiZe Magazine (The Premier Guide to Dance, Festival and Circuit Events Worldwide.; ISSN 1944-5741 )
OMG! Magazine (publisher= OMG Multimedia Companies, LLC)
Out (LPI Media; ISSN 1062-7928)
OUT THERE" (publisher= Brown Tiger; ISSN 2043-9210 2043-9210)
Pride & Equality Magazine
R* (evedesasas; ISSN 1948-5042)
Qr Magazine (Qr Media; ISSN 2027-9531)
RFD Magazine (RFD Press Inc.; ISSN 0149-709X)
Same-Sex Married Life | 10 Thousand Couples (a FREE e-zine for men and women in committed same-sex relationships)
She Magazine (She Girls, LLC)
Transgender tapestry (I.F.G.E). ISSN 1083-0006. OCLC 32692689.
Velvetpark (Velvetpark Magazine; ISSN 1540-3777)
VizionsMagazine.NET (QNA Media Group, LLC)
Xodus USA (Xodus USA; ISSN 1542-2755)
Zeus (Fenocia Publishing Company, Inc; ISSN 1948-5042)
POZ Magazine (Smart + Strong). ISSN 1075-5705., launched 1994
Passport Magazine (Q Communications). ISSN 1531-0213.
Out of print[edit]
411 Magazine, South Florid Blade
abOUT (Toronto, Buffalo)
After Dark
Anything That Moves
Bear Magazine (Brush Creek Media; ISSN 1049-6521)
Blackfire (BLK Publishing Co.; ISSN 1043-3271)
Black Lace (BLK Publishing Co.; ISSN 1049-3298)
BLK (Los Angeles, California), (BLK Publishing Co.; ISSN 1043-0075)
Chicago Free Press (Novus Publishing). OCLC 42850110.
Christopher Street
Church Street Freedom Press (Nashville, TN) (Published by Freedom Press Publishing)
DRUM (Philadelphia) 1964–1967. Published by the Janus Society.
ETC (Atlanta, Georgia)
Gay Community News (Boston/Cambridge, Massachusetts), (Bromfield Street Educational Foundation; ISSN 0147-0728)
Gaysweek (New York City), (New York Gay News, Inc.; ISSN 0145-9104)
Genre (Genre Publishing; ISSN 1074-5246)
Girlfriends (Girlfriends Magazine; ISSN 1078-8875)
HERO Magazine
In the Family (Family Magazine, Inc; ISSN 1083-4095)
Kuumba (BLK Publishing Co.; ISSN 1049-328X)
The Ladder (magazine)
LivingOUT (Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota) (LivingOUT Media)
Our Families (Sacramento, California)
OUT/LOOK National Lesbian and Gay Quarterly (San Francisco (The OUT/LOOK Foundation)
OutTraveler., once provided as a supplement to LPI Media publications like Out Magazine and The Advocate The Out Traveler is no longer in publication.
Q-Ragg newspaper (Sacramento, California)
Queen's Quarterly 1969 to about 1982[11]
Salt Lake Metro (Salt Lake City, Utah) (Metro Publishing)
This Side Up Newspaper (Sacramento, California)
Southern Voice
Triangle Report (Sacramento, California)
Venus Magazine
fab! Newspaper Los Angeles
Vice Versa
XY (XY Publishing; ISSN 1522-8614)
YGA (Young Gay America)
Gai Saber (Auréville : Les Dames). ISSN 0047-4916.
Gay Books Bulletin (Gay Academic Union, NY Chapter). ISSN 1043-383X.
Gay literature (D. Curzon). ISSN 0193-838X.
GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (Duke University Press). OCLC 759829458.
The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review (Harvard Gay & Lesbian Caucus). ISSN 1077-6591.
International Journal of Transgenderism (IJT) (Symposion Publishing). ISSN 1434-4599.
Journal of Bisexuality (Haworth Press). ISSN 1529-9716., online version ISSN 1529-9724
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education (Harrington Park Press). ISSN 1541-0889., online version ISSN 1541-0870
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Politics. ISSN 1537-9426.
Journal of Homosexuality (Haworth Press). ISSN 0091-8369., online version ISSN 1540-3602
Law and Sexuality (Tulane University School of Law). ISSN 1062-0680.
Lesbian Review of Books (The Lesbian Review of Books). ISSN 1077-5684.
National Journal of Sexual Orientation Law. ISSN 1552-8901.
Historical research resources[edit]
International Directory of Gay and Lesbian Periodicals (Oryx Press, 1987), ISBN 0-89774-297-4.
Lesbian Periodicals Index (1986), ISBN 0-930044-74-6.
Lesbian Sources: A Bibliography of Periodical Articles, 1970–1990 (1993), ISBN 0-8153-0782-9.
Our Own Voices: A Directory of Lesbian and Gay Periodicals, 1890–1990: Including the Complete Holdings of the Canadian Gay Archives (Canadian Gay Archives, 1991), ISBN 0-9690981-6-2.
Women's and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Movements (LGBT) Periodicals Collection, 1968–2005, Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library, Duke University.
Which one did you work for princess?