Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I was talking about you pumpkin. You're a very very sick little boy.

And how might that be? Hmmm? How am I sick?

But I did play a bad, bad trick on Big Daddy Culture Warrior :chuckle:

LOL...you didn't play a trick on me, because I knew what you were practically from day one.

That being said, you did play a trick on all of those people like resurrected and musterion who actually believed that you are a Christian (but then a rock could pull one over on those two).

A homosexual activist comes to a Christian conservative website to mock them by pretending to be something that he really isn't.

That's sick and cruel. But then that's what you homosexualists do.


You don't think my grandfather hurt me, do you? :jawdrop:

Someone did, badly.

Originally Posted by GFR7
3. I need not love persons - family or not - who have done extreme harm to me and my family, and never repented of it. Jesus tells us to forgive "7 x 70" for those who repent. These people did not. If you want to love them, be my guest. Let's see how you fare with them. I really don't think St. Paul was too loving when he consigned to hell everyone who practiced what he found sinful.


Moving on...


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I was talking about you pumpkin. You're a very very sick little boy.

LOL...you didn't play a trick on me, because I knew what you were practically from day one.

That being said, you did play a trick on all of those people like resurrected and musterion who actually believed that you are a Christian (but then a rock could pull one over on those two).

A homosexual activist comes to a Christian conservative website to mock them by pretending to be something that he really isn't.

That's sick and cruel. But then that's what you homosexualists do.
You were the more deceived: I am a Christian, and that I had Rimbaud's avatar for months was well-known to all. YOU are not the definitive word on me or on anything.

Rimbaud as I said is an ancestor and was part of my language independent studies. I show his avatar as part of that.

People like Rez, Musterion, Christian Liberty - all men belonging to a higher class than you, Kentucky - are educated and can recognize Kierkegaard and Rimbaud's pics (my avatars) at a glance. Stop making a fool of yourself (impossible, I know).


New member
There's good news for the dope smoking child pornographers in Colorado:

State does not require prison for people guilty of creating child porn


On the computers in his Aurora apartment, Timothy Robinson collected thousands of images and videos of children being raped and assaulted. Less than 10 miles away, David Moe stashed child pornography on hundreds of DVDs and multiple computers in his Denver home. Both men spent more than a decade collecting the images and videos, meticulously cataloging and labeling their collections. Both had a preferred age and hair color for the boys and girls they were viewing. Both men were arrested. Robinson — despite a previous arrest for inappropriately touching a 12-year-old — walked away with probation and three years in community corrections. Moe, who collected more than 800,000 images, was sentenced to eight years in federal prison.

When it comes to prosecuting and punishing those who deal in child pornography, it matters a great deal who is doing the prosecuting and punishing.

Federal laws are tougher than state laws, but federal authorities say their limited resources allow them to go after only the worst of the worst.

As a result, many cases end up in state court where sentences are lighter — which some prosecutors say can be appropriate for offenders who mostly need therapy. Others say the lack of mandatory sentences creates a system where the punishment does not fit the crime.

In the case of Robinson, Arapahoe County Deputy District Attorney Cara Morlan asked the judge to sentence Robinson to several years in prison.

"It's frustrating," Morlan said. "This guy is going to be allowed to walk out into the community every day."

Child pornography convictions have almost tripled in state courts since 2008, but the percent of those people sentenced to prison has dropped from 56 percent of them to 40 percent, according to a Denver Post analysis of figures from the Colorado Judicial Branch...

Read more:

(Sigh, if only the Jr. Libertarian were here he'd tell us that child porn is a "victimless crime").


I didn't see where the story said they were "dope smokers. "

Did you just make that part up? You can do better than that, chubs.


New member
I didn't see where the story said they were "dope smokers. "

Did you just make that part up? You can do better than that, chubs.
Will someone get aCW into a straight jacket? He keeps lying, posting garbage, saying he is exposing me about things I have been open and honest about -- i loathe him and would jump into fire to escape him.


New member
Someone did, badly.

Originally Posted by GFR7
3. I need not love persons - family or not - who have done extreme harm to me and my family, and never repented of it. Jesus tells us to forgive "7 x 70" for those who repent. These people did not. If you want to love them, be my guest. Let's see how you fare with them. I really don't think St. Paul was too loving when he consigned to hell everyone who practiced what he found sinful.


Moving on...
You are a sick and stupid man. Yes, PLEASE move on, from TOL as well. We don't want you here.


I didn't see where the story said they were "dope smokers. "

Did you just make that part up? You can do better than that, chubs.

Welcome back to the thread shag. For those of you that don't follow TOL outside of this thread, shagster has quit smoking dope!

While he has his own reasons for doing so, being that he was a drug addict evidently wasn't one of the reasons.

No, the article didn't point out that the pedophiles were dope smokers, I'm pointing out that a state that has legalized (i.e. promotes) recreational drug use, obviously doesn't take pedophilia too seriously.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I was talking about you pumpkin. You're a very very sick little boy.

LOL...you didn't play a trick on me, because I knew what you were practically from day one.

That being said, you did play a trick on all of those people like resurrected and musterion who actually believed that you are a Christian (but then a rock could pull one over on those two).

A homosexual activist comes to a Christian conservative website to mock them by pretending to be something that he really isn't.

That's sick and cruel. But then that's what you homosexualists do.
You are an idiot and a moron. I speak openly about my beliefs, have lied to no one, and have no recourse to pretense. WHY ARE PEOPLE FROM KENTUCKY SO STUPID??????????? :cry:


New member
Unfortunately we have to move on to another subject that deals with you:


I need to digest my lunch before talking about this degenerate.
Aren't you kind of old and fat to still be eating lunch? :think:

I only use his young avatars on aCW: Part of NLP: his older images don't work- it's not about him as a person- it was an attempt to use neuro-linguistic programming on you - picture as text....:AMR1:

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New member
Welcome back to the thread shag. For those of you that don't follow TOL outside of this thread, shagster has quit smoking dope!

While he has his own reasons for doing so, being that he was a drug addict evidently wasn't one of the reasons.

I didn't quit. I cut way back. Keep up.

No, the article didn't point out that the pedophiles were dope smokers, I'm pointing out that a state that has legalized (i.e. promotes) recreational drug use, obviously doesn't take pedophilia too seriously.

False connection. You might as well say a state that has few gun control laws doesn't take pedophilia too seriously.

How are the child porn laws up in the pot state of Washington?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome back to the thread shag. For those of you that don't follow TOL outside of this thread, shagster has quit smoking dope!

While he has his own reasons for doing so, being that he was a drug addict evidently wasn't one of the reasons.

I didn't quit. I cut way back. Keep up.

It's a harmless drug, I don't understand why you would.

No, the article didn't point out that the pedophiles were dope smokers, I'm pointing out that a state that has legalized (i.e. promotes) recreational drug use, obviously doesn't take pedophilia too seriously.

False connection. You might as well say a state that has few gun control laws doesn't take pedophilia too seriously.

Someone that is suffering from the long term effects of marijuana use would make that connection.

How are the child porn laws up in the pot state of Washington?

I believe around a half a million turned out to celebrate perversion in late June. As usual, nudity and all kinds of degeneracy was done in front of children without concern from public officials (Seattle's mayor is a faggot, so what would you expect?).


Grand Marshal of Seattle's Gay Pride Parade 2014, George Takei


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
Someone did, badly.

Originally Posted by GFR7

3. I need not love persons - family or not - who have done extreme harm to me and my family, and never repented of it. Jesus tells us to forgive "7 x 70" for those who repent. These people did not. If you want to love them, be my guest. Let's see how you fare with them. I really don't think St. Paul was too loving when he consigned to hell everyone who practiced what he found sinful.


Moving on...
Right- someone hurt me, my wife, and my son very badly. But it had nothing to do with sex.

It was a family and business and personal/financial betrayal, and it was cruelty when my spouse was ill. This has nothing to do with sex, and NO, I have not forgiven them.

You assume too much: For instance that people who do academic theses on Nietzsche and language studies on Rimbaud , and who are interested in ancestry, automatically ARE LIKE UNTO those people. If you were related to, and studied, Robert E Lee, would that make you like him in all ways?

You presume too much and you jump to some bizarre conclusions- such as, I wanted to deceive Rez, Musterion, and Christian Liberty---- when all I was trying to do is see if neuro-linguistic programming would work on your thick, thick turnip-head - using young Morrissey gifs. In fact, I think it was a smashing success. :think:


Right- someone hurt me, my wife, and my son very badly. But it had nothing to do with sex.

It was a family and business and personal/financial betrayal, and it was cruelty when my spouse was ill. This has nothing to do with sex, and NO, I have not forgiven them.

As much as I would love to believe you, I wrote this:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

You've been hurt beyond words by someone/people who engaged in homosexual pedophilia GFR7. While it would be nice if you would talk about it here, I know that you won't.

There are many good people on TOL who you can talk to, people who can give you spiritual advice so that you can leave this living hell that you are currently experiencing. I also frequently give a plug for the good people at NARTH who work with people with homosexual desires and have great success.

You're not alone GFR7, countless people have experienced what you have and come out of it just fine. It's just a matter of having faith in God and doing the necessary things to overcome it.

God bless.



and you responded with this:

Thank you.

Please do me and everyone else following this thread a huge favor by leaving this thread and never coming back. It's depressing for me as a Christian to see a fellow human being in such a sad state.


New member
As much as I would love to believe you, I wrote this:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

You've been hurt beyond words by someone/people who engaged in homosexual pedophilia GFR7. While it would be nice if you would talk about it here, I know that you won't.

There are many good people on TOL who you can talk to, people who can give you spiritual advice so that you can leave this living hell that you are currently experiencing. I also frequently give a plug for the good people at NARTH who work with people with homosexual desires and have great success.

You're not alone GFR7, countless people have experienced what you have and come out of it just fine. It's just a matter of having faith in God and doing the necessary things to overcome it.

God bless.



and you responded with this:


Please do me and everyone else following this thread a huge favor by leaving this thread and never coming back. It's depressing for me as a Christian to see a fellow human being in such a sad state.
You cannot hold me to words said to YOU - to others, yes, but not to YOU, because you are a slippery devil, a liar, a trickster, and you get back what you give.

You deserved that for your insane and vile presumption. I knew you had ZERO interest in helping , but were setting a trap because you are of your Father the Devil. He was a liar from the beginning, and loves lies, and is the father of it.

As Jesus said to the Pharisees: "Very well, you tell me nothing. Neither then will I tell you by whose authority I do these things." You get back the same, you trickster and vile liar.

Just try and speak of your "Christian compassion and help" - to help others runs counter to your deepest instincts; you live on the pain you inflict on others. I knew this of you, and I responded accordingly, you devil.
To put yourself on par with someone like Peter LaBarbera, or Matt Barber, is blasphemy:
Out of the opposite of their concern and compassion comes your vile, blood -lust and hate.

I will not leave, and you can't make me. :AMR1:

But we all wish YOU would leave. And we will keep working to that end. Be sure of that.....

Make no mistake: I WANT to depress you; I WANT to confuse you, and muddle you, and baffle you.

You have no righteousness in you; you are like Satan who disguises himself as an angel of light.
No one buys your garbage. "From such turn away" the Bible tells us.

I post to you only to damn you.

I am NOT your "fellow human being". You have gone way beyond human decency,
and no longer have companionship with humans.
My mocking of you has become a puppet show that people watch from boredom.

You have NO followers. NO ONE reads your crappy thread.
It has become a cat and mouse game with you looking ever the fool.
YOU are the one who needs to leave, and never come back.

You saw from the get-go, that you couldn't rid yourself of me.
Why did you allow me to do all I did?
Why did you allow all those gifs and crazy posts?

Even because you have NO OTHER posters, you pathetic fool.
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New member
I post to you only to damn you.

I am NOT your "fellow human being". You have gone way beyond human decency,
and no longer have companionship with humans.
My mocking of you has become a puppet show that people watch from boredom.

You have NO followers. NO ONE reads your crappy thread.
It has become a cat and mouse game with you looking ever the fool.
YOU are the one who needs to leave, and never come back.

You saw from the get-go, that you couldn't rid yourself of me.
Why did you allow me to do all I did?
Why did you allow all those gifs and crazy posts?

Even because you have NO OTHER posters, you pathetic fool.
I wholeheartedly agree with you GF, but I think that you assign way too many brain cells and emotions on mein host aCW, he really isn't worth it. :nono:


New member
I wholeheartedly agree with you GF, but I think that you assign way too many brain cells and emotions on mein host aCW, he really isn't worth it. :nono:
Thank you for your words. You have always been a decent and fair fellow. You're probably right - I may as well try and humiliate a rock. :nono:


New member
Thank you for your words. You have always been a decent and fair fellow. You're probably right - I may as well try and humiliate a rock. :nono:
I'll poke him with a stick if it pleases me to, but if it doesn't, I won't bother. :e4e:


New member
This looks to be truer than anyone suspected.

I often was stumped as to why aCW remained a police officer,
after being confronted with overhwelming evidence, some that he himself provided,
that law enforcement is deeply corrupt, immoral, and part of an anti-Christ system.

But the power, the draw and pull of peer-pressure, herd-instinct, fraternity,
co-dependence, co-enabling, group-guilt, and group-self-forgiveness,
may simply prove to be too overwhelming for a shallow 'Christian by culture' pawn,
chosen precisely for his lower intellect and dog-like 'loyalty-by-habit'.

US Court Says it’s Okay for Police Departments to Refuse to Hire Someone who is Too Smart

By Matt Agorist on September 28, 2014

Ever wonder why cops yell “quit resisting” as they beat a person who’s not resisting? Or why they shoot people who pose no threat? Maybe the answer is right in front of us.


On March 16, 1996 Robert Jordan from Connecticut, and 500 others underwent a written screening process which included the Wonderlic Test, conducted by the Law Enforcement Council of Southeastern Connecticut, Inc. (“LEC”), a coalition of fourteen cities and towns, in order to apply for a position as a police officer.
Several months later Jordan learned that the city of New London started interviewing candidates. After not hearing from them, Jordan inquired as to why he was passed over.
Jordan eventually learned from assistant city manager Keith Harrigan that he would not be interviewed because he “didn’t fit the profile.”
Thinking it was obviously age discrimination because he was 46 at the time, Jordan filed an administrative complaint with the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.
The response that he received was completely out of left field. The city responded that it removed Jordan from consideration because he scored a 33 on the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test, and that to prevent frequent job turnover caused by hiring overqualified applicants the city only interviewed candidates who scored between 20 and 27.
The city of New London claims that “People within certain ranges achieve a degree of job satisfaction and are likely to be happy and therefore stay on the job.” They apparently believed that Jordan was too smart to be happy being a cop.
This reasoning did not seem logical to Jordon so he filed a civil rights action in the District Court for the District of Connecticut alleging that the city and Harrigan denied him equal protection in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment and Article 4, Section 20, of the Connecticut Constitution.
On August 29, 1999 the court granted defendants’ motion for summary judgment citing “no suspect classification and that defendants had ‘shown . . . a rational basis’ for the policy.”

Jordan, thinking that this must be just a fluke ruling, then appealed and brought his case to the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
In the interim Jordan conducted his own research which showed that high scores do not actually correlate with experiencing more job dissatisfaction. The court ruled that despite the evidence to the contrary of New London’s claim, they are still justified in refusing applicants with high IQs “because it matters not whether the city’s decision was correct so long as it was rational.”
Because all applicants were denied based on high test scores, there was no discrimination taking place.

This decision by the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to condone the ability of police departments to discriminate against smart people is one of the most profoundly ridiculous moves ever made. But it also tends to explain the state of police departments today.
It takes a special kind of person to go to work every day and harass, kidnap, and kill people for victimless crimes. The act of unquestioningly carrying out orders to ruin the lives of good people whose only “crime” was to do with their own body as they wish, would eventually have to raise the eyebrow of a person with a higher level of intelligence…or so we’d like to think.
Knowing that this ability to discriminate against intelligence in police departments exists tends to put ‘Police State USA’ in perspective. In the past decade we’ve seen heavily militarized actions against non-violent protesters. We’ve even seen school districts accepting MRAPs! And we’ve watched from the sidelines as Mayberry transformed to Martial Law.
A smart person does not create a domestic standing army and call it freedom.

A smart person does not deliberately tear gas journalists. A smart person does not point a rifle an an innocent person and tell them that they are going to kill him. A smart person does not severely beat a person with down syndrome because he sees a bulge in his pants, which is actually a colostomy bag. A smart person does not continuously shoot at an unarmed man who posed zero threat and whose arms are in the air.
If more people knew this information you could rest assured that they would try and reform their police departments. No one wants their police officers to be unintelligent, right?
Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore helped to expose what happened to Jordan as well as the ridiculous notion of discriminating based on intelligence levels, on his show “The Awful Truth.” The 8 minute segment, while hilarious, paints an ominous picture of adhering to such tactics.


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