I don't know what they are, but other people call them gods.
I don't know that you are calling any things "they", here. I certainly do not assume that you are doing so. Do
you believe you are calling some things, "they", here?
I don't know that you, or other people, are calling any things "gods", when you, or other people, say the word, "gods".
Notice that I asked you, What (if any) things do you call "fictional gods"?
Do you call any things "fictional gods"? If so, what things do you call "fictional gods"?
Notice that I did not say "Do you know what fictional gods are?" and yet, you reacted to the question I asked you as though you think I had said, "Do you know what fictional gods are?" Problem is, I did not say, nor would I say, "Do you know what fictional gods are?" Rather, I asked you a question:
What (if any) things do you call "fictional gods"?
Do you call any things "fictional gods"? If so, what do you call "fictional gods"?
If you do not call any things "fictional gods", then, when you say something like, "I don't know what [fictional gods] are", you are merely uttering nonsense.
Since I do not call any things "fictional gods", I would not say something like, "I don't know what [fictional gods] are".
As with characters in fictional writing or television, they aren't really there, but for the purpose of discussing claims made on behalf of them, I pretend they exist.
I do not call any things "characters in fictional writing or television". I do not call any things "fictional characters". I do not say things like "Fictional characters aren't really there", or "Fictional characters do not exist", or, "I pretend that fictional characters exist". For, to say such things would be to merely say nonsense. At least, I would not know what (if anything) I ought to be meaning by saying such things. Do you know what (if anything) I ought to be meaning by such things? But, unlike myself, you seem to think that when you say such things, you, as a matter of course,
can't but be saying things that are cognitively meaningful.
What do you think of all the gods that you believe are fictional?
To what (if any) things are you referring by your phrase, "all the gods that you believe are fictional"?
I, for one, do not call any things "gods that are fictional", nor "fictional gods", nor "gods that I believe are fictional", nor "gods that you believe are fictional", etc., just as I do not call any things "gods that are not fictional", nor "non-fictional gods", nor "gods that I believe are not fictional", nor "gods that you believe are not fictional", etc.
Would you say I am obligated to call some things, "gods that are fictional"? Would you say I am obligated to assume that you are calling some things, "all the gods that you believe are fictional"?