This may surprise you, but there's zero emotional component to that comment. Just telling it like it is, these things long foregone conclusions, nothing new. The days of getting exercised over Roman Catholicism are long gone. Call me a heretic now, and I rejoice. You're dinosaurs, irrelevant in the final analysis. There is no day I awaken, thinking about Catholics. You're here. Everywhere else, you're out of sight and out of mind. My congregation doesn't talk about you. You're on nobody's mind. I don't care what comes out of Francis' mouth. You want to read the Quran at the Vatican, your red wagon, no skin off my butt. Don't pat yourself on the back you even have any real impact. You didn't get the news: the Reformation is over. There's no sense in what your army of zombies, with your moldered, dead religion, continues to try and do. You don't seem to understand: we don't buy any of it, never will. If you like charging windmills, though, knock yourself out.