I don't believe in paying to post on internet forums. There are too many free forums out there with good content. I don't need all the bells and whistles that come with a paid membership. The reason I am here is to learn and to share my opinion with others. For that, the ability to post and read are all that is needful. If payment ever becomes necessary to do those two things, I will take my ball and go play elsewhere.The TOL-A-THON has me thinking of late as to why those that have made over 500 posts here remain non-subscribers. You would be one whose userID is shown in blue typeface.
I think I am qualified to ask the question, as I have subscribed here since day one, and Lord knows, I have the infractions and bannings to prove that my opinions are not necessarily those of the management or popular culture here. Sigh.
I realize the rules allow non-subscribers. But I am wondering what your underlying motivations are for not subscribing, even at the lowest level, the green level, of $3/month or $30/year?
In other words, what would have to happen at TOL that would incentivize you to subscribe?
For the record, I am posting this on my own accord, and not as a shill for TOL's management. No one asked me to do this, and no doubt, some of those that respect my posted positions will be taken aback. In fact, management may very well ban me for even making such a post and I will accept their ruling, as I have several times in the past. ;(
It just seems to me that a site that obviously costs money to maintain, and one that explicitly offers the owners a means of recuperating costs via subscriptions, should expect to understand why a frequent poster, someone I define to be one with over 500 posts, remains a non-subscriber. This is the thread wherein you can lay it all on the line and be heard.
I don't think that reasons along the lines of "well, TOL's views are different from mine" hold much merit. Clearly, my own views are at odds with many herein. For me, the value received, versus the value extended, is the only factor in a monetary decision. If you have spent the time to make over 500 posts here you have obviously formulated a value proposition, and it begs the question of the opening post of this thread: Why do you remain a blue subscriber?
For more:
One of the best reasons to subscribe to this sight is because you enjoy it and want it to continue to exist.
Consider the bennies![]()
I'm happy laughing and rooting around in the woodshed!
Worth the price of admission alone!I'm happy laughing and rooting around in the woodshed!
Basically the cost of a Happy Meal per month to enjoy the added benefits and financially support the site. Despite having written the opening post nearly seven years ago, I do not think my opinion has changed. An active person with over 500 posts and is not subscribing seems a contradiction to me, extreme financial hardships excepted.
Wow, this post was from right when I started !! I made good on my promise, when I was able i became a member. It's been worth it !!i can't afford the lowest level. when i can i will. right now i have nothing
Wow, this post was from right when I started !! I made good on my promise, when I was able i became a member. It's been worth it !!
But with a happy meal you get a Taiwanese toy...here you just get to toy with someone who lives in Taiwan.Basically the cost of a Happy Meal per month to enjoy the added benefits and financially support the site. Despite having written the opening post nearly seven years ago, I do not think my opinion has changed. An active person with over 500 posts and is not subscribing seems a contradiction to me, extreme financial hardships excepted.
Better than crow stuffed in your own hat.:mock: AMR still eats Happy Meals
Town is in rare comedic formBut with a happy meal you get a Taiwanese toy...here you just get to toy with someone who lives in Taiwan.lain: Okay, point taken.
Town is in rare comedic form
I used to be a school bus driver - trained, educated, certified and licensed by the state, I was a professional school bus driver
Which is saying something when you consider all the work and training and years it takes to become a licensed bus...well, no.and I wouldn't get bent out of shape if somebody questioned whether or not I was