Barbarian observes:
Yeh, democrats were the conservative party, back then. Republicans were the liberals.
Denial probably won't help you. I lived through those times, and you're just making up stories.
Democrats fought abolition. Democrats formed the antebellum KKK. But then, the democrats took a turn to the left and supported civil rights, school integration, and voting rights for blacks. And of course, the racists went to the republican party. Nixon played it perfectly. His adviser Kevin Phillips even said the republicans should not fight civil rights laws too much, because it would increase the number of southern racists who would become republicans.
Democrats led by Johnson sought to rechain "negroes" on the mental plantation of the welfare state to keep them voting Democrat in perpetuity.
Very telling that you consider making sure that blacks being able to vote, as being "chained." You're exposing yourself, and your agenda.
We'll thank you to shut up about not-your-country's history,
You're getting spittle on the screen again. Calm yourself. It might be frustrating now, but you won't feel so embarrassed tomorrow.
about which you are a fool. You're welcome you're not speaking German or Russian, thanks to us.
My father actually fought in that war. He lived with the pain from a shell splinter they couldn't get out of his brain, all his life. You're just a wannabee, pretending to be a patriot. You aren't fit to shine the shoes of a real patriot.
But you're on your own with the Muslims
Of course, it wouldn't be a Musty temper tantrum without a little religious bigotry tossed in, would it?
and you're going to lose that one.
I just looked at the list of terrorists killed by our forces in the last few years. Doesn't seem like we're losing. And since Muslims are converting to Christianity at an increasing rate, such that the only way they persist is by more of them moving here, you're paranoid fantasies are wrong there, too.
Hope you get better, Musty.