Why Calvinist, Catholics, Muslims, Others are Lost


Dear AMR,

It is very tiresome when people degrade what others have suffered so that they can be silly online. This guy is totally out of touch. Has he ever read a book?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You have no scripture to refute what I teach.

All that you have shown us on this Forum is that you are full of hot air.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Dear AMR,

It is very tiresome when people degrade what others have suffered so that they can be silly online. This guy is totally out of touch. Has he ever read a book?

Who can say? I do know he has devoured all of Brimsmead's writings. ;)

Robert refuses to attend church, denies the inerrancy of Scripture, thinks the doctrine of Hell is questionable, thinks God does not see what is going on, and so much more. Why would anyone take seriously a man who has these views?

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Who can say? I do know he has devoured all of Brimsmead's writings. ;)

Robert refuses to attend church, denies the inerrancy of Scripture, thinks the doctrine of Hell is questionable, thinks God does not see what is going on, and so much more. Why would anyone take seriously a man who has these views?


You were unable to answer the question. I will present it to you again.

Here it is my unbelieving friend.

If God has ALREADY reconciled us (humanity) and the world unto himself by Jesus Christ as it is taught in 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19 and also in Colossians 1:20-23, then what good is your Calvinist religion?

Please don't dissapoint us again with some other religious nonsensence.


Well-known member
Someone brilliantly explained that all false gospels (within Christendom and outside of it) amount to nothing more than an exchange of IOUs where nothing for the individual's salvation is really, practically, actually, finally done and settled.

God gives a person - let's call he Suzie - an IOU for forgiveness of sin and eternal life. Suzie, in return, gives God an IOU that she will live the rest of her days as sinlessly as possible, hopefully hitting the magic mark of earning entrance into Heaven before she dies (and in some cases, afterwards).

Neither party has yet delivered on what they've promised, nor can they. God and Jesus are rooting for Suzie but it's still undetermined and completely dependent upon her good works. So if Suzie renegs or fails on her end of the deal, God stops rooting for her, withdraws His IOU and chucks Suzie into the Lake of Fire.

That's exactly what Lordship Salvation and all other false gospels teach, essentially. It also explains the demonic hatred of even the idea of ES/OSAS/UESIC. Salvation by grace through faith alone is NOT what they believe.
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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You were unable to answer the question. I will present it to you again.

Here it is my unbelieving friend.

If God has ALREADY reconciled us (humanity) and the world unto himself by Jesus Christ as it is taught in 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19 and also in Colossians 1:20-23, then what good is your Calvinist religion?

Please don't dissapoint us again with some other religious nonsensence.
Given your blindness about the inerrancy of Scripture it is no wonder you think these verses support your odd views.

2 Cor 5:18, 19 - The reconciliation of the world is that God's love in Christ extends to both Jews and Gentiles worldwide (compare Rom. 1:16). Then again, you refuse to attend church, and just think everyone is a minister, so I can see how you can be confused. Sigh.

The Corinthians can only appreciate Paul's apostolic work when they understand it as part of God's work to reconcile the world, that is Christ did not die for all men without exception, but for all men without distinction: people from every national, racial, and ethnic group.

If they want to see God's glory, they can see it most clearly in Paul's reconciling ministry to the world that requires self-sacrifice and inevitably results in suffering. This explains why this passage about God's reconciling work appears in Paul's defense (hence, the primary use of "us", meaning Paul and his associates, while not excluding to all who are believers to share the message of reconciliation). Drop down one more verse and it becomes clear:

2 Corinthians 5:20
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

Col. 1:20-23 - You are just not reading what is being said, rather you are imposing your oddities upon the text.

"And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled
...If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel..."

The readers of Paul's Epistle were estranged until granted spiritual life by God through faith in Christ's active and passive obedience. All humanity is not reconciled, Robert. Of course, you deny Hell, so there is that heresy that prevents you from having eyes to see what the text is actually teaching.

It has been pointed out to you by many, usually with perspicuous attention to the teachings of Scripture, that your position is basically universalism in disguise. Your response is always to deny anyone has answered you and you just continue onward declaring you are correct and all others incorrect.

You are making no new claims in this thread. Rather, you are repeating the same basic theme over and over with every thread you start. You get plenty of responses showing you how you have been mistaken, but you simply declare your interlocutors lost, hell-bound, and sin-bent, moving on to create yet another thread with the same basic contents.

You simply refuse to be corrected or even consider the possibility that you have erred. Given your refusal to engage substantively, preferring to just assert this or that repeatedly, the only recourse you leave me and others is to remind you just how far outside the camp your views are in hopes the casual bystander reading your flowery prose will not be taken in.



Well-known member
You were unable to answer the question. I will present it to you again.

Here it is my unbelieving friend.

If God has ALREADY reconciled us (humanity) and the world unto himself by Jesus Christ as it is taught in 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19 and also in Colossians 1:20-23, then what good is your Calvinist religion?

Please don't dissapoint us again with some other religious nonsensence.

You dont even believe or understand those scriptures. God has not reconciled to Himself those who are under His condemnation and Wrath Jn 3:18,36 !


Who can say? I do know he has devoured all of Brimsmead's writings. ;)

Robert refuses to attend church, denies the inerrancy of Scripture, thinks the doctrine of Hell is questionable, thinks God does not see what is going on, and so much more. Why would anyone take seriously a man who has these views?


He is very much trying to kick start a cult. Sort of like what the Jehovah's Witness cult does.

Example: they don't believe in our holidays but they like getting the time off work with pay.


Pate does not believe in our Religion but he loves the freedom that it affords him. Since he wants to lump us in with the Muslims then maybe we should give him some Muslim treatment?


You have no scripture to refute what I teach.

All that you have shown us on this Forum is that you are full of hot air.

Here is one

Thou shalt not take what does not belong to you

You have our freedom. We want it back. Go get some Muslim freedom.


Well-known member
Do you read grade school history books? Or are you like Pate?

What was the thirteen colonies bound together by?

Answer the question please. Unless you were speaking only for AMR and yourself, I don't like to be spoken for.

What is the saving Gospel? What must we do to be saved? I know what Pate believes on that. I don't know what you believe.


Answer the question please. Unless you were speaking only for AMR and yourself, I don't like to be spoken for.

What is the saving Gospel is? What must we do to be saved? I know what Pate believes on that. I don't know what you believe.

Have you already forgotten what the saving Gospel is? Well has John Calvin observed the forgetfulness of man. That is ok musterion, we have The Book to remind us. Search that. But it won't do you any good if you can't put together the concepts.

For example: Pate lumps Calvinists with Muslims. A concept that clearly will not work.

Here is another example: The Reformation is inclusive. Americans cannot be defined with such a small brush that you want to use. Maybe you should try finger painting.


Well-known member
Have you already forgotten what the saving Gospel is? Well has John Calvin observed the forgetfulness of man. That is ok musterion, we have The Book to remind us. Search that. But it won't do you any good if you can't put together the concepts.

For example: Pate lumps Calvinists with Muslims. A concept that clearly will not work.

Here is another example: The Reformation is inclusive. Americans cannot be defined with such a small brush that you want to use. Maybe you should try finger painting.

Please answer the question. If a sin-convicted sinner asked you what he must do to be saved, what would you say.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I was hoping Robert would have some of his prejudices removed in his recent operation, which we are all glad was successful.

What a shame to him that he cannot distinguish Calvin from Mohammed


I was hoping Robert would have some of his prejudices removed in his recent operation, which we are all glad was successful.

What a shame to him that he cannot distinguish Calvin from Mohammed

We won't hold anything against him. Cry babies are supposed to cry.