Why are parents stupid?


Well-known member
So, among your other fantasies you think everyone works full time jobs. Did you know that during the Obama administration more than 90% of the jobs created were part time jobs? And it took time for Trump to turn around the trend. Do you know that, unlike in the 70s and 80s and earlier, a person is considered "fully employed" even if they only work part time? Another one of the lies the government tells us.

Where I live the vast majority of private jobs are part time employment. The largest employer here is Walmart. And they hire very few full time employees outside of management position. Small businesses also hire a lot of part time employees. Did you know that overall in the US 60% of women work part time and 35% of men work part time? That's BoL statistics.
There are some Americans with easy jobs and living. A large portion have to work too hard for too little money. A vast number ended up with the jobs they had because of the choices they made. The lady mentioned in the article was the worse-case scenario Fox News could find. And instead of giving the hours worked or the difficulty of the jobs, the worse case they could provide was 3 jobs. That could be 3 jobs for 30 hours or 3 jobs for 90 hours. It doesn't matter. She chose the city to live in, the jobs the take, the 3 children to have. Her choies had an effect
The rest of your post is assuming things I did not say nor do i think.
Then, I apologize.
Have you ever studied what happens to abused women? They end up suffering from something very like Stockholm syndrome. We did everything we could to help my stepdaughter to make better choices. However, from a young age, 8 or 9, she would sit and cry because she didn't think she would ever have a boyfriend or husband. She came out of a home where her biological father was extremely abusive. She married, as most women do, someone just like her father. And yes, he was/is very abusive. Yes, she made bad choices, but the abuse she went through and the dysfunctional relationships on both sides of her biological family set her terrible examples. What was "normal" to her was very abnormal. It was multi-generational abuse on both sides of her parent's families.
What you have described is Naturalism or what I like to call Natural Determinism. Basically, you're saying that one's biology and environment determine one's choices. I reject this.
You make it sound so simple.
Then I misspoke and I apologize. Allow me to clarify.

Life is hard and then you die.
Unfortunately it isn't. When a person is taught by example that they cannot trust people it's not easy to overcome that. I know. I was taught by my family that no one was to be trusted.
For the most part, that is a good lesson.
That fair play was a myth and justice something never seen.
This is definitely true. The Bible discusses this almost continually.
he only way I ever learned different was through a couple of caring teachers and God inserting Himself in my life. I don't hate teachers. During my growing up years a couple of them actually did a lot to try to help me. I look back on those teachers with great affection.
You might be surprised that a majority of your teachers cared in their own way.
As to your earlier assertion that I'm just trying to make teachers look bad, that's bunk. If you had actually read what I said you would realize that I said the entire educational system had failed this kid. That teachers don't make sure parents are involved and notified when their kids are failing school isn't their failure entirely. The school system itself doesn't make sure it happens. Look at that Baltimore school system. The kid had a 0.13 gpa and he was in the top half of his class. Really? There's that many 80 IQs in Baltimore? That's a failure of the entire school system. Nobody in that school system cares if those kids learn anything. The kid missed 272 school days and wasn't suspended many times for that miserable attendance record? There is no mention of any suspensions in that article. That's the school system's fault
The parent is a member of the political system. That political system decides the rules for suspensions. I also fail to see how suspending a child for skipping school is going to work.

A student with an 80 IQ can easily make a 3.00 in today's High Schools. A 0.13 GPA means one thing. The student did no work. The student did not try. The student ignored the teacher and likely spent some time trying to cause problems.

At a school like this, I imagine the administrators spent their time locked in their offices. The teachers mostly gave up and decided to teach the few children left who were willing to try while doing their best to make sure the other students did not kill each other. Attendance is likely worse than reported. I don't think you can even properly imagine how bad the school is.

The schools in Baltimore separate the worst from the rest in high school. Guess what this school is composed of . . . The student couldn't get into the better high schools likely because he was that bad in Junior High.

Even with that, there are those who succeed at this school. The student had a choice. I doubt he would have failed a single class if he had put forth a modicum of effort. He didn't.

After looking at it more closely, the Baltimore school system is quite large and offers more opportunities than I ever had. In many ways, I wish I had this school system's opportunities.
not the failure of any teacher for it is the school's administration that is supposed to suspend the kid and report it to the parent.
The school board elected by the people or appointed by another elected official decides the rules for suspensions and punishments. The administration for most schools just enact the policy the board decides on. In Baltimore's case, the commissioners seem to be appointed to 3-year terms by the Mayor. So, the first thing one might want to do is stop electing a democrat mayor.
That's the school system's fault, not the failure of any teacher for it is the school's administration that is supposed to suspend the kid and report it to the parent.
So, it's the schools fault and if only the student was suspended, everything would be ok now . . . I reject this.

The rest is off-topic.