Remove capitalism and you have no bread on the shelves at all.
yep, see Venezuela.
Remove capitalism and you have no bread on the shelves at all.
My original post wasn't exactly clear about the solution. By prices falling then the producers vacate the market which reduces supply and balances the market while leaving starving millions hungry. This is the Achilles heel of capitalism. Resources flow to the production of profitable goods which is not necessarily the most desirable goods. By way of example investing in a luxury yacht factory makes good sense rather than investing in a bread factory when people are starving as purchasing power becomes more and more concentrated in the hands of fewer people.
Have you noticed that the shelf space for loaves of bread has shrunk at your local grocery while the cookie aisle has exploded in pricey items? Let them eat cake.![]()
I think the familiar name is greed. Back in old China, the people starved while the rulers were were fat and draped in expensive silks.
And in that form, greed is very good.Greed is the fuel that drives capitalism.
And in that form, greed is very good.
Greed is the fuel that drives capitalism.
Their greed ends up stealing all money in sight to where people kill dogs with bats to get food.All men are entitled to make a profit so they can provide a home and food for their families. They certainly don't have to be greedy to do that.
That said, even socialism is fueled by greed because there are always some higher up that have bad motives, and end up with it all.
Greed is the fuel that drives capitalism.
‘When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field when you reap, nor shall you gather any gleaning from your harvest. You shall leave them for the poor and for the stranger: I am the Lord your God.’”
I was thinking about this commandment a couple of days ago. I was thinking about the contemporary business drive to squeeze every last penny; we clearly wholly reap every corner.
This isn't the same thing as alms. It has a wonderful elegance to it that satisfies charity while requiring some effort on the part of the person receiving it.
So, given that we're more and more an urban, intellectual property and service oriented economy, what would it look like to leave the corners of the fields in the current day?
‘When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field when you reap, nor shall you gather any gleaning from your harvest. You shall leave them for the poor and for the stranger: I am the Lord your God.’”
I was thinking about this commandment a couple of days ago. I was thinking about the contemporary business drive to squeeze every last penny; we clearly wholly reap every corner.
This isn't the same thing as alms. It has a wonderful elegance to it that satisfies charity while requiring some effort on the part of the person receiving it.
So, given that we're more and more an urban, intellectual property and service oriented economy, what would it look like to leave the corners of the fields in the current day?
‘When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field when you reap, nor shall you gather any gleaning from your harvest. You shall leave them for the poor and for the stranger: I am the Lord your God.’”
So, given that we're more and more an urban, intellectual property and service oriented economy, what would it look like to leave the corners of the fields in the current day?
Do a little work in a food bank, etc - but many today who "will work for food" will kick your car or worse if you actually offer them the chance.
That instruction was given to israel though in a time when most were farmers too, a community garden would be an idea, but those things were for the wanderer, traveler, etc.. not those breaking the law, demanding freebies that are capable of work etc..
Brilliant! One example...... the Retail Trade needs to get rid of damaged stock and returned stock, etc but because it worries that, say, store staff might throw out good stock to collect later and similar kinds of theft, all discarded stock has to be smasshed to pieces before being placed in skips for removal. A collection service for discarded stock and a special collection service for 'recent spent sell-by dates' could be enforced.