Who's Already Condemned


New member
I said
That is so true. There is only one guaranteed Holy Spirit. The one that only quotes new testament.

Are you saying that the Old Testament is obsolete? How can that be? Jesus taught it and quoted from it, constantly. He said that it was "truth" (John 17:17). A spirit that quotes ONLY the New Testament would not be the Holy Spirit.


Are you saying that the Old Testament is obsolete? How can that be? Jesus taught it and quoted from it, constantly. He said that it was "truth" (John 17:17). A spirit that quotes ONLY the New Testament would not be the Holy Spirit.

I said
The definition of the word covenant is testament.

Heb 8:13
13 In that He says, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

The Holy Spirit only quotes what Jesus has said, not might have said, not going to say. And Jesus only spoke in the new testament.
John 14:26
26 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.


New member
Indeed! The Spirit also has made it clear that this Apostasy that started back in the first century (Acts 20:29,30) would cause false Christians to practically overwhelm the true Christians (Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43), teaching twisted things. But finally, in the "harvest," or, last days, true knowledge will be abundant (Daniel 12:4). We are now living in the last days. It is quite easy to see who are the true Christians and who are false....by the "fruits" that are evident. (Matthew 7:15.16)

The "Last Days" started at the time of Charles Taze Russel.
It corresponded with the beginning of the Zionist Movement,
mid-19th century.

The Watchtower Society has predicted 20 different dates for Armageddon,
beginning in 1877. That qualifies them as "false prophets".


The non elect, them Christ did not die for are the already condemned.

I said
One has to have a part in the book of life, before it can be taken out of the book of life.

Rev 22:18-19
18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;
19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


Well-known member
I said
Have you got any evidence to support your claim?

Sure but it often lands on stony ground.

What other reason can you think of that makes sense that GOD would not forgive someone? Even Christ told us there was an unforgivable sin, attributing GOD's works to evil, the epitomé of which is to claim GOD is the first and most evil, eh? And this had to have happened before the creation of the world as the serpent arrived here with evil intent.

No one can sin except by a free will choice to sin, right? So Satan et al had a free will choice before the creation of the world and some chose evil and some chose to accept HIM and HIS righteousness becoming the holy angels. And then everyone saw the creation of the physical universe and all sang HIS praises...what is your proof that we were not there?

So what choice did Satan make that made HIM unforgivable ? if not to deny HE was GOD and therefore had to be a liar and as the first liar in all of reality, the most evil liar.


Sure but it often lands on stony ground.

What other reason can you think of that makes sense that GOD would not forgive someone? Even Christ told us there was an unforgivable sin, attributing GOD's works to evil, the epitomé of which is to claim GOD is the first and most evil, eh? And this had to have happened before the creation of the world as the serpent arrived here with evil intent.

No one can sin except by a free will choice to sin, right? So Satan et al had a free will choice before the creation of the world and some chose evil and some chose to accept HIM and HIS righteousness becoming the holy angels. And then everyone saw the creation of the physical universe and all sang HIS praises...what is your proof that we were not there?

So what choice did Satan make that made HIM unforgivable ? if not to deny HE was GOD and therefore had to be a liar and as the first liar in all of reality, the most evil liar.

I said
That doesn't make any sense.


Well-known member
We were all condemned before we found the Holy Spirit.
Then we are created evil and condemned and GOD is the GOD of suffering which is absurd...

If we are supposedly condemned at (by) birth so we must wonder WHY He Created us corrupt and condemned when HE is the loving and righteous Father of our creation?? We are not the condemned but rather we are His sheep gone astray!

He didn't lose us while sleeping or some such, going astray infers some rebellion on our part. Do you think He hates His sheep who have gone astray and thinks of them as condemned already? When did we become His sheep? We are sheep gone astray BEFORE our conversion which is our return to our Shepherd! So when?

Jesus told us that He sowed us into the world as good seed. But good cannot mean morally righteous because we are sinners, needing to live with the tares until maturity. So good must be a status world referring to our relationship to Him as sinful elect, His sinful sheep, those sinners who have faith in Him already and who are not condemned. This presumes that they put their faith in Him BEFORE they went astray into sin needing redemption while those condemned already are the people of the evil one sown into the world by the devil who never put their faith in Him but became condemned already when they rejected Him as their Saviour rejecting His gospel, becoming the the goats who never were sheep.


Then we are created evil and condemned and GOD is the GOD of suffering which is absurd...

If we are supposedly condemned at (by) birth so we must wonder WHY He Created us corrupt and condemned when HE is the loving and righteous Father of our creation?? We are not the condemned but rather we are His sheep gone astray!

He didn't lose us while sleeping or some such, going astray infers some rebellion on our part. Do you think He hates His sheep who have gone astray and thinks of them as condemned already? When did we become His sheep? We are sheep gone astray BEFORE our conversion which is our return to our Shepherd! So when?

Jesus told us that He sowed us into the world as good seed. But good cannot mean morally righteous because we are sinners, needing to live with the tares until maturity. So good must be a status world referring to our relationship to Him as sinful elect, His sinful sheep, those sinners who have faith in Him already and who are not condemned. This presumes that they put their faith in Him BEFORE they went astray into sin needing redemption while those condemned already are the people of the evil one sown into the world by the devil who never put their faith in Him but became condemned already when they rejected Him as their Saviour rejecting His gospel, becoming the the goats who never were sheep.

I said
lol That is a very intellectual response. But the fact that we must be born again is proof we are born sinners. This is second grade logic.

[Jhn 3:3, 5-6
3 Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." ...
5 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit,

he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.


Well-known member
I said lol That is a very intellectual response. But the fact that we must be born again is proof we are born sinners. This is second grade logic.

The fact that we are sinners when born is not proof we were created as sinners if we were created in Sheol prior to our conception as a human...elementary indeed.

Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall RETURN to Sheol ...
Kiel - Delitzsch(#16): Yea, back to Hades must the wicked RETURN... How can they return to a place if they were never there before?


The fact that we are sinners when born is not proof we were created as sinners if we were created in Sheol prior to our conception as a human...elementary indeed.

Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall RETURN to Sheol ...
Kiel - Delitzsch(#16): Yea, back to Hades must the wicked RETURN... How can they return to a place if they were never there before?

I said
lol You should know that if your going to try to prove me wrong you cant do it with the old testament.
The old testament is obsolete.

Heb 8:13
13 In that He says, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

And that doesn't have anything to do with it. You cant use thieves and robbers against the new testament born again Christian.

John 10:8
8 "All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.