We were all condemned before we found the Holy Spirit.
Then we are created evil and condemned and GOD is the GOD of suffering which is absurd...
If we are supposedly condemned at (by) birth so we must wonder WHY He Created us corrupt and condemned when HE is the loving and righteous Father of our creation?? We are not the condemned but rather we are His sheep gone astray!
He didn't lose us while sleeping or some such, going astray infers some rebellion on our part. Do you think He hates His sheep who have gone astray and thinks of them as condemned already?
When did we become His sheep? We are sheep gone astray BEFORE our conversion which is our return to our Shepherd! So when?
Jesus told us that He sowed us into the world as good seed. But
good cannot mean morally righteous because we are sinners, needing to live with the tares until maturity. So
good must be a status world referring to our relationship to Him as sinful elect, His sinful sheep, those sinners who have faith in Him already and who are not condemned. This presumes that they put their faith in Him BEFORE they went astray into sin needing redemption while those condemned already are the people of the evil one sown into the world by the devil who never put their faith in Him but became condemned already when they rejected Him as their Saviour rejecting His gospel, becoming the the goats who never were sheep.