Hey! Stick to your post. Explain the word "gospel", if you believe everyone gets it wrong?
I don't ''believe'' everyone gets it wrong. I know they do.....go study and by study I don't mean Google.
Hey! Stick to your post. Explain the word "gospel", if you believe everyone gets it wrong?
I don't ''believe'' everyone gets it wrong. I know they do.....go study and by study I don't mean Google.
The main problem here as with many threads on TOL is the complete lack of understanding as to the word ''gospel'' and how it in no way conveys what the original word conveys. The original word as it was promised, delivered and understood had no need for interpretation.
A quick look at other European Bibles will give you a starting point in doing an exegeses and study into this. If it pleases the Eternal you will come out of the study a different person to the one who entered into it.
Evanđelje....... Croatian Bible
Evangelium...... Czech Bible
Evangelium....... Danish Bible
Evangelie....... Dutch Bible
Evangelium...... Luther German Bible
In English the original word was replaced and in replacing it the true meaning was suppressed and lost. The original word should have been transliterated, because there was no truly comparative word in any other language.
Why would you bother with a variety of European languages when the question is what the ancient Greek meant?
Because the european languages transliterated instead of just sticking in a word like gospel. When I do a word study I cross check a dozen or so other language translations. It often throws up something that has been overlooked.
But the word goes back to the LXX and why it was chosen to translate certain Hebrew expressions especially in Isaiah. Your looking several cultures, centuries and 1 continent away. You should be looking into the background of Is 61 (Lk 4) where by parallelism (a Hebrew method) it is the same as the year/time of the Lord's favor.
and why was Paul preaching His gospel to Jews if he was the Apostle to the Gentiles.
Why did Paul not tell the Apostles in Jerusalem they are under a curse.
Why would he?
Your root of bitterness towards evil MAD wackos has now reached Tetelistinian levels.
Gal 1:9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
Only Christ knows my heart.
Only Christ knows my heart.
You speak like a false Christ.
read my previous post.
Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV)
Did the Jews saved under Peters gospel , have to abandon their gospel and change to Pauls gospel?
and why was Paul preaching His gospel to Jews if he was the Apostle to the Gentiles.
MAD says there are two gospels and if any should preach any other gospel to Pauls then they are accursed.
Why don't you just go with what the Bible says? The Bible guides you. Paul ministered to a church mixed of circumcision and uncircumcision.