Who Posted?

Simon Baker

I remember telling you I belonged to the Presbyterian church.

Sure. And you go to a church that teaches against reincarnation. So I'd say it's pretty clear we both stray from particular dogma. I went over that a moment ago. Odd how you left it out...like you didn't even consider it.

re-incarnation ?

Simon Baker

what makes you think he has a problem?

perhaps what you meant to say was:

You Know, When Reading SOMEONE ELSE'S Post, It Is Easy To Edit, And Think Of Better Words, Words That YOU WOULD Say. Please, Say Something BESIDES Commentary On What Other People Think And Say. K ?

Simon Baker

I do a better job of answering questions

here are some of the answers I get to the questions I ask

I already answered that
why do you want to know
answer my question first
a quote from the bible
it means just what it says
a catholic won't understand
what do you mean by ______
it depends on your definition
you are an idiot
you are a moron
you are a catholic
you are a papist
you worship idols
you pray to mary
you are a misogynist
you are a liar

that is all I can think of for now

All True ?


You Know, When Reading SOMEONE ELSE'S Post, It Is Easy To Edit, And Think Of Better Words, Words That YOU WOULD Say. Please, Say Something BESIDES Commentary On What Other People Think And Say. K ?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well...I had no idea you could be a Hindu and a Catholic. :nono: :idunno:
that doesn't make me a hindu
why can't you accept what I say?
I am a catholic
I do accept some the hindu bliefs

do you accept all the calvinist beliefs?
can you even tell me what they are?


Well-known member
that doesn't make me a hindu
why can't you accept what I say?
I am a catholic
I do accept some the hindu bliefs

do you accept all the calvinist beliefs?
can you even tell me what they are?
I can tell you fairly well where I might diverge BUT only when I warrant scripture demands it. I don't oppose orthodox views, simply because I don't like them or 'have a better theory/philosophy' (I don't think any of mine are issues of orthodoxy). At one time I was caught in the Kenosis dispute, somewhat on the wrong side, but that was more about ignorance at the time. I had no idea what I learned in seminary was contested. It wasn't presented well.

Am I knocking you? No, just had no idea. As I'm reading, Catholics who hold to scripture evidence say "no." Some Catholics, because of views on purgatory, say yes. I'd like to hear what an E Orthodox says about this.

Is there an official Catholic stance/statement?

For a Protestant, this cannot be reconciled because scripture says "it is appointed once for man to die, then the judgment." Hebrews 9:27

Such isn't necessarily binding on a Catholic so It'd be an interesting discussion/debate. .


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Is there an official Catholic stance/statement?

For a Protestant, this cannot be reconciled because scripture says "it is appointed once for man to die, then the judgment." Hebrews 9:27

Such isn't necessarily binding on a Catholic so It'd be an interesting discussion/debate. .

Do Catholics Believe in Reincarnation?


is it binding?

no catholic should be held responsible for what is contained in our over 700 pages of catechism


Well-known member
...Assuming that anyone
who attends any church
is in complete accord
with every point of dogma
is something your own experience should speak against.

Not MINE, I am overjoyed to report!

But the rest, to be sure, of course...

And it is far worse than that... For the West, Christian Dogma and or its absence is in every individual case a matter for each individual to decide for himself...

EVEN (and especially) among PASTORS...

I know of NO TWO PASTORS who agree on every point of doctrine...


:) :) :)



i have class this weekend, so if mr sensitive starts whining through back channels again it'll be just fine with me :)

looks like he dint get his way last night, so be prepared for mr grumpy today

or maybe he'll just stay away and sulk

that'll show us!