Its been proven but you don't believe the scripture which proves it ! That is not my fault!
NO. I don't believe your fabrications! We'll let the reader decide.
Its been proven but you don't believe the scripture which proves it ! That is not my fault!
NO. I don't believe your fabrications! We'll let the reader decide.
You have rejected the truth of scripture and the witness it provided,that is your own fault!
NO! I have rejected the out of context fabricated teachings of Beloved57 and that is my fault!
You have rejected the truth and yes it is your fault! My God is holding you accountable for it!![]()
I have no problem with God holding me accountable for anything. It's part of the package. I reject you. One of the most misled fabricators I've ever encountered on a forum.
You have rejected the truth and yes it is your fault! My God is holding you accountable for it!![]()
You are a calvinist, though. It is not his fault that he rejected truth. God never was willing to allow him to be a person of truth in the first place.
The can of worms have been opened.
everywhere in the N. T. metaphorically, viz. deliverance effected through the death of Christ from the retributive wrath of a holy God and the merited penalty of sin:
All for whom Christ died, whom He shed His Blood for the Many, even the Blood of the Covenant/Testament Matt 26:28
28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. The word remission also means forgiveness, the forgiveness of sins , which is also Justification. The word forgiveness is the greek word aphesis and means:
I.release from bondage or imprisonment
II.forgiveness or pardon, of sins (letting them go as if they had never been committed), remission of the penalty
Those He shed His blood for have been released once and for all from the penalty of sin, so much so, its as if they never committed any one sin ! Thats Justification from sin in the eyes of God, based solely on the Blood of Christ shed, which alone satisfied His Law and Justice and Righteousness !
The word Justification, one of its meanings is:
I.the act of God declaring men free from guilt and acceptable to him, which again has to do with forgiveness of sins !
Now forgiveness is also related to redemption, redemption through His Blood Eph 1:7
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
This word redemption, the greek word apolytrōsis means:
I.a releasing effected by payment of ransom
A.redemption, deliverance
B.liberation procured by the payment of a ransom
Which redemption is stated to have Justified those Christ died for Rom 3:24
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
In principle Rom 3:24 and Eph 1:7 and Matt 26:28 are all teaching the same thing, Justification, Forgiveness, Redemption by the Blood of Christ, and not by faith in the blood of Christ, but solely by and through the blood of Christ Rom 5:9, which to deny is simply unbelief and pride !
Yes, it is.
Our own faith has nothing to do with being Justified by the Death of Christ.
As a matter of fact, the Elect Christ died for, even in an unregenerate state and in unbelief,
were reconciled to God Rom. 5:10, already in His Favor, even before they were ever born.
So then, when the Elect do come to Faith in Christ in New Birth Gal. 5:22,
it's the evidence that they are one of Christ's Sheep that He shed His Blood for John 10:11,15, 28.
In the way of righteousness is life,.... The life of the soul, or spiritual life, as Aben Ezra; and eternal life, as Gersom. One that is in the true way of righteousness is one that is instilled by the righteousness of Christ, which justification is the justification of life: such an one is made alive, and reckons himself alive in a law sense; and enjoys true spiritual peace and comfort, arising from the love and favour of God, and acceptance with him, in which he sees his interest, and in which is life; and this righteousness, by which he is justified before God, entitles him to eternal life; to which the path of holiness, he is directed and enabled to walk in, leads; though it is a narrow way, and a strait gate, Matthew 7:14. Christ, and righteousness and holiness in and by him, are the way, the truth, and the life, or the true way to eternal life; and all in this way now live spiritually, and shall live eternally, John 14:6;
Now the Justification in Rom 5:18 is that which is stated in Rom 4:25, and through and by that Resurrection, Life is communicated to the Justified, which are all men for whom He was delivered for their offences/sins .
This Life is communicated to them, in so much as the Head Lives, the Body Must Live.
Since the Head rose from the Dead with Resurrection Life, the members of His Body must also, or the Heads Resurrection was for nought, fruitless.
Life results from Justification, which is why Jesus rose from the dead, after having been condemned to death for our sins, when Justice for the condemned was satisfied, proof was resurrection from the dead, Life, when Christ was given life from the dead, it was a pledge that all whom He represented shall be given Life from the dead, because they were Justified to Life. Life results from Justification because Justification is Righteousness.
One cannot be one for whom Christ died, and not receive Justification of Life, that would mean that the Resurrection was a farce, and those Christ died for are yet still in their sins ! 1 Cor 15:17 !
In the way of righteousness is life,.... The life of the soul, or spiritual life, as Aben Ezra; and eternal life, as Gersom. One that is in the true way of righteousness is one that is instilled by the righteousness of Christ, which justification is the justification of life: such an one is made alive, and reckons himself alive in a law sense; and enjoys true spiritual peace and comfort, arising from the love and favour of God, and acceptance with him, in which he sees his interest, and in which is life; and this righteousness, by which he is justified before God, entitles him to eternal life; to which the path of holiness, he is directed and enabled to walk in, leads; though it is a narrow way, and a strait gate, Matthew 7:14. Christ, and righteousness and holiness in and by him, are the way, the truth, and the life, or the true way to eternal life; and all in this way now live spiritually, and shall live eternally, John 14:6;
Excellent comments of yours, Brother!
And I can also exactly relate to what John Gill says: