I have t agree with you,even though I think you are a liberal? Obama was way to PC and how, please tell me, did his PC benefit black people?
I actually want a president who will benefit black people because they need help getting into better education and jobs, and out of this 'ghetto' mentality. It only brings them down and makes life harder for them.
Trump is disgraceful! He not only opened up racial frustration, but has been antagonistic to all our nation partners , just to show the world how much he can get away with messing up our relationships with allies. He is the worst president in this century and the past century! All I can hope for is that he is stopped by some force, even if that means democrats taking the House and Senate in mid-terms.
Obama wit his 'identity politics ' will be remembered as the bathroom equal rights for mental case, not for helping civil rights. Trump will be remembered as the most public misleading President in resent history.