Really? then why do you check on me to neg rep? :wave2:
Your classification is under;
1) Angry
2) Mean
5) Moron
Put them all together and you have; Angry, mean, moron! If the
tag fits you, paste it on your forehead and move along!!
Really? then why do you check on me to neg rep? :wave2:
Your classification is under;
1) Angry
2) Mean
5) Moron
Put them all together and you have; Angry, mean, moron! If the
tag fits you, paste it on your forehead and move along!!
Geee....M can you please butt out of the "woman's" conflict? I know I shouldn't have to ask you but...
Some are good people around here, a few are bad apples! I stand by the
good people!!
The day ain't over yet.I think Tammy's in love. Got two neg reps from her again today!
:e4e:neg rep Who is Neg Repping Who... July 23rd, 2013 03:35 PM Tambora .
Such a neg rep star *
You go girl...:neck:
:chuckle:She is holding on to her gun, you know?
neg rep Forgiveness Apart from... July 23rd, 2013 06:44 PM glorydaz Twinkie
Nit-witGood morning Nit-wit!!
:chuckle:serial neg repper
Skybaby is a crybaby. She called me a ding dong, so I called her a twinkie. I guess she thinks I should have given her a positive rep for that.
This is exactly why these people get the reps they do, and they are surprised and offended when it comes back to bite them in the rear end. :chuckle:
Always glad to help out such a non-judgmental peacemaker such as you.
this is from Rasha's neg repping me.
She is one of powerful rep holder abusing her power. She is non-believer and I can understand how she is so politically correct. I cannot read anyone else who are neg repping me because they are all on ignore.
but what amazes me is that too many main streamers are just like her, so hateful, claiming themselves true christens and saved.