moving towards the positive light.....
moving towards the positive light.....
Granted we had a big 'rep war' some years back,...and formed RATO (rep alliance treaty organization) - think chryso was chairman and creator there,.....some of us would join in to help those getting an undue and perhaps unjustified amount of neg reps. That somewhat fizzled out and the forum balanced itself gettting back to discussions.
I would get occasional negs from some of the card-carrying truthsmackers,...but that came with the territory, - plus I was taking them on in my
usual fashion, which usually rustles their features and shakes their 'theology' a bit, so standard lash outs against the liberal heretic and gnostic was a natural response by those who felt their precious 'doctrine' was in danger of being diminished or rendered obsolete or unnecessary. Some of us have a penchant for doing such, and have a little fun at it too.
I don't remember who neg repped me last or who I neg repped, its been awhile.....but I recall I negged Stuu, but later poz repped him after he lightened up a bit and maintained an even-keel dialogue...well...for a short time anyways

- so that 'voided out' the neg score.
In the meantime I enjoy poz repping some regulars here, who also pay back the favor, and I also poz rep quite a few who never poz rep me back (they forget, or sometimes return it, or are just not into the rep thing at all ignoring it). I like to keep the
'pay it forward' concept going, as the good we give out comes back to us, by natural karmic law.
Someone bent on giving out neg reps constantly is obviously indicative of a harmful and discontented individual who thrives on '
attacking' others, one whose ego is always on the defense, to protect some imaginary concept of 'self' however distorted or hurt this 'self' is, who feels the need to lash out, and derive a sick twisted pleasure from it. Sadly some who do this actually call themselves "Christians" - how perverted is that? Not that I'm an 'angel' or anything (well, we all are in our true/pure state

), until the ego corrupts that divine image (that's another sermon).
I think rep is great for
pozzing only, and only negging if one has really gone off the deep end and you choose to let them know you '
disapprove' of their post. Otherwise,....take on people via dialogue ON THE FORUM itself, bypassing potshots in private if you can. I'll nip this in the bud for now. Enjoy!