Who is more open-minded, liberals or conservatives?


Well-known member
Wow! Such a DEVASTATING RESPONSE! That's it, I'm convinced! "Liberal" doesn't mean liberal at all! It just means BAD, BAD, BAD! In every way BAD! :bow:

The Horn

Theophilus, so liberal's minds are so open their brains have fallen out ? Well, the minds of conservatives are so narrow the brains have been squeezed out of their heads !
No question, liberals are more tolerant and open-minded ,although they can be just as stupid as conservatives at times, though in different ways .
Liberals believe in religious freedom for all , no matter what religion . Basically, they don't care what religion people follow as long as they keep it to themselves and mind their own business .
American liberals, myself included ,aren't "anti-christian", nor do they "hate Christians ". Many liberals ARE Christians , but not dogmatic ones .
What they are opposed to is Christianity, or any religion, getting power in a country , because religion and politics are always a deadly mix . Many conservatives wrongly assume that American liberals condone the barbaric acts of that tiny minority of Muslims who commit them , but nothing could be farther from the truth .
American liberals are tolerant of the vast majority of peaceful and law-abiding Muslims and in America and all over the world . They refuse to stereotype all or even most Muslims because of the barbarism of a few .
Liberals do not want the government in people's bedrooms , and they do not want the government to deny rights to and persecute gay people . And they do not want the government in women's reproductive organs, either .
Liberals are not pro-choice because they like abortion and want abortions to happen, but because they are realistic enough to realize the futility of trying to stop abortion by making it illegal .
In fact, they want to PREVENT as many abortions as possible .


More evidence that liberals are close-minded: see The Horn's posting above.

They are so close minded that instead of having a real conversation, they just arbitrarily repeat the party line.


New member
Wow! Such a DEVASTATING RESPONSE! That's it, I'm convinced! "Liberal" doesn't mean liberal at all! It just means BAD, BAD, BAD! In every way BAD! :bow:

Yep, Modern liberalism means BAD, BAD, BAD! In every way BAD!

What you need to adopt instead is Classical liberalism.

Classical liberalism in the United States (also called laissez-faire liberalism) is the belief that a free market economy is the most productive. It may be represented by Henry David Thoreau's statement "that government is best which governs least." Classical liberalism is a philosophy of individualism and self-responsibility. Classical liberals in the United States believe that if the economy is left to the natural forces of supply and demand, free of government intervention, the result is the most abundant satisfaction of human wants. Modern classical liberals oppose the concepts of social democracy and the welfare state.


New member
Theophilus, so liberal's minds are so open their brains have fallen out ? Well, the minds of conservatives are so narrow the brains have been squeezed out of their heads !
No question, liberals are more tolerant and open-minded ,although they can be just as stupid as conservatives at times, though in different ways .
Liberals believe in religious freedom for all , no matter what religion . Basically, they don't care what religion people follow as long as they keep it to themselves and mind their own business .
American liberals, myself included ,aren't "anti-christian", nor do they "hate Christians ". Many liberals ARE Christians , but not dogmatic ones .
What they are opposed to is Christianity, or any religion, getting power in a country , because religion and politics are always a deadly mix . Many conservatives wrongly assume that American liberals condone the barbaric acts of that tiny minority of Muslims who commit them , but nothing could be farther from the truth .
American liberals are tolerant of the vast majority of peaceful and law-abiding Muslims and in America and all over the world . They refuse to stereotype all or even most Muslims because of the barbarism of a few .
Liberals do not want the government in people's bedrooms , and they do not want the government to deny rights to and persecute gay people . And they do not want the government in women's reproductive organs, either .
Liberals are not pro-choice because they like abortion and want abortions to happen, but because they are realistic enough to realize the futility of trying to stop abortion by making it illegal .
In fact, they want to PREVENT as many abortions as possible .
Very well said.


Well-known member
Yep, Modern liberalism means BAD, BAD, BAD! In every way BAD!

What you need to adopt instead is Classical liberalism.
Being that I do not ascribe to the modern conservative vocabulary, where words have come to mean the opposite of what they mean to everyone but the modern conservative; in my vocabulary "liberalism" never became "classical". It was always, as it still is, just liberalism.

It's your absurdly biased conservative designation of a "modern liberalism" that is imaginary, misleading and pointless to anyone who is not intent on creating demons and boogeymen for themselves to hate and blame for things that these hyper-conservatives, themselves, are actually responsible for. Or for things that human nature in general is actually responsible for. So that when and if you should ever choose to rejoin reality, along with the rest of us, you will rediscover that there is no "classic liberalism", as opposed to, say; "radical liberalism", because liberalism is by it's nature radical. Which is why it needs to be tempered by conservatism. Hopefully to the ideal degree as determined by the specific circumstances involved.

It's "radical conservatism" that is the anomaly, and that leads eventually to social/structural collapse. Because that's an ideology intent on its own destruction. If you don't believe me, just look at our current "radical conservative" politicians: they hate the government that they aspire to control, so that they can render it totally ineffective. What???

They are not only insane, they are bent on self-anihilation.


Many liberals have simply just grown fanatical. The recent generations of college students take liberal arts, and come out brainwashed with all kinds of ridiculousness.

This is the future of liberalism:



New member
Being that I do not ascribe to the modern conservative vocabulary, where words have come to mean the opposite of what they mean to everyone but the modern conservative; in my vocabulary "liberalism" never became "classical". It was always, as it still is, just liberalism.
You are mistaken, it is modern liberals that have abused and given a new meaning to the word "liberal".

Liberalism used to be about freedom of having your private property rights protected by the government.

What you are calling liberalism is losing your private property rights in exchange for the "freedom" from moral behavior.

Modern liberals are not only insane, they are bent on self-annihilation.