
New member
how was peter supposed to feed His sheep?

The same way Paul did. Paul knew the ancestral origin of those NON-Israelites (John 8:33 KJV, John 8:37 KJV, John 8:39 KJV, Genesis 25:4) who instigated Jesus' crucifixion (Romans 9:6, 7). Early in his ministry, Peter was a few bricks short of the truth (Acts 4:13, 20) on such matters, which, unlike Stephen, saved Peter's life to be an evangelist. Just as Judas was chosen for a particular purpose, Peter and the RCC were chosen to appeal to the arrogance of Jesus' detractors (John 8:13, John 8:33 KJV), also appealing the the arrogance of their zealous and deluded "lost sheep" followers like Paul before his conversion!

The earth is God's footstool, Chrys, not the Catholic church. Pentecost was the single best event to share the gospel, or we'd all be learning Latin if that translation miracle hadn't happened.

To be more explicit in my answer, Chrys... Matthew 8:20 KJV totally resonates with Matthew 18:20 KV... You do realize the 'name' of Jesus includes all 77 ("seventy and sevenfold") generations of Jesus, enumerated by Luke in Luke 3:38-23. Count 'em up, Chrys, with God is Generation #1, Adam generations #2, Seth #3, and so forth. I'm totally underwhelmed that your 'one historic church' hasn't figured out the arrival generation of Jesus, "seventy and sevenfold" generations, was prophesied in the 24th verse of the 4th chapter of Genesis (Genesis 4:24 KJV). FEED MY SHEEP! Well... no surprise, actually: The "Jewish" theologians simply figure "seventy and sevenfold" was an "undesignated coincidence." Hmmm... how do you know the 'historic RCC' wasn't infiltrated by those, like Paul's pre-conversion buddies, who instigated Jesus' crucifixion? You folks, with your neutered Catholic bibles, don't even know who crucified Jesus... but, you're going to lead the multitudes? Feed them what, Chrys? An arrogant pipe dream (Genesis 4:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21)?



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
It's nothing you haven't repeatedly shown yourself utterly incapable of refuting, as you've displayed here yet again.

Already decisively answered here and here.

Gaudium de veritate,

Interesting. There is no response there to post 518.


New member
who is feeding His sheep today?

The Holy Spirit of Truth, Chrys (John 14:16 KJV, John 14:17 KJV, John 14:26 KJV). Jesus breathed upon His disciples in John 20:21 KJV, John 20:22 KJV. The Acts 2 Pentecostal event exemplified said fulfillment in Acts 2:4 KJV, Acts 2:8 KJV.

The RCC does not have exclusive rights space-docking with God... Jesus breathed upon ALL His disciples, not just Peter. Paul hooked up with DISCIPLE Ananias (Acts 9:10 KJV), and the Lord spoke directly to him (Acts 9:11 KJV). Where did Ananias come from? I suspect he was among Jesus' believers (John 8:30 KJV), as was Stephen I suspect, who became disciples of Jesus (John 8:31 KJV) hearing "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32 KJV).

So, what "truth" was it those believers heard, Chrys? Jesus' divinity (John 8:12 KJV) was challenged by His NON-Israelite detractors (John 8:33 KJV, John 8:37 KJV) in John 8:13 KJV. Jesus said He and His Father were TWO witnesses to His divinity (John 8:17, 18)... so much for the notion Jesus was God, btw. What were those TWO testimonies (John 8:32 KJV) that converted believers (John 8:30 KJV) into Jesus' disciples, Chrys?

In John 8:38, Jesus was an eye witness (testimony of Jesus, John 8:18 KJV) to an event WITH His Father. What was it that Jesus saw WITH His Father, Chrys? In John 8:40 KJV, Jesus spoke a "truth" that He heard FROM His father that even Abraham didn't know.

What were those two testimonies, Chrys?



Well-known member
On the contrary. I provided a clear and cogent response to the irrelevant demands of your Post #518. Back to Post #51 above.

Hi , and no where are men to appoint Priests in the OT , unless you have a verse showing HOW !!

In the OT , a Priest NEEDED to be from the tribe of Levi to be a Priest and Gentiles do not QUALIFY , so you are all Irrelevant and Nothing !!:cool::cool:

dan p


Well-known member
On the contrary. I provided a clear and cogent response to the irrelevant demands of your Post #518. Back to Post #51 above.

Hi , and I am sure that all remember how King Saul , lost and was removed for making Strange Fire , by by-passing the Priest of God !!

You can NEVER provide a verse where man appoints anyone to sacrifice before God and are Irrelevant for Eternity !!

dan p


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
On the contrary. I provided a clear and cogent response to the irrelevant demands of your Post #518. Back to Post #51 above.

But you can never provide a link to a point by point response. That means post 51 is as useful as the link you provided to it.


New member
so why is everyone being fed something different?

What makes you think everyone is currently being fed, or should be?

I mean… I’m not hearing any answers to any questions I’ve presented to you, Chrys. The fulfillment of Ezekiel’s valley of dry bones has not occurred on a global scale, yet: (Ezekiel 37:3 KJV, Eze 37:4 KJV, Eze 37:9 KJV, Eze 37:10 KJV, Eze 37:12 KJV, Eze 37:13 KJV, Eze 37:14 KJV). Do Catholics know how this will come about, short of propagandizing, which is not in your forte? It’s no small task, mind you, to connect those dots.

Furthermore, it’s also a bit of a global timing issue for the multitudes ("everyone") to be fed becoming disciples (John 8:31 KJV) by ‘seeing’ (Matthew 13:16 KJV, John 8:38 KJV) and ‘hearing’ (Matthew 13:16 KJV, John 8:40 KJV) the “truth” (John 8:18, John 8:32 KJV, John 8:38 KJV, John 8:40 KJV) in “one accord,” akin to Pentecost Acts 2:1 KJV, Acts 2:2 KJV, Acts 2:3 KJV, Acts 2:4 KJV, Acts 2:5 KJV, Acts 2:6 KJV. And, that futuristic miraculous and illuminating Pentecostal event will similarly occur again in Matthew 24:30 KJV, Matthew 24:31 KJV. You enjoy Revelation, not my skill set particularly, maybe you can comment?

Also, there are those who currently fall into the category of Jesus’ NON-Israelite detractors (John 8:33 KJV) subject to a rather unique form of receptive aphasia: (John 8:43 KJV, John 8:45 KJV, John 8:47 KJV, Acts 2:13 KJV). Like Judas… the “generation” (Matthew 23:33 KJV) of Jesus’ non-Israelite detractors had a purpose, in God’s grand scheme of things, to help Jesus fulfill John 10:17 KJV, John 10:18 KJV as they and Jesus fulfilled Genesis 3:15 KJV. That same “generation” (Matthew 23:33 KJV, John 8:33 KJV, Romans 9:6, 7, Revelation 2:9, 3:9) is currently perpetuating events leading up to Matthew 24:15 KJV, Revelation 3:10 KJV.

“Everyone” is not being fed fulfilling the prophesy of Isaiah 6:9, 10, 11, 12 as Jesus distinguished His disciples (Matthew 13:10, Matthew 13:11 KJV, John 8:31 KJV) from Jesus’ multitude of believers (Matthew 13:13 KJV, Matthew 13:14 KJV, John 8:30 KJV). Multitudes are called, disciples are chosen (Matthew 22:14 KJV). So, it’s not that everyone’s currently being fed, Chrys. There are those who fulfill Matthew 13:12 KJV from both perspectives: disciples, and believers. Who will fill Matthew 24:3 KJV, Matthew 24:4 KJV, Matthew 24:5 KJV, Matthew 24:6 KJV, Matthew 24:10 KJV, Matthew 24:11 KJV, Matthew 24:23 KJV, Matthew 24:24 KJV, Matthew 24:26 KJV? Do note that those events occur prior to the ‘second’ Pentecost (Acts 2:1 KJV, Acts 2:2 KJV, Acts 2:3 KJV, Acts 2:4 KJV) of Matthew 24:30 KJV, Matthew 24:31 KJV.

As I’ve shared before Chrys, I do happen to admire that you are not one of the copy/paste Catholic propagandists… but, if you happen have anything on the explanation of those two testimonies (John 8:38 KJV, John 8:40 KJV) of these two divine witnesses (John 8:17, 18), testifying to Jesus’ divinity (John 8:12 KJV, John 8:13 KJV), toss it out. Regretfully, I’ll not hold my breath, Chrys. Catholics aren’t any closer to those explanations than are the non-Catholics. All being said, those two witnesses (John 8:17, 18) are effectively dead in the streets of Christianity on a global scale, and, so it was written in Revelations… one of your favorite books.

So… what makes you think everyone should be fed the same “truth” found in John 8:32 KJV (as though there is consensus, Acts 2:1 KJV) in the first place, Chrys?



New member
Hi and yes , how did Peter frrd them , since Peter was Un-lettered and know scholling ??
Peter and the other apostles spent three solid years, morning and night, being taught the Torah by their rabbi, Jesus Christ. I'd say their theological education was quite good. Peter was fully qualified to guide and teach Christ's one historic Church.


New member
I would like to think Jesus' disciples appointed the church elders, not arguing Peter's case, particularly. Who appoints disciples might be a better question. But, it sounds like Paul was suggesting the GENTILE (Ephesians 3:1, 2) "appointees HAD to teach the MYSTERY in Eph 3:3" as you suggest. So, what was that mystery? What was Paul's knowledge in the mystery of Christ?


My understanding is that it is God-YHSHWH who appoints Disciples ( Luke 10:1) , as God-YHSHWH appointed the Apostles. The church elders then must take time to observe a Disciple , noting ones Maturity before appointing such a disciple to a church position. Although God-YHSHWH referred to both terms with the Apostles. If a distinction can be made it is “disciple” refers to a learner or follower. The word “apostle” means “one who is sent out.” I recognize a Disciple as equall to Apostleship after Pentecost. Being Disciples replaced Apostles. I do believe the anointing to heal, prophecy, Et, are available if one desires them,..." Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church. Here we see the gifts are, and the motive. Paul spoke of these gifts ( above) after he spoke the gifts to fail, cease, and vanish. paul put Charity first. Then in I Corin 14 stated( the gifts) , Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church.,

The mystery Paul spoke of. God-YHSHWH, ( Jesus ), is the “mystery” revealed to those who believe—as is the mystery of Christ in you. Being our hope of glory in our Messiah-Jesus.
My understanding thus far.