Who can tell me when


Well-known member

Today is Sheni, 12-4.

Is that your rationale for what you do?



His rational for everything appears to be foretelling and proclaiming the great tribulation in 2022, according to his math and calendar, and the return of Jesus in 2029, according to his math, his version of "God's Calendar", and his chronology apparently based on that calendar. Thank goodness someone like you, Jacob, is willing to spend so much time with Watchman. He certainly appears to need the education and no doubt loves the attention. I hope you are able to keep up the good work, Jacob. :)


Well-known member
I wasn't the first to discover all this as I have repeatedly told you. Perhaps if you were better at research you would have found out about this too without having to be told.

Harold Camping said the same sorts of things and made the same sorts of claims: and he also had many who agreed with him, and many even sold their possessions and sent him millions of dollars so as to proclaim the end and get the word out to the world, and to warn everyone of the coming doomsday apocalypse, and the rapture of May 2011, (lol), and that all of course was according to his version of the calendar and his interpretation of the genealogies and chronology of the scripture. I remember one of his promoters either quoting him or quoting one of his books or sources as saying, God says so, and, the Bible says so.

The enemies of God love people like you and Harold Camping because of the damage you do in the name of the Creator by causing the nations to blaspheme His name when your false prognostications and predictions do not come true. It is astounding how you can claim to be so much smarter and wiser then those who see your error while you yourself cannot see your error, even after all of the past examples of failed false prophets, and their date settings, and predictions, and prognostications, which have all failed to this very day: not to mention all of the ongoing false predictions which are currently in progress such as your own, not to mention all the more recent failed predictions such as the four blood moons, and even the most recent solar eclipse of last year and all the false prognostications that came and failed with that event. I have come to be a firm believer that people such as yourself need to be challenged every step of the way: and what is wrong with that if you supposedly have the truth? But what do you do every time someone challenges you? It's always the same, "You're mad", "You sound insane", "You're a sexist", "You're too stupid to understand what I am saying", "You're an idiot", "You do not have the intelligence to understand anything", and blabbidy, blah, blah. You've got six fingers on each hand pointing back at yourself, O Watcher on the wall of Anak. :chuckle:


Well-known member
"You're mad", "You sound insane", "You're too stupid to understand what I am saying", "You're an idiot", "You do not have the intelligence to understand anything", and blabbidy, blah, blah. :chuckle:

Just think, pseudo-prophet, all those little fingers of your own, and more, will be mocking you in that day when your predictions fail, (if the Lord has intended for you to be around that long, I don't want to speak presumptuously, :)). I have no doubt that day was a rude and painful awakening for the likes of Harold Camping: and he got to see that day, and then he died.


Well-known member
They are not my calculations (for the millionth time). I have merely re-researched others research and calculations. :)

Doesn't matter, you are still making predictions based on your version of the calendar: I actually just replied to your prediction of the day of the appearance of the Anti-Christ in another thread by that same name:

Originally Posted by WatchmanOnTheWall
The Anti-Christ is the Muslim Mahdi who will come from Syria and will be Shia. He will be like a Muslim Hitler and will hate Christians and Jews. He is alive and well now and will appear in 2022 (11th October) in Damascus and he will rule the world till 2029 when Jesus returns.


You are predicting the day of the appearance of "the Anti-Christ" too? :crackup:

So according to WatchmanOnTheWall:
1) The tribulation begins in 2022 and lasts until 2029.
2) The Anti-Christ will appear on the 11th of October, 2022, in Damascus.
3) Jesus will return on the 24th of September, 2029.



patrick jane

Because as I keep trying to explain to you, you are using the modern Jewish man made calendar invented by Rabbi Hillel (the younger) in 359 AD. Which uses a mathematically calculated 19 year repeating lunar cycle and from which you get your dates from here: http://www.chabad.org/calendar/view/month_cdo/jewish/Month-View.htm and according to this today (21st February - midnight to midnight) is day 6 of Adar.

But God's Calendar as described in the Bible itself uses the real phases of the moon as observed visually from Jerusalem which makes today (sunset 20th to sunset 21st February) day 4 of Adar, which you can find from any of these sources or more:







After the sunsets this evening it will be day 5 while your man made Hillel calendar will still be day 6 till midnight.
Who cares? :idunno:


Because as I keep trying to explain to you, you are using the modern Jewish man made calendar invented by Rabbi Hillel (the younger) in 359 AD. Which uses a mathematically calculated 19 year repeating lunar cycle and from which you get your dates from here: http://www.chabad.org/calendar/view/month_cdo/jewish/Month-View.htm and according to this today (21st February - midnight to midnight) is day 6 of Adar.

But God's Calendar as described in the Bible itself uses the real phases of the moon as observed visually from Jerusalem which makes today (sunset 20th to sunset 21st February) day 4 of Adar, which you can find from any of these sources or more:







After the sunsets this evening it will be day 5 while your man made Hillel calendar will still be day 6 till midnight.

Today is Revi'i (Fourth), 12-6, evening and night of this evening and morning night and day day Jewish Calendar Day and Calendar Day.

The days of the week are night and day, with evening and morning the first six days of the week, seven, Rishon (First), Sheni (Second), Shlishli (Third), Revi'i (Fourth), Chamishi (Fifth), Shishi (Sixth), Shabbat (the Sabbath).




Learn to speak English please.
God never gave the days names, He only numbered them. I do not know what you are trying to say.


Today is Chamishi, 12-7. Boker, Morning. Yom, Day.

I am speaking English. I do not believe that I have used any Hebrew letters. However, I have provided the names of the Hebrew or Jewish (Calendar) days of the week. I did not use the word names, but I see no problem doing so. Rishon means first. Echad means one. I do not know what you mean when you say that God numbered the days.

