George Affleck
TOL Subscriber
Would you give an example of easy believism?
I think of the "4 spiritual laws" and the Chick publications of the Sixtys but that may not be a great example.
Easy believism is promoted by organizations who specialize in the "milk" and seldom feed anyone the meat of the word; mostly because they don't know it themselves. They are not interested in follow-up except for asking for money.
Spirit/truth is often impersonated and emotionalism tops the list.
If all a person needed to do was to accept Jesus, then every Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, and every televangelist on TV, from Kenneth Copeland to Benny Hinn, would all be going to heaven and have no need for the rest of what God has for us. Sign this card, pray this prayer, and then let's move on to where, as a member of the club, we can play on your emotions and steal your money.
Belief is not easy. In fact, it is downright impossible unless God implants faith in us by grace. Salvation is simple, but it is not easy. What Lordship salvationists do is to take some of what needs to be characterized as the process of sanctification after salvation and move it into the category of salvation requirements. Salvation is neither easy nor hard. It is simple. Sanctification is a lifelong process.
Both of these teachings are, ironically, similar even though they appear to be opposites. They both attribute success unto salvation as a result of an action or actions of the sinner based on humanistic ideas of what is appropriate. But God commends His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us and it is by grace we are saved, through faith, and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God.