Danoh doesn't like pretty women.
Not his type.
You were probably admiring yourself in the mirror when you typed that :chuckle:
Like my eight year old niece. One day, I walk in to find her staring at herself in the mirror.
I ask her what she is staring at.
"At how beautiful I am" the little brat replies :chuckle:
Here's one for you to doubt all over the place - ever heard of Photo Analysis?
That's where you can tell a lot about a couple by a picture of them together.
Whether they are leaning towards or apart from one another, and all sorts of other clues....
Something strange about the Donald and his wife: some sort of an estrangement vibe they give off.
Like that charade a lot of celebrity couples give off and later it turns out they were headed for separation.
And actually, she is beautiful. Not the type of physical attraction in a woman I am drawn to; but she is beautiful nonetheless.