Greetings Eeset and all following,
Until you return, some thougths on this -
We would question the proposition first of 'one religion' being 'right' and all others somehow being 'wrong', and would define 'true religion' first as one that recognizes the true meaning and value of life or existence, incuding the foundation and principles upon which life is based and then living by the principles or laws that support, foster and nourish life, - this will be a way of being and life that affects and inspires all one's relationships.
Hence, the fundamental law is LOVE itself, whereby the two-fold precept of 'loving God and your neighbor as yourself' comes into play, because true religion recognizes that 'God' is in that 'neighbor' and that 'neighbor' is in 'God', or even more rather is 'God' in human form. This is why authentic love for one's own being (innate value and potential), is the divine kind of love, because it originates the Original God-Source, Love itself, - it is that value that inspires the service of 'true religion', no matter what religious tradition, cult-ure or path one considers.
I would further say, choose a 'religion' that has the highest and most pure religious value, appreciation of truth, wisdom, ethical principles, moral integrity, life-enhancing and empowering concepts, that builds upon the principles of truth, goodness and beauty, that is of service to life everywhere, working for the highest good, well-being and progressive evolution of all sentient beings, even creation itself. It is likely that such a 'way' of life chooses you as well, for LIFE is indivisible, is an infinity UNITY.
From here, at this point in space-time, the infinite ALL is all-ready present, and 'God' is absolutely HERE, as the One and Only Reality, and this reality is absolute NOW. - all 'else' is but commentary, word-play, images, appearances, perspective and point of view inflected by duality/multiplicity, amid the many reflections that arise within Consciousness, and this is all that exists, as far as we know, but the Infinite also contains all that is unknown, or yet to be
This is just a foretaste of my view of 'true religion', at the heart of the infinite.