Four-point Calvinist Warren Wiersbe affirms both divine election and human free will. Wiersbe also recognized the difficulty in reconciling the two concepts, stating that "The mystery of divine sovereignty and human responsibility will never be solved in this life". Therefore, the fall of Adam was due to human free will.
Five-point Calvinist James White affirms divine election and rejects human free will. White also believes that God ultimately ordains all things, including the fall of Adam. Because he believes that scripture does not directly expound upon the nature of Adam’s fall, it should therefore remain a mystery.
Both men claim to have a mystery that they are stuck with and goes back to how we understand fall of Adam. Whether or not you agree or disagree with their theologies, which of these two “mysteries” are you more likely to side with and why?
Five-point Calvinist James White affirms divine election and rejects human free will. White also believes that God ultimately ordains all things, including the fall of Adam. Because he believes that scripture does not directly expound upon the nature of Adam’s fall, it should therefore remain a mystery.
Both men claim to have a mystery that they are stuck with and goes back to how we understand fall of Adam. Whether or not you agree or disagree with their theologies, which of these two “mysteries” are you more likely to side with and why?
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